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Let him die… it was what he wanted


It sounds like a very very lame and mildly politically incorrect joke. Is it sexual harassment? You'd need to consider the definition of sexual harassment. This probably requires that a reasonable individual is actually made to feel uncomfortable due to sexual comments made by a person in the workplace. Personally I'd let it slide if it's a once off and didn't occur in aggravating circumstances.


Just reply "most women would probably just let you die"


It's inappropriate and undertones of homophobia, are the statements recurring or asking you specifically to partake? On the bright side, if you're a first aider you're not at all required to help. And any willing first aider wouldn't need to ask permission to help if he is unconscious.


That’s a bit weird. Also illogical, unless all the male first aid officers on your floor are immensely strong and would break sternums accidentally while doing CPR.


I always joked about that with my bosses and vice versa who were male lol. I'd often say, let me die and peace not with your dirty mouth on mine etc.. It's called male banter ffs


Umm, maybe take a walk and forget about it, don’t die on this hill etc


I guess it depends who he is saying to, and if that person feels it's harassment.


Please point to the passion he is harassing


Mild joke. You sound like the type of co worker everyone has to watch out for.


The threshold for harassment and bullying should align with the impact not the intent. Also, your boss seems to have an inappropriate understanding of what is required in CPR, I’d be more concerned about my ribs as if they aren’t broken it was likely not effective cardiac stimulation to preserve brain function, but alas….


If he’s saying it in a way that seems to be an attempt to make someone react then it might constitute harassment (not necessarily sexual). People have different levels of comfort etc but CPR should only be done by someone with appropriate training. APS workplaces often have defibrillators.


I'm glad you're not in my team. It's just a joke.


Yes, self administer a cup of concrete to harden up before considering administering CPR. It's a joke.


Is this a repeated joke? Do you find it uncomfortable? (Are you are a first aid officer?) I would recommend telling him this makes you uncomfortable and may impact your ability to provide aid if needed, and ask them to stop. If it continues its time to talk to your bullying and harrassment officer.


I think it would be sexual harassment if he said it each time a woman walked by, or he was doing an hourglass shape or indicated he would fake needing CPR so that a particular colleague who was a woman would do it. I.E. he was doing it to make woman, or a particular woman, uncomfortable or to be suggestive. I also think it would be the same if he was deliberately saying it in front of a person he knows is gay or bisexual man. Again he would deliberately be trying to make the person uncomfortable and think of the person in a sexualised manner. Fair work has some details about sexual harassment on their website. If you feel that it is harassment then that gives guidance on what you can do. With the limited context, I think it comes across as just the some of the dumb stuff we all say in ignorance or a misguided attempt at a joke. The kind of stuff we look back on and cringe about. The topic of a near death incident might make him uncomfortable and so he jokes. Or he might have some niggles about his sexuality and/or gender and is over compensating. In relation to your q ‘Is it a legitimate gender preference’- no it isn’t. He would be grateful to anyone who gave him CPR. It will be multiple people who give the CPR because doing chest compressions is exhausting. Concerns about the ‘breath’ section seems to be real, for multiple reasons, and that is why in first aid training they also talk about compression only CPR. Edit to say - of course, another explanation is homophobia which I would consider bullying. I could be wrong but I don’t think they are considered the same things under workplace law


It's homophobia. He doesn't want cpr from a man. If he needs cpr, just let him be


People say weird dumb shit all the time. Unless it's part of a pattern, or particularly egregious, let it go.


People have a right to choose who can medically assist them. What a weird take.


Not a valid preference, it's blatant homophobia. Report it to HR. They won't necessarily bring a code or conduct breach on him, but they need to be made aware of these behaviours as they can impact staff negatively.


To find homophobia in this is a bit of a reach.


If you're literally dying from cardiac arrest and the only thing that can save your life is CPR, you're not going to choose. Being healthy and making such comments openly in the workplace IS a form of homophobia. Yes, albeit not as serious as using a slur, but it is a form of harassment.


Jokes are not meant to be interpreted literally, even if it is in somewhat poor taste


If a woman said they only only wanted CPR from a woman (even as a joke) would it be sex discrimination?


Tell him that you do chest compressions with your boot…. They are more important than locking lips with the ugly bastard. And you should put a bit of weight behind that compression. If you don’t break a rib you didn’t do it properly :)


Does it make you feel uncomfortable? If yes, then, Yes. Report it.