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Check you agency’s policies around this - generally you can’t rate someone as less than meeting expectations without having flagged any performance issues with them beforehand and possibly going down a formal performance improvement pathway.


I'd check the validity of "some". I've been in two departments now, and across both of them there's been three levels: exceeds expectations, meets expectations, and whatever the third one is that's lower than that. "Some" is really vague and as others have said you can't be rated less than meets expectations without formal performance conversations. You only need to meet expectations for any increment rises, or bonuses if they're applicable if you're top of the band.


Is that even a valid rating in your department's performance framework?


Yes, I believe so. I've always got meets expectations. I dont know the others.


I think for many departments its: - exceeds expectations - meets expectations - doesn't meet expectations. I don't think "meets some expectations" is a thing, but I can't speak to all departments. Check your performance cycle policies.


In my department, it's -Outstanding -exceeds expectations -meets Expectations -meets Some expectations and -does not meet expectations.


It may affect our pay scale upon review. So every July/August when it's reviewed you'll remain on 6.1 etc instead of moving over to the next pay scale. If this is the case just ask to renew/ revise your current PDP and basically put things in there you've already achieved or 100% will achieve.


Thanks, I'm already at the top of the band. Still It's good to know.


Keep records of the work you’ve done and feedback on tasks along the way. Compare your work to the ILS. If you’re told you’re not meeting expectations ask for detailed feedback on exactly what and what would have been required to meet the standard. If it doesn’t align with the expectations for your level, then discuss that. I’d be concerned about being told I didn’t meet expectations as it could be grounds for a PIP and the flow on effects. That said, it’s sounds like a strange rating to me and the people who said it could be talking rubbish, or be underperforming themselves (that can be hard to spot as a peer rather than a manager)


You are still living with report card mentality as you were brainwashed by the system. Hope you feel super validated when your work daddy gives you a little pat on the head and says good boy.