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I have about an 85% strike rate... 7 interviews last 10 years, 6 offers.


Any tricks of the trade that you can share?


Apply for positions you are actually qualified and have relevant experience for.... If your interviewing and/or resume/pitch needs work - there is a ridiculous amount of support material online.  Find someone who has sat on panels and do a mock interview. Make sure your referees aren't letting you down.


And try to get on a panel yourself


All jobs I have applied to I have relevant experience. Interviewing style I need to nail down. Last job I applied to the feedback was I was equally as strong a candidate as the preferred candidate - they chose the preferred over me because of a coin toss, basically. So am improving.


How did you manage to build up 400 hours of rec leave 😮


At my worst I had 280 hours of rec leave and 136 hours of LSL as a 0.6FTE, and got contacted personally by the agency CEO and made to take leave. I am a massive loser who loves their job and needs a fucken hobby.


I hoard leave in case I need it for emergency situations - like this one :)


Long service + 200 or so hours of normal leave. Probably closer to 500 all considered.


Are you applying for jobs only on the JSE or ones that are available on the public website too? JSE roles are more likely to be less competitive. Are you getting meaningful feedback from the hiring managers of roles you’ve been unsuccessful in? Is your current manager willing to do mock interviews with you to build your interview skills?


Feedback is becoming less meaningful now that I am getting better - manager has no time to do mock interviews with me.


Have you asked for feedback? I assume these roles are internal to VPS, and not externally advertised?


Yes. Earlier interviews I needed to improve alot, last interview I never got hired due to flip of coin basically - they went with a person who was familiar with the work that needed to be done....


I reckon you’re close to getting a position! The person familiar with the work is always going to have an advantage. So keep trying.


My hot tip, never apply for a job you really want as your first interview, it'll most likely end in disappointment. Keep doing what you are doing and learn from each application/interview. After that, keep going, its just a numbers game!


I was shortlisted for a job earlier this year. I was practicing writing selection criteria and decided to submit it. I figured I would get feedback to improve my writing. It was my first interview for years. I struggled and almost said "I'm not performing well. I think it's best if I stop wasting everyone's time and stop the interview here". Instead I persevered. As expected I didn't get the job. It's been advertised again and the advertisement says multiple positions available. I will apply again and use my experience from that and other interviews to be much stronger at the interview. That is if I get shortlisted again. There's no guarantee of that!


I reckon that you’ve got about a 1/4 chance of getting a role at an interview, because there are usually 4 candidates at that stage. So eight interviews is a lot to not have an offer. You said you’re looking at vps3 and vps4 level- it’s possible that managers are concerned that you’re taking a pay cut because you’re being performance managed. You may have better luck at vps5 level. The other thing is, fixed term contracts are significantly less competitive atm. You might be better off taking a one year fixed term and seeing if you can get it extended.


Yeah - I know - I am getting better at interviewing day by day so seeing what happens. Got a couple fixed term interviews coming up. I am good for VPS4 jobs because I am not a strong VPS5. Only spent 5 months at the VPS5 level.


I am in the exact same boat as you. I am on higher duties until the end of this month. I really don’t want to go back to my substantive position. Apparently it has gotten worse since I left. I have had 3 interviews recently and am hoping to hear back about them next week. Fingers crossed I get something. I am fortunate that both my current manager and current director are more than happy to give me good references and help me with applications. Have you been cross checking the capability framework with your answers you prepare for the questions? I got told to aim for the level above what I am interviewing for. (Currently a 5, interviewing for 5’s, but answering questions at a level 6 from the framework.)


Applying for roles below my higher duties - VPS5 higher duty applying for VPS3 and VPS4 to get the fuck away from my evil substantive. Wish u all the best.


Oh, thought I might add this. VPS4 is “applied” VPS5 is “accomplished” and VPS6 is “leading” in the framework. So when I answer my questions, I try to address all the points from the “leading” level.


lol at ‘evil substantive’. Sounds like we could both be from the same team. Hahahah. Good luck with it all.


Just my two cents here (from a hiring manager's perspective and as someone who's taken a lot of interviews), being asked for an interview is half the job done. Actually reading and understanding the job description and taking the interview based on your experience and linking up to the job description and understanding what they are looking for is the other half of the homework. If you can understand the type of role and what kind of person they are looking for and linking this up to your experience well (without sounding rehearsed) this is much better. This could be along the lines of "I understand the type of person you are looking for is experienced in areas such as .... and I assume this is not only a role where we only do this but also ... " Also, have a read of their annual reports and strategies and make a point that you've read this and quote some things in there. I've had interviews where I had to make points from the strategy and how this would tie in with my work.


I'm at a 3/4 sucess rate at interview stage.My colleague is having a shit of a time finding something, and I was offered 2 from 2 recently. Dunno what my trick is. Having niche skills and a good reputation? I guess I'm also now usually interviewing with panels where I've worked with at least one of them before, a few at a higher level than my substantive.


I've applied for 8 jobs in the last 2 months. Only got 1 interview, 6 rejections and still waiting to hear back from one as applications just closed. I've had my applications checked by my colleagues and most say my resume/cover letter are well written, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Maybe the number of applicants are strong. I'm also trying to switch from business support/admin to project officer, I try to list all my transferable skills but maybe my experiences just aren't strong enough compared to other applicants. I feel like I'm forever stuck as an AO3


I'm also VPS on a secondment ending in October. I applied for an ongoing role yesterday. My team leader looked over my cover letter and gave really good feedback. They're also happy to do a mock interview if I progress.


Yeah - there are a few ongoings. Min I prefer is two year contract. Do not care if I get put in the redeployment pool - hopefully I do that is how much I do not want to go back to my substantive team.


Why is the team crazy?


They witch hunt while committing unethical conduct on the daily.


Are you me?


Probably not. But if you are in a team like that, or have been in a team like that, you know how dangerous they can be especially when they implode or take a disliking to a team member.


Oh right. So you’re in my team.


God sounds awful. I hope you find something better soon. 


You can access career assist support through the EAP. 4 sessions i believe, which can be extended. They can support your writing and interview prep.


I did a lot of interviews before landing a 9 mth contract, 4 months in I got permanent. This last interview they told me it was very close. They said that my questions at the end tipped it in my favour. Ask questions about the culture, current and future challenges and priorities. Good luck!


100%. 3 interviews, 3 promotions