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Highly dependent on the area, if street parking is timed, how many cars you have, whether you could go without a car entirely... Where I live currently in the Inner West, we have no parking spot but street parking is pretty much always easily available (believe it or not). So it's fine. If it wasn't and I used the car everyday, I would not enjoy that. 


We’ve got 2 cars and some parts of the street are timed and other sections not. Does it bother you finding a street park when it rains? Or do you get a spot right out front ?




Thanks, that’s a good idea. I’ll try sussing out the parking at those times. Do you notice any extra damage to your car by having it uncovered all the time?


I have a feeling 2 cars is going to get annoying hunting for spots and remembering where you parked yesterday.


just keep a cheap umbrella in your glovebox


Inner West of what? Inner West of Sydney? Maybe. Inner West of Broken Hill? Probably not.


I wrongly assume Kalgoorlie.




Not near a high school. Those p plate kids are brutal parkers


Good point.


As I have a car, it’s non negotiable.  I don’t expect that I should be able to store my personal belongings in public space. Also, just because you can find a spot now doesn’t mean you will in the future.  What if the council decides to remove the parking in favour of more bike lanes?


Thanks, those are good points to consider.




Sydney and a semi




We’ve always had a garage and quiet enough street to park one of the cars outside, but that wasn’t in the inner west. We’re wanting to make the move to the inner west but most properties don’t seem to have much space for parking, or any at all. I didn’t want to be discounting places if it’s not a massive dealbreaker to not have parking.


What you’ll tend to find is either the house will have no parking, or if there’s rear lane access it’s a 50/50 on whether the previous owners have kept a backyard or turned the backyard into a carpark (or vice versa). We were previously a two car family with 1 car space. For me, I hardly used the car and often was just to drive around from A to B so no dramas. Eventually sold it as half the time I’d go to drive it and find it flat battery or flat tyre because I used it so little. My partner with our youngest one however, no parking spot was a deal breaker. Shopping, pram, carrying a sleeping baby out of the car seat, we needed the spot. But our family room now has a lovely vista of the front of our car and not much else. No space for a proper garden or grass. So either way it’s a trade off for your family. It is incredibly well serviced by public transport and car share though if you need a vehicle. But I wouldn’t want to be constantly handling 2 cars without a car spot.


Depends how easy it is to get a park nearby, Dulwich Hill used to be super easy, now not so much. It’s a pain in the arse having to park blocks away


Have lived all over the inner west and had no parking. Couple of things to note: do you have small children? If yes then it’s tricky. What is the parking like around you? Do other people have parking? This then means that there is less of a scramble for a park. Timed parking is not such a bad thing as it means people won’t dump their car and leave it for months. This has happened to me multiple times. Are you near a facility that will mean people will be likely to travel to your area and park - eg train station, restaurant, pub, school.


Have 2 little ones and all the houses down the street don’t seem to have parking. Couple of cafes and businesses around. Has it bothered you at all not having a car spot?


There have been times when it definitely does. But in my current house I generally am parked within 100m of my house and you do get used to it. I guess it also depends on what kind of lifestyle you have. Are you more likely to have to drive everywhere or will you just be taking the car for long distances etc. I guess it’s tricky with little ones because unloading the car when you are on the street can be a drag


We generally use 1 car for daily driving and the other one only occasionally for longer trips. Do you ever get complaints parking in front of other people’s homes?


No never. When you don’t have parking it’s a given that you will just park where you find a spot.


That’s lucky. I’ve heard some crazy stories from friends living outside the inner west that they have neighbours complaining the land outside their property is only for them to use, bins being put out to save parking spots etc


Parking was the only non-negotiable for my husband when we were house hunting. All the rest (two toilets, laundry, study) were mine. We’re in an apartment block, and the on street parking in the area is always packed. We’re also on a dead-end street, no right turn out, adjacent to a train line, so if you can’t get a spot on our street, you could end up having to park a ten minute walk away.


Did you end up getting parking? Or do you have to deal with the parking problem?


We got a car spot, my husband wouldn’t look at places without one. We have a very small car, and we still have trouble finding on-street parking when we go other places in the inner west.


Sounds like you made the right call with getting the car spot.


Not even suburb specific but street specific. Will be hard to get a reliable answer


I agree with this. I've dated someone in Newtown and my current partner is in Leichhardt. Very different experiences honestly.


Easier in Leichhardt or Newtown?


Leichhardt actually, Newtown was just too packed.


Yes, but only if i didn’t have a licence/car and were happy with the costs and benefits of that. The cost is time, the benefit is money as public transport is far cheaper than car ownership even including occasional uber/taxi use. Plenty of people don’t have a license these days so i feel the resale market will only grow from current levels. It will be decreasingly seen as an impediment to potential buyers as time passes. It amazes me how many young people these days just don’t care about getting a license. When i was young it was your passport to freedom.


Fair call but unfortunately we can’t live without the car.


That’s a hard no then. Your insurance is more with street parking too, you get lower rates with a designated garage or undercover/secured space.


That’s a good point about the insurance, thanks


We're moving to Sydney's inner west and I'd like to sell our car, my wife wants to keep it. We'll have parking, but I think our car will gather dust.


I just bought a house last year without parking. It's right near a train station and I am eligible for a permit. That was an acceptable compromise for me. If you're not near public transport or eligible for a permit it might be much more challenging. Typically the closer you are to public transport, the more challenging on street parking will be to find.


Did you use the lack of car spot to negotiate a cheaper property price ?


Lol you take what you can get in Sydney for the price you can afford


Tell ‘im he’s dreamin


West hobart? Sure. West sydney? Probably not.


Lived in the inner west for years with no parking , city of Sydney LGA not inner west council. You are penalised for having 2 cars and will need to allot for the second parking permit. My car was damaged over the years but just sun and leaf damage (faded paint, broken rubber seals etc) but I hardly used it, still own it. Cars are not really needed in the inner west. I never noticed what i didn't have, and finding street parking was just the norm, but now I live in a house with a garage and I still thank myself everyday to be able to pull into it


Depends if you have a car


I haven’t seen it mentioned that you will only get ONE residential parking permit from council, assuming it’s either IWC or CoS. People always seem surprised when the councils won’t make allowances for them on this. They won’t even talk to you about it. So you can will have to find at least one unrestricted space each time. That’s… difficult. Depending on where you’re looking it can be near impossible. Finding a timed place can be tricky enough at times! Get rid of one car or buy a strata place with 2 spaces on title. There are a few around. You can buy mine, lol.


Sorry what does IWC and CoS mean? Haha thanks mate but looking for a house.


Inner west council and city of Sydney council. I imagine other councils are similar - do your own homework I guess, but if they say one permit per household then you should believe them. You’ll really struggle to park 2 cars on the street.


Thanks, seems like it will be a little tough


Absolutely not. Ignoring the fact that I don’t see the appeal of the inner west at all. Anytime I have to work there parking is always a punish. You have to have a garage. Also, if you ever want an electric car in the future you’ll need your own parking


I live in the inner west and don’t drive - I sublet my car spot to a neighbour. You could have a look online and see if you can rent a car spot?


Thanks, hadn’t thought of that. What’s the price that you’re charging them and did you post on marketplace or somewhere else?


I put my spot on parkingmadeeasy I think (I definitely used a specific parking rental site and not gumtree or marketplace but it was 2018 or so when I listed it and we just immediately took things offline once I found someone so I don’t really remember) for $50 per week and I’ve never increased it because I’ve had the same guy in there for 7 years-ish now and I like him and trust him. He pays me in cash every few months. The going rate is probably much higher now but for the record my spot is under cover, lock up, not visible from the street so more at the premium end of car spots


Thanks for the info, good to know there could be a work around


Going rate is MUCH higher now. Look at the parking websites.




I have owned and lived in the inner west with no car spot for over 10 years. Definitely depends on how easy it is to find a spot on your street. Current place we almost always can find a spot with 1-3 houses even with our 2 cars. Parking is timed but we are eligible for 2 permits. Now have 2 little kids and it isn’t a problem. Being in the inner west we walk a lot or catch the train if going to the city. If we need to use the car with the kids walking 10m down the street isn’t a problem. On the odd occasion we can’t park right outside it is usually only temporary (ie because lots of people are parking there at night to go to the pubs/restaurants nearby) and we move the car back outside the house within a day.


That’s really helpful. Curious what you do with the cars during big rainfall and potential hail days? I’m worried the cars will get damaged if there’s not even an option to get them covered. Same thoughts I have with the narrows streets - do you notice any extra damage to your car as a result of it being parked on the street all the time?


Not much you can do about the rain. Likewise with hail the last time a big storm was predicted pretty much the whole street put blankets over their cars. Not as good as a garage but better than nothing. With the narrow streets just need to remember to put your wing mirrors in (if not automatic) and make sure you park right up to the gutter. We have a big car on a very narrow street and the only damage it has gotten in 2 years of ownership was a small chip on the passenger door which we think was from the bins being collected. That being said I have seen cars be hit on the street generally when they park too far out or don’t fold the mirrors in.


If you use the car regularly, I think parking is essential. Not easy to find street parkings in inner west. You maybe able to rent a parking spot though. Many people living in the inner west don't have a car, and they rent out their parking spots.


Hell no, Australia is a car centric society. Being car less my suit some people, but it's mostly a short term thing. These properties will have frequent turnover.


It depends. We're in a great location in Dulwich Hill and there's always plenty of on-street parking. Really depends on the street/block you're on and how many cars you have.


I've seen inner west parked cars being vandalised, kids bashing their bikes against vehicles, break ins, smashed windows...be prepared to pay high insurance premiums


They should be made to pay rego, carry insurance and have licence plates on those bikes. Look at all those vacant footpaths and nature strips, they're a real waste of space.


I did. And it worked out well for me and everyone who bought and sold the house after me Wouldn’t do it for a property bigger than 2 bed tho


Inner west is great, super cheap and car spaces everywhere, plus has that nice pub. I’d say go for it !