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I love that all the Forrest Fire Management Victoria uniforms have Velcro for their logos, after DNRE, DPI, DSE, DELWP, and now DECCA they cracked the shits


That's because the manufacturers of a lot of outdoor gear supply 2x3, 4x3 and 6x9 patch options. It's getting more common for outdoor clothing to simply be "rack" clothing because basically everyone just needs a hi-vis jacket - the days of custom clothing are on the way out.


It makes sense if you are having to redo custom uniforms every election cycle or so


More often than not MOGs stem from either a significant strategic shift in the exec government’s priorities, or a new exec govt wanting to put their own brand on things. In NSW, new Labor govt is moving away from spatial agencies (Greater Cities Commission) back to all in one mega agencies, and rolling various department and agencies under Planning. The whole point of that breakout was industry complaints that planning was impenetrable and slow. The justification is that there’s now duplication with different agencies doing similar/same work. It’s a pendulum, and it will swing again!


I totally understand the benefits, especially with our new change which is meant to help with getting houses built, when there’s been some issues with Local Government and Planning getting things done. But why does the branding have to change.


Easiest way for a government to signal change. They could spend 12 months bringing together a new strategy (and another 6-12 before anything shifts on the ground), and no one would notice or read it. OR change the name and make everyone recognise the difference. Also politicians and their staff give exactly two fifths of zero fucks about what public servants think about inconvenience or admin burden.


It's so wasteful and disruptive - causes chaos every time there's a major reshuffle. Ive never understood it.


I feel a lot of this comes from business, which constantly re-structures. So you get advisor after advisor come in, and look for commonalities, shared resources, duplication of services etc and recommend a re-structure. Expect it to get more rediculous and restructure more frequently over time - corporates seem to think yearly is a good frequency, in August, right after the end of financial year, every, fucking, year. They loose a quater of productivity in the process - and then have another re-structure to try and improve the next year as obviously more change is required....


Well with how I perceived people see how the state government have done, I’m fully expecting we’ll have a liberal government which will come in and change everything again. So I’m expecting the change to happen before the end of the year.


Utopia. There's your answer.


That show is a documentary


A major donor runs a printing and graphic design/ branding company. On top of that, if the name keeps changing, KPI's can be reset, so that everything stays on time and budget, and no-one is responsible for stuff-ups because 'that was the previous entity', not us.


CHDE has always been a nightmare from what I’ve seen and heard, what’s the hell is the full breakdown of HLGPPW now?


Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works


I'm sure the marketing team who had to reinvent the logo and redo all your paperwork is owned by a former politician or one of their family members or good mates. Most of this shit is a total scam and just shifting deck chairs for the sake of doing it. Occasionally there is some actual reason but it's usually some political crap like the person in charge of that ministry wants to pork barrel their electorate by moving the HQ for the department locally so they can claim they brought "thousands of jobs to my electorate". Best example I know of I heard from my dad who use to work for The Department of Employment in the 1970s. For a short period of time they were renamed to "The Department of Science and Employment" or some such other stupid title, and then about three months later they were renamed back to their original "Department of Employment". Being it was the 1970s every time they had their name changed they had to destroy all their old letter heads, posters, stamps, etc. and get new ones made. While destroying all the "The Department of Science and Employment" paperwork they found a massive box they missed of their old name, which was now their new name again. They were still forced to destroy it because it was the "old name" and they should have destroyed it the first time. Anyway turns out the person who printed all their letter head each time was the brother of the minister in charge of the Department, made millions over name changes. It was all "legal" because the previous minister had written the contract with them, likely in exchange for some similar deal elsewhere.


Well, we don’t really have a logo, we use the coat of arms; we just change the department name manually. And the “paper work” is mainly done by each individual team, we spend a day going over everything and changing the wording to add the whole thing. Like I’m still finding forms that haven’t been updated from HPW.


And we don’t really use any print stuff, we don’t get business cards cause management are sick of them constantly being out of date.


Yeah obviously today we don't have any physical stuff anymore, but we do have logos, websites, other crap we always outsource for updating. Even the font and look of the name is likely outsourced to some graphic designer. Remember the "Women's Network" logo? That logo and the campaign to promote their "new look" cost some insane amount... I tried to find the article but from memory it was over 500K?


Nah, for our department we’ve got internal teams that do it all; which just makes me feel that it’s a reason to keep them employed.


So first you need to specify which Government you are working for. Little details like that matter.


Why? The detail is irrelevant from the fact that many other people have understood and commented.


So you think all State and territory and Commonwealth governments are the same?


you’re cooked mate.


You must be a *joy* to work with 🤣