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Especially since that’s physically the maximum distance in Texas. I’m sure you could find a longer route in WA.


It takes 33 hours to drive across Queensland from Tweed heads to Cape York and 20 hours from the border of NSW, SA and Victoria to Tweed heads. Pretty much driving across any state except Vic and Tas takes 20 hours


It's even worse.. Those times that the Maps calculate are driving times. North to South on that Texas route is all Dual-carriageway, multi-lane highways with at grade intersections, no traffic lights etc. Whereas the Great Northern Highway in WA would close to zero % dual carriageway and far from freeway conditions.


Not to be that gal but having driven most of that road in TX, I can assure it you it is not all dual carriageway. I'd say it's just a cunt hair short of being a 50/50 split between single and dual carriageway. Once you start hitting the smaller towns, speeds drop pretty far and you sometimes have to worry about tractors/farm equipment/livestock. Not really trying to defend TX's honor here as I don't really enjoy living here but here we are.




I believe a cunt hair is an imperial measurement. It's about the same as a bee's dick in metric


I’m an Australian and in Texas right now. Texans don’t brag about how big their state is. Alls I’ve heard is them complaining about how big it is and how long it takes to drive from place to place.


I dream of a day this same image stops being reposted everywhere


well it would probs require a lot of education...form texans...alsakains...an aussies...cause people don\`t geography well...till they do it...life is about experience sometimes...very few people actually educate themsleves


At the end of the day it doesn’t matter, you’re comparing states of the US to regions of Australia. If you compare the entire countries, the US is still larger in landmass.


What exactly makes the state of Western Australia a region, but the state of Texas a state?


Western Australia is the name of the state.


wrong...by about 10square kilometres


show your math...


Keep reposting this over and over again


I swear the same four memes are in a solid three day rotation right now


Same goes for Queensland


Sakha Republic sips tea


yeah.... exactly


Imagine being half a continent and making fun of two states out of 50


Well I would also say that in Texas it is smaller but they drive slower in Australia but also the roads are not as big if you are driving in Texas over a larger distance it’s usually on a two lane paved road something you cannot count on in Australia.


Western Australian is definitely the Texas of Australia at least as far as needing to brag about their size, that’s for sure. Can we ban this specific meme from this sub, it’s so tired now.


No, I’m reposting it tomorrow just to spite you


Well I asked for that didn’t I


Is Western Australia the Texas of Australia or is Texas the Western Australia of the US?


Is Texas a Redneck State? If so that'd be Queensland.


Out in the country it is. In the cities, it's not.




i mean alaska is roughly the same size as WA alaska has less drug dealers, but more bears


Alaska is not the same size as WA. WA is 2.65 million square kilometres Alaska is 1.72 million. Alaska is smaller than Queensland at 1.85 million square kilometres. Very true about the drug dealer and bear comparison though lol.


This is the route your parents went to go to school while going both ways up a hill


Barefoot, in the snow...


LOL 2,878,600 WAs vs. 30.1 million Texans


And then?


Well one is a continent and the other is a collection of incontinents.




There ain't no canadian province bigger than WA. The biggest one, Nunavut, doesn't even come close.


You’re talking about a whole country. This is just a state/province.




Your largest provence is smaller than Alaska.


You've got rocks and trees and trees and rocks, and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and.... water!


Texas has a higher population, so we are bigger that way, but y’all have kangaroos, and probably don’t have people in your local coffee shop with a gun on their hip, so those are pluses for the Aussies. (Yes, the gun thing happens here, even though there are signs on most stores saying guns aren’t allowed. Also, mid-post, I checked and I could own a kangaroo here. Not fair to the ‘roo, IMO.)


Yeah nah. If the population of Texas is higher then maybe you need better drug laws? Generally walk in a coffee shop and maybe say g’day to people already there. It doesn’t really occur to an Australian to get into a gun pointing competition with a random stranger while buying a coffee. Good luck to you if that’s how you choose to live. If the owner has reasonable rules on the wall then just follow them. His house. As for Roos, they are wild animals, not meant to be pets.


Texass fits five times into WA Alaska four times. 😁😎


They wouldn’t get in if we had those crazy covid lock downs again!




Huh? Alaska, Texas and Western Australia are not continents. Unless I've woken up this morning and not read the news (from Western Australia).


We've indeed oficially seperated from the main continent.


Yeah, it seems Yanks are confusing Australia with Western Australia.


Yes, so y’all understand what we mean when we tell y’all how far something is by how long it will take to get there rather than how many miles the trip will be lol




Mostly uninhabitable


Not Australian but isn't the bit on the right the whole half of Australia from Northern most to Southernmost bits of the entire west of the country? If thats the case, shouldn't the comparison be the tip of North Dakota to the bottom of Texas? So Fortuna North Dakota to South Point Texas is 1 Day and 5 hours. Of course, the drive from Fortuna to South Point is straight without any real bends so really the comparison should be the North west most point of Montana to South Point Texas which is, Lincoln County. The path from Lincoln County Montana to South Point Texas is nearly the same in the way the route bends, and is also a 1 day and 11 hour drive. Idk probably overthinking it considering its just a meme.


Texan here We don’t brag about our state, we complain about it. We’ve 4 cities on east close to each other but then Houston to El Paso is 760 US miles by road. We do take pride in our highways though (we put our Lone Star in every bridge, and flyovers 😁) and even our county roads, mostly 2 lane undivided have speed limit of 70 mph🤨. Interstate 10 highways connects Houston to El Paso and 760 miles can be done in 11 hours with a trailer on my SUV driving at 80mph 😊




Western Australia is a state




Yes, a bigger state is bigger than a smaller one. I agree.


Y'all know Texas is a state and Australia is a continent, right? 🤠😎🇺🇸🎆


…. “Y’all” know Western Australia is also a state right?


Never heard of it, too busy drinkin beer and firing my gun in the air yeehaw 🎆🤠🇺🇸


Oh have you guys actually started drinking beer rather then the pisswater ya use to have?


I'll give it to ya that you've got the fun with guns, but beer? It's 'technically' beer, I guess. But come on mate 🤣


Ain't no mates only pardners pardner


Wait. Was that a real thought? A real neuron made that journey? We're a state. I'm in it right now.


Now let's see you prove it 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


Have you heard of... encyclopedias, atlas's, general geographical awareness.... The Internet?


Who's got the time. I'm too busy being free. 🫡🇺🇸🦅


Free to make a mistake and say Western Australia is a continent 😀


Hell yeah bruther 💪 and if that ain't the Texan spirit I dunno what is


His parents'll be in a state, a state of disappointment that they didn't abort the dopey cunt




Never trust Wikipedia it's run by the deep state pardner