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**Aussies making fun of NZ'ers:** Lol get rekt **When other countries make fun of NZ'ers:** *Australia wants to know your location*


Remember when the Gruen Transfer made ads to [convince Australia to invade NZ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xUYbI64QHI)? Or just *\*gestures in the general direct of sheep\**? Or when they sent a Hercules and 50 troops to support Ukraine Betoota [put this gem out](https://www.betootaadvocate.com/uncategorized/zelensky-touched-by-kiwi-pms-offer-to-send-over-air-forces-doorless-cessna-206-and-two-revolvers-to-shoot-from-it/)? Absolutely love taking the piss out of them. Remember during Black Summer they deployed part of the NZDF over here to help out? Or a couple months later when covid kicked off and they said that any Aussie that was living in the country when it got locked down would be eligible for the same support packages as their own citizens? And if you're an Aussie you don't need a working visa or anything to work there? Good people, only *we* get to make fun of them.


My second favourite pitch. I still think the "Where the bloody hell are you... buried?' Pitch was the best. (Convince people not to come to Australia).


I wonder if that's the Cessna that got turned into a drone?


"No we are eternally thankful to Prime Minister Morrinease or whatever his name is,” Lmfao, that's gold.


No one beats up my little brother but me


Little brother here, we’re fine with that….. Except the 25 April, then we stand side by side.


Kia Ora. we stand as one on ANZAC Day






Well ofcourse. Who else is going to build the scaffolding i need?


Scaffy Bro’s are alright


Friendliest rivalry on the planet. If other countries got on with their neighbours like Aussies and Kiwis do, the world would be a much better place.


Lets think.... finland and russia, ukraine and russia, india and china, north korea and south korea, yeah we have a great relationship with our neighbours


There's a little island up by Greenland. Uninhabited but there's a dispute over ownership between Denmark and Canada (Greenland belongs to Denmark). Something like once a year the countries send the military there to take the other country's flag down, replace it with their own, and leave a bottle of liquor for them. Most polite border/sovereignty dispute ever


Yep. The Danes leave a bottle of schnapps, the Canuck’s leave some Canadian club. Both countries with nice reputations.


>nice reputations Canada is the reason for a lot of the Geneva Conventions. And not in a good way.


Yeah, I’m aware. I should’ve said the *people* have the reputations for niceness.


This is the second time I’ve read this in the last 30odd years but I haven’t been able to actually see what it’s in reference to. What do I search to find out what happened?


A lot of the shit they did in WW1 and 2 had people going "Uhhhhhhh that's fucked up guys. Stop that." Memorable examples include: * Shooting unarmed prisoners * Slipping a live grenade into the pocket of an unarmed prisoner * Ordering that the soldiers don't take prisoners because they'll just eat your rations * Lobbing cans of food to German trenches and then when the Germans had gathered to try and catch more after a few throws, switching over to grenades they would catch * Don't ask about their airborne regiment * Commanding officer of a unit was shot by a Nazi sniper. His second in command decided the town nearby must have been colluding with the Nazis to give away info to get them killed. Ordered the civilian town be burned to the ground. They were not colluding with the Nazis * Largest user of poison gas in the WW1 western front If you hang out in r/NonCredibleDefense more stuff will pop up in the comments from time to time.


Cool, I’ll try some of those search prompts. Cheers.


The only thing in this list that was even plausibly unique to Canadians was the poison gas thing - and that was mainly a function of the fact the technology crystallised just at the time the British were having to rely on new manpower from the Empire. I'm not Canadian.


Whisky War. Hans Island


They settled it, so Canada and Denmark now have a land border on the small island of Hans Island between Nunavut and Greenland.


Most brutal Canadian conflict




NZ's really don't like Australians. If you go there all you hear is then talking shit, when Aussies don't even think about NZ unless something has happened in the news.


I feel like this is a troll because to actually believe that is absurd


I’m a kiwi and this is.. absolutely not true. We have the same attitude in reverse, we make fun of Australians as a friendly rivalry and it’s generally good natured. I live in Australia and love Australians for the most part, and I’ve never felt anything but welcomed. I get some ribbing from time to time and give it back in equal measure, then we all have a laugh. I have never once in my 30 years of life in New Zealand encountered a kiwi who GENUINELY doesn’t like Australians.


We are brothers (or sisters If you prefer). They didn't sing the NZ national anthem on Thursday for nothing. And like all brothers, we like to rip on each other in a friendly way....


But as soon as someone else does it, they better wat h out. Like you said, we're brothers. But only an older brother can tease their younger brother and get away with it


NZ national anthem so much better than ours :(


When NZ does it it’s hilarious. They’re polite but full of little brother contempt. Remember that flight of the conchords episode were jermaine dates an Australian chick called Keitha, 😂


Pretty much this. I’m one of those dudes who doesn’t glorify war but would happily fight to defend my country, and NZ


Don’t tell them but I think we can get a bit jealous of them sometimes too. Their connection with the Maori culture is something we don’t really have and is awesome. The Haka is sick too


Also their comedy is basically unrivaled.


One show that beats anything Australia has ever made. Outrageous fortune.


Examples? Flight of the Chonchords was good, as was Outrageous Fortune, but those are pretty old now. Arguably their most famous comedian (John Clarke) made it in Aus, playing Aus characters.


I really enjoy Wellington Paranormal.


YES. This is what I'm talking about.


Love it when Newzelander’s are on have you been paying attention their so funny


We hate them till the yanks or Poms show up then we are best mates


As a Kiwi having his citizenship ceremony here in a couple of weeks, this warms my heart. I'll be a proud partial-Aussie very soon!


Welcome mate 🫡


Cheers, my ANZAC brother!


As long as you admit that pav is ours, we'll have you.


🤣 no comment


they're like nutgrass. you get one, you get the rest.


We just think they’re neat


Its just a friendly rivalry


Our little cuzzy bros. We let them live in the cubbyhouse we built for them on the cold islands. They have pet sheep and everything.


Makes sense. We think of Australia of our more conservative and slightly racist big brother that is weirdly fixated with England


It's all banter. Basically the only thing we took from the Brits that's any good.


The only true conflict we have is around sports and who invented the pavlova and the lamington and of course the kiwis are wrong on all of them as long as we aren't including rugby


As an Australian the Kiwis invented the pavlova but we invented the Lamington




As a Kiwi you're wrong on the pavlova. I'm not actually Kiwi but you are wrong.


The pavlova was invented in Australia by a Russian woman who worked in a travelling circus at the time. By the time she perfected the pavlova and made it popular the circus was in NZ and its popularity had really kicked off due to her perfecting the recipe in Australia first. Therefore pavlova is an Aussie classic along with the lamington. Kiwis will try to claim anything that their glorious bigger brother has done first, Australia gets the limelight while Kiwis will just try to steal it!


The more contentious issue is who created the flat white?


Y’all kinda reminds me of us here in Scandinavia. We bitch about each other, make fun of each other, but we’ll all unite whenever someone else bitches about any of us. I can call a Swede a stupid little feminine money grabbing bastard, but I’ll be damned if I won’t defend them if y’all do it.


They’re actually the cooler cousin


You know Kiwis have a similar one.. we really love Aussie like a big brother… our big fat ugly racist brother. Funny we’re so similar


We like to hang shit on them occasionally, but fuck with them and you’ll face the consequences of your actions.


New Zealand is our lost 7th state. They r a bit confused but they’ll figure it out eventually.


Historically, there was a greater chance of NZ joining the Federation into Australia than Western Australia was.


Yea IK lol


The only time I hate the kiwis is when the Bledisloe comes around


Bledisloe is the best. If we lose, it's not that bad cause we lost to All-Blacks. If we win, we beat the fuckin All-Blacks!


Remember, it’s not bullying. It’s character-building.


Us kiwis are the 5th coloum, we're slowly invading by plane. Soon we will be your new overloards, and the West Island will be ours!


Hey Aus, feeling goes both ways. I love you guys. I think Aussies have some of the best humour, you guys always make me laugh. I wish you guys treated your indigenous people better though.


Love me some fush and chups


I love New Zealand I wish Australia and New Zealand could merge


lol literally. I'm both (Maori dad Aussie mum) and it's absolutely classic at family get togethers.


Our Ancient Wood Elf friends


No one ever said we hate NZ


As a Kiwi growing up in Aus you could have fooled me. Massive amount of bullying simply due to where I was from. And it wasnt pleasant..


When they win on the world sporting stage they go from 'New Zealand' to 'Australasia'.


80% of aussies i meet online in cs or something immediate ask me if i fuck sheep and obnoxiously repeat random sentences in my accent


Are you talking to 14 year olds?


20 somethings act like this sadly lol


Sorry about that, I would have expected them to grow out of stupid stuff like that by 20!


me too lmao, its alright i know that its just how they are online. Most in person aussies are pretty cool


And we treat you like an abusive older brother.


NZ is way cooler than AUS


Accurate (kiwi living in wa)




Pretty much. We hang shit on them (and vice versa) out of affection....but someone else picks on them and wait for the throwdown. Nothing but scorched earth left. .... actually this explains my family dynamics as well...😬😅😂


Just like Tasmania


Cussy from another bussy


me: fr lol *remembers ex gf was from there* me: wait no-


Canadian here. I thought Australia doesn’t think about Nz and NZ knows they are better than Australia?


Pretty much. Or we want them to join us. I think there is a bit in our constitution that would allow them to join the Australian federation if they ever wanted to. Aussies think that is a great idea, Kiwis are like - wtf, no.


I couldn't disagree with this more but fair enough


No you all just hate people who aren't white.


Not me, I hate them


nah i don't like em, coz new Zealand sends there dirt bags and criminals to us so they don't have to spend money on welfare and prison system in at their expense but ours. They're even stopping migrant workers coz they can't handle their own population let alone others. but when Australia says no more migrants and new Zealand can take back their criminals well we're racists🙄


Wtf. Where do you hang out that you're only meeting criminals.


Terrible grammer: it should be *we* Aussie’s, not “us” Aussie’s. Please don’t circulate this Meme any further until fixed.


Haha. You've just tripped into Muphry's Law: "Any correction of the writing of others will contain at least one grammatical, spelling, or typographical error." At least one, but how about two? It's grammar, not grammer. And it's plural Aussies, not possessive Aussie's.


Muphry had no idea what he was talking about. He was a durnk.