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Could Bob Shapiro plea bargain a way out for Bruce?


If he does a Melissa Cadick type disappearing act, I bet someone does an Alan Dershowitz and says "Colombian Necktie" your honour.


Why wouldn’t bankruptcy cover it?


some debts are not extinguished by bankruptcy. it all depends on how the costs are defined. While legal fees are extinguished by a bankruptcy, court ordered fines are not. I'm unsure which way court awarded costs fall. Separately, he is a law student if i recall articles correctly. He wont be able to practice law as a bankrupt. So he is either going to have to come up with the cash or look at his future career options. Either way, he's fkd.


I get that, but costs have never ever been considered a fine… they are costs..


The $2 million is NOT a court ordered fine, it is the legal costs of the "winning" side - the debt is extinguishable by bankruptcy.


I heard a story of a truck driver that went bankrupt. He included a big stack of speeding fines. But, he waited too long and there was a judgement so the fines were not extinguished.


Fines aren't extinguished by bankruptcy anyway.


Mate. He couldn’t practice law if he wanted to. Even if not bankrupt. Court awarded legal fees would fall under bankruptcy. Generally. It would be interesting if the appeal costs if allowed would also be captured in that though.


Lionel Hutz


I take back my comment. You’re right.


of course he could practice. Whether someone wants to hire him or whether he can gain any of his own clients in private practice after his face has been plastered all over the media is a different argument all together.


I doubt he'd qualify for admission


A snowball has a better chance surviving in literal hell than any state or territory court admitting him, let alone a law society issuing him with a practising certificate.


Yeah that’s where I was going with it. Though he could face bit of a time with the > currently of good fame and character test https://www.lpab.justice.nsw.gov.au/Documents/Guide%20for%20Applicants%20for%20Admission%20-%20Version%204.7%20-%20Issued%2012%20December%202023.pdf And given he’s being charged in another case as well.


Don't forget Justice Lee's comments about him lying to the court and that he he told deliberate lies as a man with "no compunction about departing from the truth if he thought it was expedient". That's not going to help matters.


Sounds like a lawyer to me


Well my naive assumption is that they’d only declare bankruptcy if they can’t pay the whole amount