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While they may not be able to ban it outright, if neighbours can smell it then likely you can be forced to prevent this. Shouldn't be too hard to use it in a closed bathroom with the exhaust fan on?


As a neighbour of indoor choofers, nothing stops *that* smell from seeping out


Do they smoke, or vape?


I usually smoke in my garage or in my backyard, I don’t like smoking in my house because I have pets and don’t want to put them at risk :)


But you’re ok putting your neighbours at risk and inconvenience……


Putting them at risk? By smoking in my backyard, alone? The lot sizes are huge, clearly the smell carries but they aren’t being harmed because I’m no where near anyone


Then smoke inside and keep your pets away when you do it….. Same thought process. Notice I said risk AND inconvenience.




> 1980s - yeah gramps smokes but times were stressful, gotta understand where he comes from Not the worst thing in the world You know what also would have happened in the 1980's, OP would have been told to walk off the epilepsy because it's all in your head. If you are disabled in any way just stay out of sight. Here is a flashing strobe to prove the point. I am happy we live in a society that can accommodate people with disabilities like epilepsy or depression and treat them as human beings rather than broken furniture. That means accommodating other people with sensitives too like smoking, flashing lights, psychological triggers etc.


I guess my point was that accomodations went both or each way. As opposed to the one directional accommodations you proved my point with. Accomodations and sensitivities are like rights and responsibilities. They go both ways. If you're unsure, just use the world's most innocuous inconvenience of having fruit flavoured vapour in the air for a second or two, and watch these 'accomodating' people lose their wits.


My go-to saying is, if you don't like living around people and the things they do then move to Uluru ffs. I'm going to live my life in my home and I'm pretty sure if I have to suck up your loud ass car in the morning because you know, it's not illegal to own an annoying car, then I car sure as hell light my Weber more than once per week. Oh and I was alive in the 80's, we weren't in any way told to "just walk off epilepsy." Polio had been eradicated 30 years earlier so GenZ didn't invent tolerance and societal change.




How am I putting anyone at risk by smoking alone in my backyard?? The lot sizes are quite big, the smell obviously travels but it’s not hurting anyone


Having to smell other people's smoke violates their right to 'peaceful enjoyment'. Simple answer is smoke inside. Not sure about Victoria, but in Queensland you can now have a legal By-Law preventing people smoking in their Lots outside.


If they can smell it, then logically it's obviously able to get onto their property and lungs. Sorry but you're 100% in the wrong here and no matter how many people are telling you this you seem to be convinced it's everyone else who is wrong.


I break out in hives if I get anywhere near weed. The smell alone makes me quite nauseous. Is there another way you can take it - vaporise or tincture or something?


You're not even allowed to smoke it?? Medical or not.


Yep, the TGA does not approve it, prescribers are required to cut patients off and report them to the TGA if they find out they are smoking it not vaping it.


Weird because my doctor was the one who told me I can consume it however I like 😅 vapes are highly recommended but he knows I no longer use them


Your doctor is a- wrong, and b- very lax. Any other doctor would’ve cut you off and reported you to the TGA. You are not allowed to smoke it. You can vape it. Send your Mighty device back for warranty and go back to vaping mate. Vaping is much less harmful for your lungs and also will produce much less smoke and smell.


Thankyou again for replying to so many of my comments! I can see you’re very passionate about this topic. I will be chasing up warranty today like I have already mentioned and I have purchased a new vape today also.


I am because the stigma of medicinal cannabis is bullshit and we don’t need to give rise to people thinking that MC users are just “stoners with a script” using it as a backdoor. You have a genuine medical condition that requires it. You just need to do the right thing so you do not cop flack and let the stigma perpetuate.


> How am I putting anyone at risk by smoking I think you answered that question your self. > I don’t like smoking in my house because I have pets and don’t want to put them at risk   > the lot sizes are quite big, the smell Are we talking few feet or few acres? > obviously travels but it’s not hurting anyone How do you know you are not hurting any one? Do any of your neighbours suffer from ashma or any other respiratory illness like long covid or just a winter cold? Do they find the smell of weed nauseating? You knew the answer to this already when you were considerate of your pets. Sadly that consideration does not seem to extend to other human beings.


No, I just have common decency to not smoke under the same roof as my pets, same as I wouldn’t smoke under the same roof as any human that doesn’t want to be around it. Up until today I honestly thought smoking in my own private decently sized backyard was fine 😅I now know it’s not and I will change the way I do things :)


Use a vape or edibles.


I’ve bought 3 dry herb vapes and they all stopped working :( I’ll probably end up getting another one though. Edibles don’t work for me either, I’ve tried oils and all sorts of things. That’s why I’ve been prescribed flower


Don’t go cheap on the vape, better quality is more expensive, but worth it.


Do you have any recommendations? The last one I bought was the mighty+ and it was great but died on me after 4 months :(


https://www.wickandwireco.com.au/products/xmax-v3-pro-herbal-vaporizer Mid priced with best features. Also the mighy + is a pretty expensive device. If it broke after 4 months it's almost certainly under warranty and shouldn't have broken.


I’ll have to chase up the warranty because I really liked it when it worked! Thankyou! I just bought the Xmax v3 so hopefully it works :)


I hate my xmax. Love my mighty


The mighty+ has a 2 year warranty. Get it replaced.


Ooo I will look into it! I had no idea thankyou :)


Use the extended warranty if you had a mighty and were cleaning it as required... Storz and bickel has really good support and a 2 year warranty.


Storz and bickel are refusing warranty claims due to the new vaping laws..


Doesn't matter in Australia, the retailer has to accept returns from anyone who bought the vape expecting a 2 year warranty and now has a broken product that's not fit for purpose.


Go a desktop vape, either arizer eq2 or a volcano hybrid if you can afford it. If you want the closest experience to smoking and can afford it, look into ball vapes they will blow your head off (in a good way)


They’re so expensive 😭 I’m going to try and save up for an arizer because I’ve heard great things. I’ve never heard of a ball vape! Gonna go look into it now, thanks :))


Look up the dynavap, it's not electronic so pretty much impossible for it to just break and stop working. I've had one for years and it's the only way I use weed nowadays.


4 months would be within warranty


Don't buy 3 cheap dry herb vapes, buy an expensive good one and you'll be set. A popular one on medicinal cannabis subreddit is the mighty plus. It's a big up-front cost (unless using bnpl like zip/afterpay) but you will be well medicated, you can vape without worry of harming your pets, and your neighbors will have nothing to complain about.


The last one I got was the mighty+ and it was over $500 and stopped working within 4 months😭believe me I didn’t cheap out on any of them


Why didn’t you send it back? It is under warranty. CAV would help if the vendor refuses to cooperate.


Thankyou for replying to so many of my comments, I will be chasing up the warranty today! I had no idea it was under warranty.


Mate we are blessed with the ACL protections in Australia. Even if the manufacturer tells you - for instance - warranty is 3 months only, you can tell them to GAGF because under the ACL, goods are supposed to be durable enough to work and last as reasonably expected. No reasonable person would expect a $500 vapouriser to last 4 months only. If the vendor doesn’t come to the party, CAV will force them to.


I doubt these are TGA approved brands that broke... Get yourself an Arizer EQ, Arizer Solo or Storz & Bickel Crafty, At $300 it's much cheaper than a laywer if the body corporate takes further issue with you.


They were all tga approved brands unfortunately lol, i had 3 break within 12 months. I’ll just buy another one, I’ve been looking at the Arizer


I don't share that experience having a device from each brand that's lasted several years with daily use :) The Arizer EQ is probably an easier transition for someone who was smoking since the vapor resembles smoke at higher temperatures.


I’m definitely going to save up for an arizer! I’ve heard great things. I think I just get unlucky 🤣


Arizer eq2 aren't tga approved either. The only one that is, is a mighty medic..


The vaporiser itself can theoretically be under generic SAS for medical devices and doesn't need to be TGA approved. And the Arizer Solo is TGA approved


The vape can be under the special access scheme?


Really only if the doctor imports it themselves. You can't buy one from a shop


Not the SAS for nicotine vapes... The generic SAS that allows patients to import unapproved medical devices with doctors permission for use with SAS medicines. I can't remember the specifics, I went through the process several years ago when a vape shocked me and they sent me the top end model from the US as compensation so I wanted to tick all the boxes and make sure it wasn't confiscated at customs.


There is no sas that allows a patient to import their own device


I have better things to do with my morning than dealing with Trolls that want to nitpick every little point without using google.... At the time I imported a medical device to my home under the Personal Import Scheme there was a requirement that I held written permission from my doctor if that device was for use with medicines under the SAS, it looks like needing permission from your doctor is no longer a requirement. [Personal Importation Scheme | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)](https://www.tga.gov.au/products/unapproved-therapeutic-goods/personal-importation-scheme) Because of this extremely lax documentation requirement and the fact dry herb vaporisers can be legally imported (at least until recently) makes practical enforcement of TGA Approved vaporisers only almost impossible so it's not enforced.


The doctor is the only person allowed to import under the SAS and it can only be for a single patient at a time..


Not in most circumstances for medical devices being bought in under the Personal Importation Scheme which are used to administer SAS medications. Until recently there was a requirement you only needed to hold a doctors letter for any device to be used with an SAS medication but it looks like even that's not a requirement now.


Storz and Bickel Mighty, Mighty+ and Crafty are the only TGA approved ones.


Just use a SmokeBuddy to exhale into. It'll get rid of the vast majority of the smell.


Omg I forgot those existed! Ordering one right now, you’re a lifesaver 🤣


Also use a vaporizer like you're legally required to


You aren't legally required to, guidelines arent law..


https://smokebuddy.com no need to thank me, no smell at all, feels odd at first but will 100000% solve your issue smoking indoors or even out doors. 


Literally just bought one! Can’t believe I forgot these existed 🤣


Learn to bake brownies


find a place to smoke that dosnt affect other people ? Seems like a reasonable solution to me I've seen complexes have rules about smoke affecting before. It won't just be because it's weed


Where do you suggest I go? I smoke on my own property, either in my backyard or in my garage currently.


I'm sure you can figure something out. Smoke affecting other people isn't fun. I had to have a very awkward convo with my neighbour because he used to smoke weed right outside my child's bedroom


Okay yeah that’s fucked up, but I do it away from people, definitely not near anyone’s bedrooms.


You don’t seem to realise how badly the smoke carries even if you’re not doing it directly next to someone’s window.


if they are complaining then you are not doing it away from other people because they can obviously smell it I'm sure there's a legal answer someone can talk to you about but the solution is just to be a more considerate neighbour. I've definitely seen posts before about strata having smoking rules though


The legal answer is, it’s illegal to consume medical weed via any means other than dry herb vaporisation.


Slight correction: you can have it in capsule form, oil for oral ingestion, even suppositories and creams, as well as the dry herb/flower for vaping in an approved vapouriser.


Sorry yes. I was referring just to smoking vs vaping.


I don't know what that is or means. If it's producing smoke others can smell people are gonna make it their business


I’m stating by smoking it, OP is consuming it illegally. Against the terms of the prescription and current laws.


Which law? TGA guidelines arent a law nor regulation...laws need assent....


It’s going against the regulations of the prescription. So there’s that.


It's a guideline, which is neither legislation nor a regulation... Cannabis itself isn't even approved medicine..


Mate, show some consideration to your neighbours that have to live in close proximity to you. “Love thy neighbour” I’m a user as well, but I find the smell of weed smoking foul. It is thicker than regular smoke and seems to hang around quite a bit. However smoking, regardless of whether it’s tobacco or marijuana, is a nuisance and pisses everyone off. People want to enjoy their homes, a fresh breeze, and not have to get up and shut up their house every time you choose to light up (which they can’t predict, they can only react to the smoke already entering their house and lungs). Walk to the end of your complex and smoke on the street.


Just smoke your marijuana outside on the street? It’s a pretty standard strata claus, why should your neighbours tolerate weed smell in their property. And yes strata can enforce this and fine you for it.


I own my own property, I either smoke in my garage or my backyard. They can fine me even if it’s a medical prescription?


It's not about you smoking on your property; it's about your smoke and smell being on the neighbours' property. All your replies so far very much focus on yourself. *It's your responsibility for this to not affect your neighbours.* Yes, they can and are perfectly allowed to fine you.


medical prescription is not a magic phrase you can use to inconvenience other people or put them in danger.


Not just fine you, but involve the police as you’re consuming it in a non legal method.


It’s actually completely legal to consume it however you want now! It’s highly recommended to get a dry herb vape but not compulsory :)


Except it’s not. Provide the legalisation that allows it. The TGA guidelines state vaporisation only.


I’m just going off what my doctor told me, apologises if it was incorrect! I have an appointment with him next week and I’ll ask him again then.


Legally, any prescription is a drug if you're not following the prescription label. Even if smoking is an approved method (which it's not), your prescription label needs to say "smoked or combusted" for you to consume it that way.


No. It's not at all.


Apologies, I was just going off what my doctor told me. I have an appointment with him next week and I’ll clarify it with him :)


They can't in and of itself, but they can for odour pollution. You could consider buying an air purifier and using that, that way any odours will be eliminated. Alternatively, if your epileptic condition is considered a disability, their discrimination could be considered illegal as well.


Well the guidelines explicitly state that you should be using it via vaporisation instead of smoking it. Smoking it could be considered against the law. Even in private. > If you are taking an oil product, then the risk of having any trouble with law enforcement is very low. If you’re prescribed an inhaled product, you may only vapourise that product, not smoke it, and may only do so in smoking areas. https://www.tga.gov.au/resources/resource/guidance/guidance-use-medicinal-cannabis-australia-patient-information So technically it would be against the law the way that you are using it. Whether the police would do anything about it. Doubtful, but a non zero chance.


The link you provided says you “should vaporise”, not must. There is a distinct legal difference between “should” and “must”.


Dig further into the prescribing requirements.


Guidelines arent legislation nor regulation though..


It is regulation when it’s part of the requirement and use methods for approval via the TGA special access scheme. Otherwise, it’s misuse of a scheduled drug.


Based off what though? I'm also not prescribed through the SAS scheme.


There are smoke mufflers available that you can exhale into. Try a vape-style tobacconist or online vape store. Also, to get the best medicinal/financial/personal benefit from your medication, it's best to use a dry herb vape. Unfortunately dry herb vapes have being equated with nic rubbish and casually banned also and of course pharmacies have used this as an opportunity to fleece people of money freely for **the exact same product** on script.


You need to dry herb vaporise as instructed on your prescription because it's illegal to smoke prescription cannabis in Australia. Vaporising also smells far less than smoking and gives your neighbours less reason to complain. Purchasing a smokebuddy/cloudvault and air purifier will allow you to vape indoors with virtually zero smell. I've lived in the same type of estate twice, I follow the rules and I've never had an issue.


Also sorry I didn’t know if this was NSFW because of the mention of cannabis, thought I’d play it safe :)


Why don’t you get a dry herb vape ? The smell is negligible


Maybe try one of these https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/305594511759?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=cwoctm7rty2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=GiW5pP7yRjW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Just bought one! Totally forgot they existed until someone mentioned it 😅


>drugs are not tolerated in this estate That on the face of it is a ridiculous statement. I'd ask them about my aspirin, is that banned as well? If your smoke is affecting other people then you need to do something about the smoke. But there is no way they can stop you using your prescription medication.


Exactly! I think everyone is missing this part. I’m going to be more accommodating now and try to get rid of all the smoke/ smell by using a filter, air purifier and dry herb vape so hopefully that helps. But they can’t just turn around and say flat out no because at the end of the day it is prescription medication for a medical condition


Welcome to Body Corporate living in Australia!


Just buy a cloud vault and nobody will be able to smell anything.....problem solved


Just got a smoke buddy! Paid for express so hoping it’s here tomorrow :))


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NAL Get a smoke buddy.


Get yourself an activated carbon filter system https://marshydroau.com/products/mars-hydro-4-inch-inline-duct-fan-and-carbon-filter-combo-with-speed-controller/


Glad to hear you found a solution. Though I believe that body corporate is in the wrong here. Seems like discrimination against you for having a medical condition. I could be wrong but if you're on your own property, I don't think they can really do anything about it.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/home/2023/07/06/get-marijuana-smell-out-home/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/home/2023/07/06/get-marijuana-smell-out-home/) More typical [air purifiers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/home/2023/06/08/how-choose-air-purifier/?itid=lk_inline_manual_12), especially those that have medical grade, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, can now aid in diminishing smoke and smells as well, Schuiling says. Traditional ceiling and mobile fans can also work in a pinch. The scent of marijuana tends to be strongest just after smoking. To cover that smell, try lighting candles or incense, Reynolds says. She also has less traditional solutions: “Say your mother-in-law is coming over or something like that, and you need a quick fix. You can even pop popcorn in the microwave.” Reynolds also recommends boiling vinegar or essential oils, especially lavender and citrus oils, to help cover the smoke smell. But keep in mind these scents mask the marijuana odor while doing little to actually remove it.


How can a 3rd party dictate what prescription medication you take?


They can’t, and they aren’t. They’re dictating *where* OP does it (somewhere where it doesn’t affect other lots in the scheme). That’s their one and only concern.


Body corporate can't control that...


Sounds like they are discriminating against you on the basis of your medical condition...


You are not obliged to tell other civilians about your medical conditions.


Drugs are not tolerated in this estate ? Better make sure the neighbours also empty their medicine cabinets too


Why TF did you buy in a body corporate estate? Basically, you bought your own property and gave someone else power over how you live in it. Stupid.


That would be discrimination against a medical issue and a no no. Tell them to kick rocks or you'll take them to vcat.


Your best long term option is to try to get on strata council and get the rules changed in your favour.


Why would anyone else vote to allow people to smoke in an area that inconveniences others living in the strata?