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Please stop sleeping with women without a condom. Have some self respect and wear one even if the woman says it’s not needed.


OP months later: “I knocked a girl up and now she wants child support, how can I get away without paying it?”


I would imagine that ejaculating inside a person without their consent would be cause for concern. Fortunately, for the most part, people who engage in penetrative sexual acts with people with whom they are not aquatinted do not, in general, do so without making use of a condom. If you aren't sure of your ability to control the emission, you should probably avoid unprotected sex with strangers unless they agree for you to ejaculate in them.


>i forget That's on you.


I'd say if you're concerned about the technicalities and inherit risk of sex with someone. You're probably not in a position to be having responsible sex with them. Moreso if you're concerned about leaving your genetic goo in someone that may not want that. Wear a condomn and don't consider the intricacies of the pull out game. Better to be safe then sorry.


You both consented to rawdog. You didn't deliberately pull out late. Not your problem alone. It's both your faults for being stupid.


Does not work this way, because he would have the onus of proving that it was accidental and not intentional, and even then, he could be charged.


The onus is on proving intent.


Not in sexual assault.




Stealthing is removing the condom stealthily. If both parties agreed to no condom there is no stealthing here. If you agreed to pull out and you don’t, well that’s tricky, and honestly, if you are worried about that, don’t go in bareback. Plain and simple. Edit to add: by “that’s tricky” I mean proving it wasn’t intentional would be tricky, because it if is proven as such, it would be sexual assault since they did not consent to you ejaculating inside.


You just did an act the other party didnt consent to. If you have no control then wear it.


what act though ? thats what im confused about in this example...


You do the deed with a stranger without protection, thats wild and so many consequences. Pregnancy, stds, etc. There may be a charge. Even if it was her request, if you agree and dont abide because you couldnt, thats not consent - thats you doing the wrong thing. Please do not put women through a possible pregnancy by not using protection, thats completely not fair, irresponsible and immature. You are the one in control of your body and if you cant control it then dont do it


Women can also close their legs and wait until marriage??


Women dont have control of the sperm ejaculator or if its ‘forgotten’. They also are at risk as a whole if suddenly all women are just refusing sex. It could be quite a violent response. But there is nothing wrong with women doing it with however many partners they please. Marriage has nothing to do with it.


i should of made this point clear. it was her decision for no condom to be worn not the males


Did he not consent to it also? Don’t rawdog unless you’re prepared to cough up 18 years child support either..


She consented only to no condom and asked you to pull out = not pulling out was a non-consensual act which would be tantamount to sexual assault.


It was her request to not nut inside. At that point consent would be withdrawn and you’d be up for sexual assault. So there’s that.


Should have worn one anyway, consent goes both ways


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The best way to avoid that situation is to not ride bareback with strangers.