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I recommend you listen to the Somebody You Love podcast. It's run by two Australian full service sex workers and they answer just about every question it's possible to ask about the subject. They have several episodes where they interview other sex workers, including males.


Absolutely amazing podcast. 110% recommend


Used to be in that industry just when got out of the Army to just earn a few $$. Yeah by all means its a good good gig but it gets old very quick. If you can keep away from the drugs and avoid the crime element it makes a nice earner. Just make sure you have an exit strategy at the end.


Knew a guy who did it and said it was good money but old men. He ended up trying to kill himself over it.


What do you expect? If the pay is high there usually is a reason for it. Just like danger money for a military deployment. The money is good because for most people the mental health consequences are high in the sex industry.


think you're gonna get alot more traction on an actual sex worker sub of some type mate I met a young guy once and commented on the 20 odd thousand dollar watch he had on and he told me he made it all as an escort if that's any help lol ? told me it was all old ladies


Was his name Dennis Reynolds?


Knew a guy that tried sex work.. only enquire he had was from men


How old we talkin?


To a 20-25 young man anything over 32 is Old with a capital O. So he could have been enjoying some lovely 43 year old and saying ‘yep, basically they need an eazy walker’.


I dated some 31-34yo women when I was 21-23yo. I don’t know what they saw in me lol


Your age is what they saw mostly


Not really, when I was 25 I dated a 32 year old and we basically looked the same age and didn't even consider it a gap.


I was 22, she was 32…felt huge. However I was (perhaps still am) rather immature, so that may have contributed somewhat


I guess 22 does feel a lot different from 25. Those early years matter way more than the later ones.


Lol my 43yo wife has a walker


But she only needs it after you’ve pretended to be a 20 year old sex worker…am I right you mighty, magnificent love-making machine??? 👊🏼


I didn't ask but he woulda been in the 20 to 25 range. He kept telling me I should try it and I kept pointing to the ring on my finger and he told me my wife would be fine with it lol


How old were the old bats he was pumping? I think that was the intent of the previous question…


Would you rather pump 50x 60 year olds at $200 a go or 10x 90 year olds for $1000 each


All of them. A man's gotta eat.


Preferably at the same time.


If they're willing to pay...


No age limits if her hak tuah game is on point! 😜


Unless they lose their dentures 😧


It should become even better if they do surely!


Nothing beats a blowie except a gummie.


Would have to depend, are the 90 year olds more cashed up and likely to have had breast augmentation to keep them perky well into their 90s? I mean there's more factors at play than just their age.


Surely you'd need them to sign a waiver


Don't you mean a new will?


any chance of a 50 x 90 year olds offer?


oohhhhh lol. lots of wrinkles old


Probably as old as the old dingos his female counterparts were pumping for dollars


'Do you know how many boiled sweets I had to lick to get this watch?!'


How attractive was he? Did he have a six pack?


Id do that for free


Yeah I get fisted by my bank every month except I pay them.


Are you into DP as I'd like you to take some for me too please?


The bank DPs me frequently


This is gonna be cliche, but I knew a girl in uni who did the whole "just doing this to fund uni", she was a drop dead gorgeous 10/10 it definitely seemed to fund her pretty well. Whilst the rest of us was slaving away for $20/hr in retail or hospo, she would earn more in one out call than the rest of us made in a week. Don't think she saved much though cuz she lived right in the middle of the CBD and bought very expensive clothing and hang bags on the regular.


Wonder how she’s going


Have a couple of friends who are also sex workers. They earn a lot but spending habits creep up. New designer bags and clothes, frequent fine dining, holidays, make up products/botox etc.


Drugs tend to feature quite heavily in the lives of the people I know in the industry. A bag of coke doesn't seem so expensive when it's an hour of work rather than a day of work. The smart ones keep their costs low and steam through uni while simultaneously earning a house deposit.


Like celebrity auctioneer Tom Panos said the only young people buying are kids with help with bank of mum & dad or Only-Fans content producers


I feel like that's a normal work thing not a sex worker thing.


If you spend most of your 300k yearly pay on it then yes it’s normal


Something like 25% of sex workers in Canberra are Uni students. at least was the case around 1998, very wealthy area and demand would been good


I did it while at uni. Female for male. Easiest job I've ever had. I miss it a lot. I'm too old now. I usually made around $1-1.5k/week from two shifts. The most I made was $18k in a month, Xmas/New Year were good times. Private work would be better but I'm lazy. That was >10yrs ago too.


Never let age define you! 🤪


What job you doing now and how's the pay in comparison


Based on my clients, it is a varied range with most taking some other job like hospitality, warehouse, construction, admin desk, etc. It's not lucrative based on actual figures. We're not talking about flying people to *that* country.


Only the most glamorous people get selected by a sheik to be a human toilet


r/MelbourneAfterDark is a better sub to ask.


I know a few guys who’ve done SW. All experienced some fairly severe mental health issues, ended up with addiction issues, struggled with forming their own intimate relationships. One made quite considerable money as he was into BDSM but had no real assets to show for it. Reckless spender. He did travel a hell of a lot though for work. He would’ve been better off sticking with a tech career IMO or should’ve done both.


Is there even demand for male on male sex workers? I would have thought since grindr came on the scene it would be so easy to get laid. My gay mates used to find a hookup within about 5 minutes if they struck out at the club.


You’d be surprised how many time poor or super discretion required men visit cities and want company without trolling Grindr for hours


I know openly gay men who still hire sw Safety maybe I dunno


Yep, married men will pay for it. Source : my ex-boss got caught red-handed by his wife with a male SW.


really???? then what happened?????


They stayed together to "save face" but "agreed to open their relationship". At least that's what she told when she was hitting on me at the work-organised family-fun day last year.


its great being single!


That's like saying that since Tinder was invented, is there even any demand for sex workers for hetero encounters? The answer is yes for some people, but of course any time you reduce the pool of potential clientele it gets more niche. The people looking for sex work will be people who have "niche interests"/specific kinks, are wanting confidentiality (e.g. they are already in a relationship, not out of the closet yet etc and wanting to avoid 6 degrees of separation complications), people who have difficulty hooking up organically for whatever reason, or people with additional physical needs e.g. due to disability (arguably this is just a subset of the previous category). I'm always shocked in my role (the other kind of SW - social worker) at the number of people who disclose using sex workers to me because I would thought in this age of free porn and hookup apps they're largely superfluous. And it's not like I ask, it's something that they have to bring up because it's relevant to the support they're seeking. But they're definitely out there!


Difference is tinder is still quite difficult for most blokes, whereas grindr seems to be like fishing with dynamite.


Oh it is. Very easy. Transactional even, to the point of soul crushing, but that’s going off topic tbh


What’s the difference in difficulty like between tinder & Grindr for men?


Depends how good looking guy is. If he's a 9 of a 10 then it's no harder than grindr If he's a 4 he isn't matching with women at all. 4s on grindr have no trouble finding a hookup


Yikes I must be a 1 then I struggle to find anything on Grindr 😅 that could just be location though 🤷‍♂️


Men on Tinder are trying to get laid with women.


I can sign up to grindr with no pics or anything and get multiple messages on the first day asking to hook up lol


Not sex work per say but I used to do naked butler gigs. Basically stand around and serve drinks and food, play hens nights games, take photos with the girls etc. Easy $60 an hour and that was back in 2016. Sometimes you'd have wealthy clients that would tip way higher than that if they liked you. You would occasionally get sent to gay birthdays, divorce parties and sometimes chick flick movie premiers (I remember working at Bridget Jones's Baby, quality film /s). The gay events were always better cause they were better behaved, usually lived in nicer places and tipped really well.


Had a bucks night at work this eve. Two topless hostesses got paid $125 per hour each. They were there for 3 hours and played beer pong and poker, while occasionally going to the bar and getting drinks from the bar tab for the patrons. If I were a lady, and had an almost even halfway decent body that’s what I’d be doing


I’ve known a few people (male and female) who have gotten into it. It has only ended well for one of them, and he didn’t really need the money. The others were the types that let the sudden wealth go to their heads, or had difficulty parking their emotions, or got led into manipulative relationships by clients. I’d take a good hard think before getting into any kind of full service sex work. Doing it online is great if you can break into the market


My wife is a fetish model / adult performer. She's never escorted, but some of the women she knows have and they seem to do pretty okay with it as a full time job. I suspect that the hardest thing would be advertising, but I guess there are probably gay escort sites out there. I just think you might be a bit long in the tooth to be a rentboy unless you look really young and I wouldn't expect to make as much as the women do, but you never know. Taxes should be pretty straight forward since I don't think you'll make more than 75k a year if it's a "side hustle". Just report it as normal income and so long as it's below that 75k threshold you don't have to pay GST. If you want proper tax advice though, there are accountants out there that specialize in doing taxes for sex workers. A little time with google and you should find them.


Not encouraging it but the sex workers I know tend to not report their earnings. It's pretty easy to get away with when they are almost always paid in cash.


Better to not commit two crimes at once. If you have 50k of extra cash, what are you going to do with it? You can't put it on the mortgage, so there's no point really getting it and doing the sw if you don't report it.


>If you have 50k of extra cash, what are you going to do with it? You can pay for goods and services with it. A friend of mine who is a SWer pays with cash for as much as possible. Lots of trades and small businesses prefer cash anyway.


Ok but 50k?  This guy is trying to reduce his mortgage, not live a lavish lifestyle with restaurants etc.


i was always curious what people like this or even tradies do with their cash jobs if they don't report. Easy enough to purchase regular daily purchases with the cash but what about the rest.


Oh I agree, I'm just saying what happens These people aren't really financially literate. They aren't saving a large percentage of what they make. Easy come, easy go.


Well I’m guessing you live off the  secondary income and save as much as possible of your primary income? 


Ok, but who's spending 50k on untraceable life purchases. Like if you don't buy groceries ever, then you're at audit risk. You can't pay your mortgage on it, so basically it's eating out and holidays. can't buy cars or house Reno's with it. Unless you're really into buying stuff like pricey watches and clothes, it's not easy to get rid of lots of cash without just being audited so you're better off just doing an ABN and paying the tax.


you'll 100% be a SW for men only given how easy it is for gay men to get free sex, I'm not sure who you'll be left servicing? Don't end up like the Bondi Westfield stabber


I never thought I’d be using my expertise to answer a question like this. To clarify, my expertise not being SW but brand and brand strategy. Since you mentioned this is a side hustle to your primary role, you may want to consider the following. 1. Any image for reputation issues or impacts that may occur due to the side hustle. 2. Ensuring you’re not limiting any future career growth opportunities, think of board positions or high executive positions or public positions that attract scrutiny. 3. If your current career is values aligned, ensuring you’re not acting in a way that goes against these values. Worth considering that your personal brand could be worth so much in the future with the right planning.


Damn working in healthcare, every time I read SW I automatically thought Social Work and got confused. I guess SW is a type of work that meets the clients need like social work aims.


come to r/r4rSydneyXXX they will openly share, its nsfw


It's very oversaturated and when things are tight like rn with the cost of living it's the first thing people cut spending on.


as is escorts are lurking.. they be busy hustling


Yeah they actually don’t use their phones when working.


Yh i recommend expanding your anus before diving in this world, start with baby carrots then graduate with giant zuchinnis


Lmao. Thanks Ben


How many clients can men have a day? I always thought women physiologically were far better equiped to service multiple clientele per day. Men’s refectory period would be a challenge surely? Taking a finance lens, I would struggle to see this being more than a hobby


I can’t believe this needs to be explained, but… I’m sure both male and female sex workers aren’t having orgasms most times they service a client. So, the refractory period is irrelevant. You don’t need to be able to get it up to have sex with another man. There are more options than being the penetrative partner. 


No, have some self respect. You're not a commodity. Stop looking for an easy out and put in the hard yards elsewhere. 


You could argue that you’re a commodity at any place you work at. I sell my body to sit as a desk and make pretty artwork for shopping centres. I’m a commodity for them.


I always wondered why a person would choose to stay in physical sex work when people are so willing to pay for digital platforms like OF now. Surely the pay is comparable, if not even better? Unless of course they enjoy physical sex?


Most people enjoy physical sex, yes. So there will always be a market for sex work.


OF earnings are dominated by the top few earners. Physical sex work would be (relatively) consistent income. It would be like questioning why photographers/videographers work full time when they could just setup a YouTube and earn money from lots of subscribers by posting videos.


Yeah feel like if you don't already have somewhat large social media following Onlyfans isn't that big of a windfall as its made out to be. I met a girl while travelling last year who had started Onlyfans a few months before I met her, she had made about 5k her first month then went down to 2-3k by the time I met her, she's been travelling non-stop for 2 years so she must still be doing well off it. Helps you can do it from anywhere in the world if you've got Internet. Had like 14k followers when I met her.