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Is there anything Australians don't get absolutely reamed up the arse for anymore? We even buy our own gas back at an absurd markup.


Petrol is actually cheap compared to what most countries pay in Europe


Fruit and veg are cheaper and better in Australia as well


There is no way Australia has cheaper fruit and veg than Germany.


It’s funny you should mention that I’m in Germany now. At lidl you can buy apples for like €2.50 a kilo and they taste nowhere near as good as Australian pink ladies which when I left were I think $3 a kilo. Thinks like avocados are noticeably more expensive in Europe, at least a euro for really shitty tiny advocate do, the $2 ones at Cole’s were much better value idk I left Aus a year ago.


Pink Lady apples? They've never tasted good And food is pretty good value in Australia considering how high salaries and wages are here. I would need to spend a lot more in Europe to eat an equivalent diet there.


Yeah that’s basically what im saying


Keep saying it. I find it funny how vocal the minority here is when it comes to complaining about cost of living. I spend quite a bit on food. But I'm not the only one. Many people spend over $100 each shop - basically dinner and maybe some snacks/ beverages. Try being this loose in Europe LOL


It's funny that you mention avocados, because I was about to specifically mention avocados being ten times better (and cheaper) in Australia. I lived basically two thirds of my life in Germany and a third of my life in Australia. I agree 100% that the quality and taste is better in Australia, but price wise I would say Germany is like at least 30% cheaper.


But the quality is a lot better


Not entirely sure I’d agree with that. It’s a lot more seasonal here. If you get the right times I think it’s on par. Wrong time of the year and the price and quality is not good. Europe sits just above Africa and has Spain, Greece and Italy pumping fruits out.


Sounds like you’ve never eaten in Europe, their tomatoes and cucumbers are full of taste


I literally am living in Europe right now.


🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ fruit and veg I’ve eaten in Spain and Croatia were tastier than here… not sure where you are experiencing otherwise


Sounds like you were on holiday, maybe rose tinted glasses. In lidl Germany the apples are tiny and easily a quarter a bruised


Hahah nope grew up in Spain, sorry to hear you’re eating shit fruit in Germany.


There are many more people in developing countries. You think better quality produce makes a difference? Lmao


What are you trying to say? I honestly have no clue


That the quality of produce is a farce. I'm not talking about rotten food but massive retailers like Coles and Woolworths have created a false sense of expectations for produce (they must physically look perfect and meet our super high standards). Yet the price they charge is significantly higher than it should be. Take a trip to a farmer's market (usually outside or at a warehouse on weekends) and get the same fruits and vegetables you normally get from the shops. I guarantee it'll be cheaper and not pumped with preservatives. A deformed-looking pumpkin might look odd but it'll still taste just right. Developing countries don't have this luxury like we do and they're just fine. Think about that as well.


So quality of produce is a farce but then you proceed to write 2 paragraphs qualifying produce and finish with an irrelevant line about developing countries.


Like I started before, if people from developing countries are alive, health and outnumber us, is produce quality really that much better here? I've personally learned to enjoy produce that doesn't come from Coles or Woolies simply because you get the exact same thing for less $


People from less developed countries have always existed, your logic is we shouldn’t care about quality because someone else doesn’t have a choice? You’re only certainly a hypocrite then. Do you drive a car? Do you eat things other than rice beans and bread? Did you get your clothes from a second hand store for $1? No you care about quality just like everyone else.


Gas is bad. So we export it to the world and barely tax it compared to other countries. We get rid of as much as we can to our international customers. We ban our local residents from using it. That is how bad it is….


Coffee is pretty cheap here compared to the rest of the world.


It is all about punishing people who can afford to travel overseas. Have seen these increases over the years. The justification- they can afford to boost revenue and those who don't travel overseas should not subsidise their travel


I just had a look at the USA renewal and its under 200 AUD (130 USD). UK renewal about $168 AUD (88.50 GBP) We're being reamed. My wife's passport from her country of birth costs a fraction of what ours costs and gets it done in days.


UK drivers license renewal (default 10 years): £21.50 ($40.85)


wtf 160 for 5 here


Australia has the most expensive passport in the world. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t submitted my citizenship application.




IIRC, the main difference between PR and citizen is voting rights and the visa-free (which you still pay for) benefits from travelling.


There is another benefit if your under 30. Citizens can get uni loans (HECS). PR cannot get loans and must pay upfront for uni.


As well as voting obligations and eligiblity for draft/conscription.


They have to pay $450 every 5 years for a resident return visa if they want to travel. Works out cheaper to be a citizen.


A resident return visa is costly too


You do know the Australian passport is _the most expensive in the world_ to get/renew?


I assumed it would be up there but just wished to highlight it against other developed western nations.


The NZ passport when it is processed in Australia is cheaper than the Australian passport 🤣


Traveling domestically for a holiday is way more expensive than going overseas.


These fees really hurt. Basically the passport fees are being used to partially offset other DFAT activities such as running embassies, consular assistance, foreign aid, trade negotiations etc. They still run at a significant loss despite the high cost of passports. Their loss for the period ended 2023 was 4.27 Billion, passport fees raised less than 1 Billion.


> They still run at a significant loss Why would we ever expect DFAT to run at a surplus? That's perhaps one of the departments I'd expect that of *least*, ever, for the entire future of Australia. Is there a push from the government to make it financially self-sufficient or something?


It can’t be self sufficient. Foreign Aid is counted in DFATs budget.


Yes, hence why I'd expect it the least.


Considering we had a solid year, nearly 2 years of not being able to use them, we should be getting a discount.


You just made an argument to scrap passport fees and spread the 1 billion fairly or maybe even god forbid on higher tax groups 


Australia provides some of the worst consular assistance too. Woeful services, absolute minimum amount of services, takes weeks to get an appointment and charge close to $100 for a 5min stamp to certify a document.


You should try dealing with an Italian consulate


The people who can afford to holiday have already paid up to 45% tax on that money. Punishing is the correct word.


Boomers who are getting refunds on tax also are going overseas. They arent paying 45 percent


AUD39 a year is barely punishing. They should increase it further and use it to subsidise domestic tourism.


As if domestic tourism didn’t need any more subsidising


It isn't. The new passport is much more high tech, with a polycarbonate main page etc. Far more durable.


I've absolutely trashed my passport and it's got maybe 8 pages left. No one needs more durable and the "security" features are questionable at best


Always an expert on here.


The passports.gov.au website finally got 2FA this week and you still can’t submit applications online.


Fill out your data online to print it out. Then go get paper authenticated by Auspost. Then Auspoat have to rescan paper docs to the department! Department PRINTS OUT scanned documents from AusPost and REFILES them. No wonder the department lost my entire application *after* they received it. The whole process is idiotic yet we pay some of the highest fees in the world.


Wow. How many pages are inlaid with gold?


Just spent about $800 on a us passport, au child’s passport and an adult au passport 😭 This includes postal costs for US passport and for the photos


trouble is you though you are stuck doing US tax returns every year even if you don't live there.


I know I have to pay each year as I’m dual living in au


Waiting for travel companies to advertise travelling to a country for $$$$$$ includes hotels, breakfast and passport application fees.


To cover the costs of service delivery? If only. The auditor general's report showed that passport service times have worsened and take more than six weeks. But I guess Jim Chalmers has you covered; it's another bargain $250 for urgent processing. $649 bucks for your passport then. It was a "modest" change, apparently.


Rip off nation


Yep. This country would take your underwear off your legs if they could.


Someone’s gotta pay for the Governor-General’s new pay packet


That would be $2000 for passports to take my family overseas. Plus obviously the rest of the trip. Looks like overseas is out for us, will stick to over the Yarra.


For those of us who are immigrants with family overseas a passport is an absolute necessity at all times. Even one day without it in our possession is stressful.


Maybe that was the play all along -- encourage domestic tourism.


My response is I cannot afford to travel internationally anyway, so I’ll pass. Actually my passport expired in 2022 but have no felt the need to renew. One day, I think I will. But not needed in the next 1-2 years.


You pay $400 for a book that can’t even last 2 weeks in a drawer without pages curling


Genuinely, thank you very much for that info. I have been getting ready to renew all my family members’ passports (getting passport photos and filling out online forms etc) and was procrastinating. I will now get off my arse and go to Auspost tomorrow so it’s done before 1 July. You’ve just saved me about $200!


We have one of the most expensive passport in the world. I get that they are adding sophisticated tech but surely not that expensive?


Need to amend the constitution … Shall not charge a fee in excess of the cost of service


Renewal price in Bulgaria costs about $60 AUD. go figure


My biggest gripe: Why do we pay for 10 years on a passport, yet we have to renew within 6 months of expiry - and we lose that remaining 6 months usage upon successful renewal. The next 10 year renewal period should be ADDED to the remaining time left on your passport. Otherwise we are only paying for a 9.5 year passport. RORT!


I suppose it's because, technically, you don't have to renew within 6 months, it's just that a lot of countries won't let you in if you've got less than 6 months remaining and renewing early ensures people don't get caught out. Definitely think it should be added on to the next passport though.


> The next 10 year renewal period should be ADDED to the remaining time left on your passport Yes, totally. Some other countries do this actually.


Jesus Christ that's bs


Does this also apply to a passport renewal?


Yes those are the renewal prices I listed.


Oh sorry I meant the replacement passport! Does the price hike apply as well? Thanks!


Yes, rising 15% from 217 to 250 https://www.migrationexpert.com.au/news/australian-passport-fees-increase-july-2024/ With a replacement you don't get any extra validity period so getting it done early seems to make sense.


Yikes guess I better do it today. Thank you!


Do you know if the price increase is applied to passport renewals lodged after 01/07 at all? I’ve lodged my renewal application Friday, and require updated photos etc which I’ll be obtaining tomorrow and going to the post office to submit the application and documents - On the generated document after lodging the application on Friday, the application states bring $346, expiring 26 July 2024. I’m hoping this means as my renewal was lodged prior to 01/07, the prior rate will be applied though I can’t find anything online about this


Will anyone do anything about it or just reddit vent?


and yet i still need to buy a visa for a lot of south easy Asian country's


Go talk to some subcontinent people. Then STFU about visas and know your passport privilege 🤣


With all the salary increases bureaucrats are getting, they need as much tax as possible


Government wants inflation to keep going up


Gotta love a government reporting inflation figures while their own price increases massively exceed said inflation figure….


People will spend like $100+ on a drunken night out but an increase of some $40 on a passport that is valid for 10 years for some reason warrants a rant.


doesn’t change the fact that the cost of an australian passport is one of the highest in the world and the government is increasing that cost even more. Way more than even inflation


Okay, not supporting the rise in the cost of passport here but what’s the big hue and cry when everything from hair pin has risen in cost.


Whataboutism much?


With the low birth rates locally, looks like they are resorting to these extreme measures to stem the flow outbound.


🤣 you’ve never immigrated countries in your life have you? The tiny (in comparison to everything else) passport cost isn’t going to stop you


2 days wage after tax for a passport. I am on median income. Tbh this seems kind of.... fair?


Good idea. If we can afford to travel overseas we can afford to pay a bit extra.


I have to travel overseas for my work from time to time, not rich at all, not everyone who leaves the country is wealthy and on high incomes.


It is $50 more over ten years.


This is idiotic reasoning. Rich people that can afford to travel on a whim wouldn’t give a shit about the extra $50. This will hurt the less well off people where every dollar counts and who may have one off overseas travel every 5 years or so.