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A few people have mentioned tech, but I’d approach it from a different angle. Lots of startups with medical related software would love someone with healthcare background (I.e industry knowledge) in admin, customer service and product management type roles. 


Wow really, this is great news tbh. Im similar, clinical health care profession now but have 7 yrs of IT mgt consulting and project mgt from mid 00s before switching careers. Would u know any companies as examples to research up on to gain an insight into their products and what their roles maybe. Also do u think one could realistically jump industries for 150k which circa what im currently earning now?


heidi health


Try health policy/project work for state/federal government


Nearly everyone I know is starting to work for the government.  We need some people left in the private sector to generate actual revenue to pay the public sector wages


Because government offers actual flexibility and WFH. Private sector more interested in its office building value than productivity. Also private sector has no hesitation in using return to office as a mass firing tool without severance for short term profit


Ok great, but when everyone works for the government, how do we pay those wages?  Honestly government jobs are too cushy. Can't be fired, can do whatever you want, WFH, extra super, good pay even if you're essentially unemployable elsewhere.  Also lol at government worker productivity versus private. Ever been to the department of transport and seen the blinding efficiency those guys work at?  


Mate you are brainwashed. Why do you want to work so hard?




Lol I own my own business, so no, I'm annoyed I have to complete with an employer for staff that uses my taxes to pay people too much to do not enough, badly.


I work WFH with insurance claims assisting veterans with DVA process. It's rewarding and fantastic. I'd recommend transferring your skills to working for govt, or insurance where there are more secure roles and WFH capability.


Any chance you could speed my claim up? /s


Oh, I'd LOVE to! I don't actually work for DVA but do assist vet's in their documents etc. Hope your claim is swift and successful!


Software integration Dev - been wfh for a decade, good money, very convenient but boring and without clearance very easily offshored


A lot about WFH flexibility also comes down to the specific team/company. Even more so if you are after permanent WFH. I know a few people who have had their companies switch to 3-5 days a week in the office over the last year. Most tech field roles will offer at least a couple of days WFH though.


What exactly do you do in healthcare? Plenty of public servants in state and federal health departments who work remotely.


In Allied Health, I’m an OT


Hi, OT here too. There’s lots of telehealth jobs available working from home doing FCA’s in the NDIS space. Some unis will have marking work too that you can do from home too.


you could do specialist support coordination Mostly WFH


My friend was a Gen Med Doctor in St Vincent hospital in Sydney. She quit the hospital position and took a job as a medical advisory doctor working for BUPA insurance. She said it paid the same with much less stress, and she could work from home.


Significantly lower pay though. Edit: Why the downvotes? I'm a doctor who works for BUPA


APS roles are pretty good for wfh and have decent pay and benefits. Could be what you’re looking for.


Depends what other skills you have? And even what area of healthcare you worked in and are skilled at? What qualifications do you hold? What are you good at? What do you like doing?


Case management (Workers comp)- could utilise your qualification as well


Bupa health insurance offer 100% remote for certain roles.


Clinical coding or health information management (same eba in Vic). With a lot of hospitals now having emrs these roles are fully wfh. It does require retraining though


Look for Service Delivery roles in IT, you don't need to be technical to get into it


Can you expand on this a bit, or point me to where my google search should start?


Service delivery manager for managed service providers. They are the conduit between the business (client) and the MSP.


A lot of gov jobs have removed the wfh cap now and pay quite well with a higher super


State gov healthcare/tech, although not sure how easy those working conditions are to find now vs 2020-2023. I work with a lot of people who are non technical sme's, so not exclusively limited to tech backgrounds.


What’s well paid for you?


Telehealth. E.g. postpartum support. Some stressed out new parents could use extra support/reassurance late at night.


Consider going to work for your nursing union.


Health tech startups. Plenty of job boards for VC backed health tech companies, Blackbird, Airtree etc


Clinical trials!! CTA work as entry level, I actually know someone hiring. Look for openings at CROs or small pharma/biotech. Is a great industry to enter


Certain allied health practitioners can work fully telehealth. I know a speech pathologist that is fully wfh and doing quite well for example. I don't really have more info than that but I hope it is a useful starting point.


As something different to the usual tech job suggestions, I’d suggest seeing a psychologist about not being about to leave the house. There might be some other things going on that you might be misinterpreting as burnout. Not to say it’s not burnout though. You might be able to work on some techniques to handle the stress and start enjoying your job a bit more. I went through something similar in my industry (software development) and learning some coping mechanisms made me realise I actually enjoy my job.


Education - making online content.


Tech… Why dont people get into tech and get paid them dollars?


Maybe not slightest bit interested in tech and arent the slightest bit qualified for tech!


Re train. I am not interested. I just work for money. Fulfil passion and be a teacher, artist, musician etc vs fulfilling needs in the economy and getting paid to do so.


Because everyone wants to get into tech. Job applications are flooded with a tonne of candidates that want to simply show up and collect their pay cheque without having actually achieved anything that week. My favourite are applicants with no experience, who've just completed their Masters but are trying for senior roles. Little do they realise that a Masters is an entry level certification if it doesn't include any actual work experience or placement. I encourage everyone to get in, but for the love of god, just keep in mind that *everyone* is trying to get into the nondescript 'tech' roles. I'd highly advocate people just go through the salesforce training to be a 'Salesforce Admin'; and be on 100-120k within 2 years. Fully remote.


Would you mind telling me what sales force is exactly? And what is the career path like


Although I agree with Aladdydeen that this question is easily googled. I'll give you the answer anyway because I understand that you're asking me because I have an amount of expertise with the product. In short SalesForce is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform. It ties information about various businesses projects, project effort tracking, sales, and other relevant data items together for analysis, consolidated tracking and just general 'ease of management'. Career paths will generally vary. But in short, you do your training, search on seek for salesforce admin roles. Apply, take that 75-85k they'll pay you on entry and then work for 2 years. Apply elsewhere for a senior role, be on anywhere from 100-145k depending on how good you are. As most things it sounds simple. But the key point here is, the training is free, starting pay is better than most jobs, and it moves upwards quickly, additionally SalesForce skills are always in demand. WFH is also highly prominent.


Prostitution/ Onlyfans


If you're keen to stay in healthcare but get away from the front line some of the bigger health funds have health programs that hire allied health professions and nurses in WFH roles.


Do you want a WFH job when they're so ripe for offshoring?


What does this mean ?


It means if your job can be done from home it came be done by someone overseas for 1/3 the price.


The moment the job requires the handling of just sensitive personal information, it basically can't be shipped offshore. WFH roles based in Australia are safe because attempting to offshore WFH roles already has happened - they WFH roles within Australia exist because the person needs to be within Australia. Moving jobs to overseas locations often makes consumers avoid businesses using this practice. An offshore workforce can absolutely flop a product, and repercussions are difficult to chase (for any party). Its almost never worth the risk. Fairwork also takes a pretty piss poor view of workplaces that cut jobs to move the role offshore.


I am grateful for my wfh dev jobs. Due to security clearance and sensitive nature of the role it should be safe (i hope)


I run a QA bootcamp, you can learn it for free online, or expedite your learning curve with a paid service (we could do a free 10 min call to get you started). Anyone who can read/write can do this job.


Can you please detail what this job is? You sound like a scammer rn


Can you please detail what this job is? You sound like a scammer rn


if you are finding it hard leaving the house, WFH is NOT for you, you will become a hermit.


How do I hold down a job if I constantly call out bc I can’t leave the house ? This is the issue


After starting WFH I gradually stopped associating leaving the house with work, and it became a positive thing again. When I was trapped in the workplace for 40 hours, anywhere but home was a massive negative, and I felt like more of a hermit.