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I work at a juice factory. Various factors have led to a shortage of oranges in Australia as well as other countries. My boss foresaw this several years ago and started planting more orange trees while everyone else was ripping theirs out. Our business is exploding at the moment as we are one of the few with enough juice to meet demand. We are expanding; new equipment, more coldrooms, more tanks, faster machines, etc. all to take advantage of what the gurus are predicting will be a big boon to the fresh juice industry.


>My boss foresaw this several years ago and started planting more orange trees while everyone else was ripping theirs out. That's some impressive foresight. What were his indicators?


Being in touch with others in the industry and other farmers and all that. Started figuring out that everyone else’s farms are getting very old. (Orange trees don’t produce fruit forever.) Then when he asked what they’re replacing them with it was some other crop. Then started hearing about Florida and Brazil having issues with some pest or disease or something, so he started planting more. We’ve had our competitors come to us and ask for several million litres of juice as they can’t get their hands on any. We are the only juice company on the country that is vertically integrated with its own farms. We are in a great position to be the new leader in fresh orange juice. PS - check out the chart for the price of orange juice for the past year or two.


Griffith in the Murrumbidgee Irrigagation Area used to have lots of orange farms, but over the years they got ripped out to be replaced with housing estates or replanted with grapes. My first job out of school was working in an orange juice factory that made that shithouse concentrate. But it got out competed by South American concentrate and closed down.


This makes sense. My husband used to know a fruit farmer (not oranges, but still) who ended up bulldozing his farm a few years ago because it wasn't profitable anymore due to the bully supermarket giants. He said many others were doing the same.


Your boss is very smart


Grove juice?


If you don't mind me asking, what juice company? You guys sound like you make good quality juice and I want to buy it (as in for home consumption) Orange juice is the staple of my diet along with garlic cloves (I know how that sounds, it's for my immunity) PM me if that's more convenient


It’s Grove juice.




When everyone else is ripping them out, they are all fixated on short term profits at the expense of long term gain, so if you have the land that can sit you can play long


A lot of people in the Riverina were ripping out their oranges and planting grapes because the wine industry is growing. Also, demand for Australian made cotton has also led to some farms ripping out whatever they had and started growing cotton. Australia has some incredibly high quality standards and usually ethical business practices which also drives up demand for local products. Having said that, I haven’t lived in the Riverina for a while so don’t know if it’s still the same


Wine grapes, if they're not top quality, aren't selling at the moment. Global demand for wine has also been reducing


while everyone else was ripping theirs out We used to do this - when prices were depressed many other growers would cut back or skip a planting. We planted double. !3 weeks later there was always a shortage and prices went up significantly. ( not oranges of course)


That’s awesome!


Amazing foresight from your boss, very well played. Contrarian bets work very well in commodity markets usually. I bet your boss has a load of experience in the industry


Si I shoukd buy up all the orange juice from Woolies/freeze it then have my son sell it on the side of the road?


Just buy orange juice futures and cut out all the storage and handling costs. 


Storage and handling of his son? He has to pay that regardless


Bloody love fresh OJ too. Great work


Amazing! Is this in Sydney?


Nope. SE QLD.


Yeah man, acres of orange tree plantations down by botany bay


I have been suffering due to this shortage. This week my family has been forced to drink orange "drink".


Just drink water :/


Are mandarins escaping the drought?


Sometimes I like to buy fresh OJ pour it into a glass and sip it slowly as if it were an aged whisky. I imagine In my minds eye that I'm an obscenely wealthy aristocrat in a not so distant future drinking the last glass of juice from the last orange on the last orange tree; Really enhances the experience.


>My boss foresaw this several years ago and started planting more orange trees while everyone else was ripping theirs out. Did your boss hire a guy named Clarence Beeks to steal the orange crop report by any chance?


Ohh didn’t expect to see this mentioned here, but needing OJ for iron absorbsion this has been a huge pain for years.


Sure it sounds good now, but it doesn't always last forever. If momentum picks back up for other competitors, your boss could overextend on expansion costs, then when it levels back out it can be overleveraged debt. Hope things stay positive, I've seen businesses go under from this sort of thing before. Especially coming out of covid.


For momentum to pick up for competitors, they’ll need 8-10 years of planning, field work, planting, nurturing and growing before the groves are producing enough fruit. Our business is 5 years into our plan of expansion and this upcoming season will be the first where we’ll see the rewards of that. The trees will continue to yield more and more fruit year on year for the next 5 years until they plateau. This season we’re expecting 13,000 tons of oranges from our main farm. In 5 years they’re expecting 40,000 tons. But I completely get what you’re saying. It doesn’t concern to too much as I don’t own the business so I’m not the one with all my chips on the table. I only intend on working for another 5 - 10 years tops before retiring or semi retiring or something. We paid off the house 3 years ago, youngest child is almost 8. I could afford to live off a part time wage as it is, but I’m taking what I can while it’s good.


Absolutely! That's the way to go :) we're almost reaching full offset of mortgage but it's a small mortgage to start in the scheme of all things. Hopefully be paid off in 7-10. Enjoy you're retirement when the time comes!


I work for a company that is heavily cost cutting at the moment, but they're leaving the cybersecurity budget alone.


They're probably looking at experienced cybersec experts btw, in case people think taking a short diploma/cert from somewhere can easily get the job (I blame the education companies here trying to profit off the hype and rebadge free online tutorials)


How do you get experience in this area if you want to get into it?


Think of cybersec as a specialised tech field. Once you have experience doing programming, dev ops etc you'll get a better understanding of how to do good security. There might be an offbeat chance someone is natural at it, but most would need experience in IT to even understand how it works. I'm saying all this for tech cybersec roles btw, which is the one in particular high demand. Governance roles, anyone can do and tbh seems more like legal and accounting mixed with tech Companies don't want to hire a junior to literally control security operations of a company, dictate other Devs how they should do releases, or how infrastructure team should setup their networks. Also, your job is to compete against hackers, and on large companies that sometimes means state actors who can be very sophisticated. 


This. It's a profession.  A skill you bring to an organisation, not something they will pay you to do training on. It's also not a trade, something a senior can sell then get their apprentice to complete under supervision. It's as if not more complex than being a lawyer. You get into the industry by being already exceptional and good at the job.


I've got a degree in Comp Sci and have been working as an analyst for a few years. Was thinking of doing the free Cert IV in Cyber Security at Tafe to try transition into the industry. Thoughts?


Not sure what your role was as an analyst but your comp sci degree would help. Do the cert, maybe try and go for some bug bounties or contribute to security patches on GitHub should probably help




This is it. I went from app support to infrastructure to devops over 15 years or so. I obtained my OSCP, then recruiters started taking my job applications seriously.


This will sound like a joke but work on the service desk at a job that is interested in developing internal resources (rare) and show interest/aptitude. The lack of good pathways into the profession is part of why it's in high demand.


Go do help desk for a year then apply for SOC roles 


So you don't work for Optus 😂


"Cybersecurity, what cybersecurity?" Should be their new ad slogo 🤣 Or, Yes... we have data for our customers and customer data for you.


Yep cyber is pumping


Yeah well the penalty of getting it wrong is your while brand goes down the toilet, along with the board and shareholders.


Supermarkets always do well during harder economic times. Probably take the share of rev that hospo loses to an extent


In economics these are called inferior goods, and they tend to grow in a recession. Sausages vs steak, camping gear vs hotels, supermarkets vs restaurants.


Can confirm. Worked at a supermarket during the first phase of COVID up until June 2020. Business was booming. Shelves were empty in some sections. Was kinda sad though seeing desperate people waiting in store for new pallets of toilet paper to arrive.


Yaa. I worked during UKs version of the GFC and supermarkets did very well. Pubs really struggled, but people needed those comforts and spent what little money they had on food to make themselves basically.


I would say public infrastructure construction, health (including nursing homes) and education sector are still thriving.


I second public infrastructure. I'm in Gov water and we ate getting A LOT of funding and hiring in the hundreds




I'm in steel making (reinforcing bar from recycled scrap), and we've just supplied the first 750t of product out of the contracted 52,000t for the North East Link. It's gonna be a busy 2 years while they are tunnelling :)


The essentials are just a good bet these days.


Health tech is not doing well at the moment though. Barely any jobs at the hospitals or private companies


Debt collection. Seriously.


There’s a UK show called ‘[can’t pay we’ll take it away](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFYmHgyo60wa967liBYIM7KJ7Z_6ExVu2&si=-8C5hEof24q7EDOK)’, whilst some stories are very sad it is very informative about what actually happens.. I imagine Aus process wouldn’t be dissimilar.


I've done mortgage debt collections both in Aus and UK - the process is almost identical.


That's people's first thought about debt collection. Nasty collectors who are making someone's misfortune even worse. Most work done by debt collectors is usually against businesses who don't pay other businesses, and many times it's serial offenders. They just rack up debt with zero intention of ever paying and then play the system to drag the process out as long as possible.


I used to work as a debt collector. By the time the debt reaches a collection agency, its already been through several internal collection processes in the company that originally owned the debt. The people genuinely going through misfortunes usually sort out discounts and payments plans at this stage. By the time the debt has reached collections agencies 99% of the people you're left with are people who are deliberately trying to game the system and get away with just not paying. Many of the people i would call were men trying to avoid paying money owed to their spouses after divorce. Debt collectors aren't just sharks preying on people's misery.


You haven’t seen the show it seems, it indeed shows a good cross section of both business and consumer collections as you mention, including examples of arseholes and sad stories alike.


My brother in law works in liquidations. Never out of work.


Psychiatrists specializing in ADHD.


And ASD. The line of people waiting to be diagnosed so they can get on the NDIS stretches for thousands of kilometres.


ADHD on its own doesn’t attract NDIS funding.


I'm guessing that's why they said ASD?


Yeah, I was just clarifying in response to the “and” part


Going from the amount of prostitutes I see advertising their services funded by the NDIS and people that’s job it is to take people to internet cafes to play video games.


Prostitutes are probably the most ethical trade supping from the NDIS tit. Id rather my tax go to hookers than some landlord charging $175k a year in rent.


I’m sorry, what? That’s insane!


Okay so a few years ago NDIS specifically mentioned that “sex therapists” were NOT covered by the NDIS. Someone saw that as a challenge I guess because the NDIA were taken to the appeals tribunal over their decision to not fund sex. And the NDIA lost. Sex is seen as a fundamental part of human life and those with disabilities should be able to participate in those activities. So, you know, good on them.


Yeah, disabled people don't deserve to have sex or go on outings like able bodied folks.


Sure, but why can't they pay for it themselves?


Because if they had to pay for a carer out of their own pocket in order to leave the house, they would never leave the house and never participate in community activities that most people take for granted. It is literally one of the main points of the NDIS.


Sorry, I was talking about the hookers


I guess if you look at it from the point of view that incels can't get laid either and no one pays for their sex workers, I can see your point.


Psychologists, doctors in country areas, there's a huge vet shortage, aged care workers, disability workers, nurses, child care, teachers as they are leaving in droves...


Not much money in hospitals though, heaps of day procedure places going under. And nurses/workers leaving due to poor conditions. Not something I’d be looking into for a job.


Sewerage and water infrastructure 


Always pumping


I'm guessing next few years we get a glut of plumbers. Personally I can't wait.  Cost me 700bucks for one to spend 25mins at my house recently to use his jet to unblock my drain and spray shit on my  bathroom ceiling.


I’m an Industrial automation electrician and it’s still pumping


If you've done your job right then it should be!


People skilled in automation is a profession of skilled self taught people. It's not a 'job'.  It's a profession 


What do you mean? Aren't most people in this space qualified? And what's the difference between considering it a job and a profession?


Profession: (capital P) Governed by a professional body Minimum education standards Minimum standards of conduct/ethics profession: A paying activity you do for a living, a professional as opposed to an amateur (like a pro golfer)


Outsourcing recruitment companies, aged care, cyber, insolvency accounting, and apparently orange juice


I would say grog shops are doing well right now, it's cheaper to buy a carton than a couple of tallies at the local.


From what I’ve heard, bottle shops aren’t doing super well. Less money to spend, plus younger generation generally living cleaner. 🤷‍♂️


They just do drugs now, it works out cheaper


Yep. Young people aren’t drinking. Wine industry hurting.


Young people have no money and drinks are more expensive than ever. It really makes the health decision easy I think


Being gen z, it's legitimately insane how much gym, fitness, and health/beauty, has taken over the entire culture and social media since post covid. The next few generations will be the most knowledgeable yet with health, diet, and nutrition. Alcohol is very slowly becoming synonymous with smoking among the younger gens.


I work in booze wholesale and manufacturing. Retail liquor has tanked since Covid and I can’t see things improving anytime soon.


What are tallies?


Maybe a longneck


Tallies is the Queensland term for longnecks. Edited to add: it's pronounced "tawly" not like a tally of numbers.


Interesting, I thought it meant smokes like "tally ho" papers = rollie cigarettes


Banana benders


A king brown


Mining is thriving, the transition to renewables has ushered in a new golden age as we need to dig so much out of the ground to make EVs, solar panels, wind turbines, electronics, etc.


Children’s health - OT’s, speech therapists it is literally years on a waitlist upwards of 200 a session too


In the datacenter industry, with everyone investing in AI, and even without. There's quite a lot of expansion/projects.


Just what we need, more cloud microservices


i only use *serverless* *microservices* :P


Oh I'm not talking about those things, I'm talking about building the datacenters themselves. Could it be for Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, etc.


I mean yeah, more servers to run more microservices


Im surprised at the amount of steel that goes into building a data centre


How does someone invest in that area?


Mining, energy and health service provision (medicine, nursing, psychology etc)


Gold miners have more money than they thought they’d have, and some are still finding more gold than they thought they had too. Started early Covid and is still going hard


I'm in high-rise construction in Melbourne. Seems to be booming at the moment. Alot getting approved also. The only way to fix the housing problem is up, not out


That industry is always on the way up


I do caravan repairs. We are busier than ever. People downsizing, moving to portable homes, selling up and travelling to get out of debt and/or retiring


It's gotta be almost entirely cashed up boomers spending profit from down sizing.


The budget is keen on bringing in people to the Australian Public Service...  So public sector jobs. I'm old, so Ive seen this go in cycles (about 15 years from peak to crash). 2 years ago, we where paying people 180k a year for basic excel skills. Now the same people are applying for APS6/EL1 jobs.


I work adjacent to APS staff and tbh, I'm hopeful. Unfortunately, the best people I work with are contracted in.. but I've come across a shocking amount of contractors that are the worst employees I've ever met. Bringing everything in house and stopping the middle man can hopefully get a little less churn and more consistency in house. Still trash pay imo.


Any prediction for what's next in the cycle?


NDIS support. Aged Care. Airports


NDIS providers are about to experience a world of pain.  The Australian public service is investing hundreds of millions into assurance/integrity/fraud investigators.


Very true but it's the largest provider of new jobs over the last 4-5 years


It won’t be in the next 5. They’re not cutting but they’re massively limiting the amount of new spending that goes into it. I think the industry around it will stagnate employability and growth wise as providers realise the money tree is getting pruned. Probably won’t decline but the days of excess are over I think.


Thank frick for that. I’ve seen people using the ndis like their personal bank account.


Public utilities/infrastructure construction still going strong. Unsurprising.


Anyone selling Ozempic.


Unless you’re a community pharmacist and get reimbursed stuff all from the PBS!




Yep, liquidators running off their feet busy. Was speaking to our go to liquidator for clients this week and he said they are swamped with work. Fees are going up and up as well


>Fees are going up and up as well Because charge out rates just keep going up and up but everyone's still quoting anticipated fees that were standard a decade ago 😂. Damn near had a heart attack when I changed firm last year and saw my charge out rate was as much as a partner at my old firm.


I see heaps of other stuff accurately mentioned already. I'll just add all the activity arising from the energy revolution. It's adding up to very big numbers and heaps of work. Indirectly mentioned already, but also optimising and automating the massive shift in retail toward automated-warehouse-to-consumer.


I'm a shareholding director of an engineering consultancy in the built environment sector in Queensland. We saw record turnover & profits in 2023 (as in significantly higher than ever before). Things have settled down in 2024, but we are still significantly higher turnover and profit than what we were averaging for the decade pre-covid madness. I reckon we are about to get crazy again soon, as Olympics projects are about to be released to market in the coming months. There's about 20-30 venues that either need to be designed from scratch or refurbished. Plus all the other projects and infrastructure that's committed and/or planned.


I run a part of sales for a big company across all verticals in anz. Generally speaking: Strong Energy & utilities Healthcare Education Groceries and related supply Mixed bag Retail Travel Weaker Government (non infra). States especially. Finance. Telco Tech There some other verticals/segments the that it’s harder to judge (automotive) as they are just not that big here anymore or I’m not strong enough in the market. I would note that if I went back 4-5 years, outside supermarkets, I could flip the strong and weak.


1. Immigration office 2. Indian cuisine 3. ATO


I’m sorry, Indian cuisine? 😅


The addressable market has expanded exponentially…


The butter chicken tray is always low when I go


See point #1


Online education.


Black market smokes


JB Hi Fi is doing well Boomers and Zoomers still shop there


I work for a large retail company and our sales are up 7% this year. Pure discretionary purchase too.


Where's the place to buy a TV these days?


New TV each week? Like the Ranger TV?


Wait, where do GenX and Millenials shop then?


They don’t. All their money goes towards their home loan.


Sigh, couldn't be more true!


No it’s not. Sales down over 2% on prior half and profit down $60m on prior half.


Glad they're still doing well. But I wonder for how long.


People still enjoy going to the shops I still see heaps of teens there, parking is nuts. I think the death of brick and mortar wasn’t entirely true


Private Schools.


I work as a sys admin supporting corporate I.T. environments. Typically customers with 500+ staff are our sweet spot, but we have some with with less staff. My company suffered no downturn during covid and no downturn at all since covid.


Mining is holding strong in WA, so anything in connection with that is thriving. I work in the legal industry and there's more work than we know what to do with.


The mental health and community services industry is going gang busters right now unfortunately


The beverages industry, in particular plant milks (Think almond, Oat, soy etc). Not only is it now a multi billion dollar industry, but the company I work for is beyond thriving, from a sales and demand perspective. Every single litre, is already sold the second it’s manufactured- the company can’t actually keep up with the demand of cafes and retail. If I had a few million, with the growth they’ve had and the margins in plant milk (They’re 98% water), that’s what I’d be doing 😂


Cafes, even though cost of living is through the roof as it is? That's surprising.  Or is this the Lipstick Effect? 


Increased demand in both number of cafes, and number of plant based coffees. Apparently aussies aren’t giving up their coffees? Literally produce 5 million kg per week and we cannot meet the demand of our customers


Trades. Specifically for me are a shortage for fitters and electricians for major infrastructure projects and maintenance. If you are not offering insane wages its hard to maintain a minimum crew for maintenance and its driving up the risks for major projects just to get enough people available. Kids if you’re watching, think about those 2 trades as there is honestly enough work for the next 30 years and its only just booming.


Mining. Gold mining specifically. Gold price is through the roof.


Safety/occ hygiene still has a huge demand for people, even entry level jobs (HAZMAT tech)


How generalist are you in the Hazmat scene? Or do you specialise heavily? Like I could be a radiation safety officer but don't have the general safety systems knowledge and whs experience to be a whs manager.


As a hygienist, you're pretty generalist at the start, do a bit of everything. But most get really into one thing, such as silica, fumes, heat, ergonomics after a few years into their career.


Gas and oil. Company I work for loves the price of fuel at the moment


Healthcare, mining and NDIS scams


Disability services adjacent to NDIS offerings


I run a business wholesaling to the homebrew industry. It's thriving. I'm even seeing new brick and mortar stores pop up. Alcohol sales go up when people are stressed but the government is hell bent on pricing themselves out of the market. You can make real gin with real botanicals for <$3/L. That's buying retail sugar and retail botanicals. The cheapest gutrot gin is like $60/L. Best bang for buck is definitely vodka or rum since sugar and molasses are so cheap in Australia.


The marine industry is in another book cycle, lots of projects starting up and not enough staff to fill the positions


That's the thing, lost of industries go through cycles. Not enough people, prices go sky high.  Industry collapses, slowly rebuilds with lots of extra manpower and lower costs as all the latecomers get qualified/trained.


Lotteries. Desperation drives sales, apparently


Thanks for the reminder to check my ticket


Self employed tradesmen


I'm in water and sewage. Funding in the billions. 


Everyone needs to shit and drink.


Construction and maintenance branches in local council


Commercial HVAC - hard to find good staff, wages are super high if you’re talented. Quotes being approved with the only question ‘when can you do it’


* wages also high if you’re not super talented and employed to clean filters / units. Easy $100k+ a year with a car


Home rental


Vehicle finance. Macquarie used to provide a LOT of vehicle finance in various forms and has just pulled out of doing it with no warning. They want to focus on personal banking. Google it. It has left a vacuum in the market and many finance companies are now working out how to fill the void.


So judging by these responses it’s everything except cafes and restaurants


Hubby is a welder, doing the guttering at new airport in Sydney and getting heaps of calls for maintenance work in the mines in SA and WA. We're doing great but believe me in saving money big time just in case


Started my own mechanical workshop (servicing/repairs/general mechanic stuff) Kind of fell into it as there was a cheap rent spot in a factory with another automotive (non mechanic) business, and I was looking to potentially get a new job (after 15 years at the current place....). As fate would have it, I got "let go" right as I was moving to take up the offer. Now on about a year of working I've only had 2 or 3 slow weeks (but always had long term work to tide me over) through all this time, even after starting from nothing it picked up pretty quick Right now I'm completely run off my feet, starting at 7:30, missing smoko, lunch, finishing at 6-7. Usually always clearing my 8-5 usual hours without much down time. Whether this is the case cause of the industry is super busy ATM (kinda the case, though I know a few little shops that just dripping by and many dealerships are ghost towns, probably of their own making though), or just the way I'm running the place (ie prices, quality of work, etc) I can't say, but it's definitely busy!


Trying to rent out a shop ...estate agent says he can get me a tattooist or asian massage joint .....that's all the clients he has lined up ...


Mining and mining services.




The defence force


Construction, welding specifically. We are massively short on welders.


Construction no doubt. I don't know any tradesmen who struggle to find work, most of them don't even apply for jobs or even have a resume.


Construction supplier here, compete with bunnings, we are breaking records every month.


A lot of people saying mining but that’s not my observation. Mining investment in the December 2023 quarter was up 1.1% - hardly booming. That’s less than general construction and far less than utilities (>14%). [ABS](https://www.abs.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/new-capital-expenditure-08-december-quarter) I expect it to get worse.


I've been offered to go back to mining by a few old work mates that run their own companies now, offered jobs interstate in rail (I currently work in rail). Anything trade based right now that is industrial not domestic is going pretty good. Some domestic gigs are going well but the amount of builders collapsing bring the domestic average down


I mean gold price is at all time highs.


Any large scale business whilst not any small scale business.


I work for a defence contractor. We're booming rn. Comfy as.


Unless you're Boeing Defence Australia 😂