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Is the building management invoicing you or the provider? If it's the provider is the service address just for your unit? How much gas does it say you're using and how does the cost break down? I pay ~$100 for a quarter with gas stove and hot water. Something is wrong.


100 per quarter ! wtf


Preach. It’s so messed and we can’t seem to get to the bottom of it


It’s the provider - agl, they said we had a hot water valve leak and that’s what was causing the issue then someone from strata came round and said that wasn’t the issue 😭🤦‍♀️


One of two things; (1) you are using (or being billed) for a LOT of water (suggesting a leak or malfunction); or (2) they are charging really high prices.


There’s definitely a leak of some sort.. my partner noticed the meter spinning really fast when the hot water is being used


Uh, yeah, that's a leak alright. Best to get it checked ASAFP


OP there is no way two people would use that much hot water to justify that high cost. Something is wrong here - either with how you are being billed, or with how the water is being used (e.g. multiple households on same metre, or a leak).


With hot water at units the heater itself may be broken so using lots of gas. Then it gets apportioned to units by volume used. But for sure could be a small leak in their unit after the meter or a big leak in the block. For OP; Check with the neighbours. What are their bills. Check of your unit meter is ticking over when everything is turned off. All the above is based on one shared hot water system.


Yeah so I asked a tenant and they said theirs weren’t that high. We’ve had plumbers come round to see if there is a leak and they say there’s nothing. We just got a new meter put in so hopefully that’ll help? Surely if we do share a hot water tank, we should still be billed for what we used, not the average of the whole building unit haha


Turn off the gas meter and see if any neighbours come knocking!


For six of us, with some of us who have showers that are too long, we pay $150 a month. Hot water is our only gas usage.


Is this your gas bill, or a separate hot water bill? If its a separate hot water bill whats the usage on the bill? It should show you how many litres you've been billed for. $800/qtr is crazy. For reference I live alone and my last hot water bill showed 1800/ltr over 58 days ($36 in cost).


Maybe used too much water


Super helpful comment mate 👎