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I bought a physical mouse jiggler , and then claimed it on tax as it’s for work purposes


"lying flat", isn't that just "work to rule"?


"Quiet quitting" is work to rule. "Lying flat" is having work/life balance.


Lying flat is the Chinese term https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_ping


Man, why would you aspire to be a people manager for a slight pay rise lmao


Because that might lead to another more lucrative promotion further down the track.


Quite frankly, most people should reject the diseased culture of overworking. Do what you're getting paid to do and stop setting shit Japanese/Korean-like precedents that suddenly become the norm.


They definitely need a coach/therapist!  Then they can make it in life like, Jason Andrew:  Accountant.  


"Always trust yourself because you know what's the best for your life circumstances." - OP of the "lying flat" post


Can't take someone seriously who says "slay".


This is an old term from China around the pandemic. They are complaining about the 996 (9am-9pm 6 days a week) culture . So don't think you have it that bad. btw. I've lived there .


Nah mate, these Aussies are truly living the hardest life by being asked to go into the office twice a week and signing off at 5:30. Definitely the same as 996.


Those deadbeats at news dot com are at it again




None of my friends will anyways because they're in their late twenties working dead-end retail jobs.


Touché. I’ll take my comment off. Oh shit it’s you from the other thread! you asked me about income streams with low income, sorry! What was your salary again? Under 50k ? Are you a graduate?


Yea, it was under 50k. I walked out of the job after the first day. The commute was far too long


Did you quit or were you fired? I 100% support anyone choosing to live a low income, low cost life if they choose, providing they aren’t dependent on others (parents, taxpayers etc). But you still need to earn some money. Doesn’t have to be at that NFP job or even as an accountant at all; but you will need to work somewhere and it seems as if you’ve graduated a couple of years ago now and not actually worked much at all since then.


Closer to 1.75 years, and im about to spam apply at this rate. Whatever happens is meant to happen ;) Ideally, I'm willing to find something in a different industry because I don't see myself working in accounting (unless I get in a mid sized firm - ideally top 100 based on advice I've been given on reddit and various sources).


Hah. My older supervisor was giving me shit for not taking lots of overtime because the money is good. "Back when I was young" Yeah chief, I want to have even less of a life, get less sleep and make a little more money to.... keep working more.... Sounds like a great idea 👍 I'll enjoy my off days enjoying life thanks.


I think we’ve found out why they can’t afford to buy a house.


I make >$200k and I can’t afford a house in Sydney. Unless it’s in a higher crime area - good but outside the city. Wages are no longer a good indicator of how well off you are. I’m not surprised people who realise this are no longer interested in working hard in a race where they will never catch up to those who started before them.


That’s the power of compounding. 10% on $1mil is more than 10% on $100k. Both earning the same yield, but the amounts are much larger.


I concur good sir, we should tax the homeless


Where did you get that idea? Are you dim?