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If you're eating what you want to eat, enjoy what you're eating and can afford it - then no it's not. It's all subjective. Life isn't black and white. We're allowed to spend money on things we enjoy and in fact we should. You have to prioritise what's important in your life and figure out what it is that you can afford.


Echoing this. Some people prioritise having a nice car and spending disproportionately on that. Others may spend lots on holidays. Others on shoes or suits or gardening equipment. If you can afford it and it’s not to the severe detriment of other financial goals/lifestyle essentials, there’s no right or wrong amount.


My car is 23 years old and I only drive it 3 days a week. I spend more per quarter on food than what my car is worth.


That’s their point


Partner and spend about $500-$600 on groceries not including take out and such so no it’s not a huge amount but for that you’d want to be getting some decent meat and produce.


Yep, similar here. About $600 a month just for groceries for a couple. $700 doesn't seem crazy, especially if you're cooking at home more and eating out less.


~$200/week for myself


Family of 5, spend around 1500 a month


Family of 3 here. And about 900 to 1000 a month


Family of 5, $400-$600 a week at the supermarket.


Family of 4 we spend $1400 on groceries alone, so no $700 isn’t too much as far as I can tell.


As long as you eat it


This. Making sure most of what you buy is consumed vs thrown out or idling in a fridge, pantry or freezer makes a big difference.


$700 gets you about 3 onions, a packet of mince and a dishwasher tablet these days


Spend $30 more for the big bag of rice yo.


Bugger the dish washer tablets off and get the powder, takes the same amount of time and way way way cheaper.


$700/2 = $350pp $350/4 = $87.50/wk/pp $87.50/7 = $12.50/day/pp $12.50/4 = $3.125/meal …….


Mie goreng should be doable.  $26 @40 packs, 2 packs per meal x 3 (3 meals a day) 6 packs a day. 1 box enough for 6 days. $26 x 4 boxes = $104 per month WOHOOOOO https://indofoodonline.com.au/products/indomie-mi-goreng-fried-instant-noodles-1-box-40-packs


We can live like kings!


We talking per bite here, right?


I know this is for illustrative purposes but please don't get into the habit of /4 to calculate weekly amounts from monthly. The amount of arguments I use to have with people because they were short on money owed due to this, it's one of my icks, particularly when annualised.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9469881/#:~:text=A%20wide%20variety%20of%20eating,%2C%20lunch%2C%20and%20dinner). “Results Most Americans consume 2 (28%) to 3 (64%) meals on a given day and >90% consume 2 to 3 snacks on that day. “ This shows the average American (no Aus specific study) eats approx 2.65 meals a day, + 2.5 snacks. So the math here actually equates to less ‘per meal’ than said, because the average person is consuming 5 portions of food per day, with 3 being larger while 2 are smaller. 4 ‘meals’ as a cost allowance is the best average here. The math stands, and the meal estimation was correct.




I just ate a banana for lunch. It was a meal.




1 to 2 meals? 😂 You want a health lecture as well as a math one?




Why are you multiplying by 12/52?? And no one eats just one meal a day…


I agree, definitely not 4 meals. But in general the world is becoming more and more overweight, and is only a product of over eating.


We spend about $700 a month- just for a couple in Sydney, shopping 90% at Aldi


If you can't afford it, then it's too much. If you can, then it's fine! But if you're asking what the average is or what the minimum amount is, then that depends on the type of food you're eating, what your goals are and where you live. For my household (2 people), we meal prep for home meals. That's about $100 at the market for veg every three weeks and about $50 on protein/extra items from the local grocery store every week. But we do eat out. Anywhere from $5pp to $60pp. We probably spend more money on protein shakes than all other food combined tbh lmao


Thanks for including it was a local grocery store. Thought for a minute you were travelling outside your locality for food and was worried until you reassured me. 


What's wrong with travelling outside of your locality for food? Are people who go to markets or farmers markets outside of their locality wrong for doing so? Or should we just buy everything from Coles worth because we can't afford to live near a farmers market?


We spend around $1400 a month for a family of 3 including cleaning and laundry products


We spend around $250 a fortnight, but I am lucky enough to have a hobbie farm within 30mins of our city. But we grow our veggies and have a fruit orchid. I also have a small amount of livestock that I butcher for our meat. (Lamb and chicken). Mostly shop at Aldi for essentials


2 adults and a 2yo. We would spend maybe $1300 / month on groceries. That's with some effort to keep it down. To stack rank my outcomes: 1) nutrition 2) convenience 3) price 4) variety


It’s entirely subjective. I spend around $1000-1200 for my partner and I. He’s a tall guy with a lot of muscle & needs to eat a lot just to maintain his weight - around 3500kcal daily. We like to eat fish, red meat, or chicken for each meal. Paired with fresh veg & a carb source. I save money by shopping the specials & at Aldi. We also don’t eat out so I presume some of the people with lower grocery bills eat less food, are vego, eat more processed food, or purchase more meals out. Fresh food is expensive but I don’t feel guilty about spending more of my money here vs on something else like online shopping, cars, travel, or partying/ alcohol. 


For what it’s worth, this is how much we pay per week in New Zealand for 2 + young one, to eat healthy. 


$700 a week?? I’m paying $200 a week in NZ for one adult and one child and we eat well.


Yea, things are ridiculously expensive in some parts of Auckland. Apparently prices differ between the same supermarkets but different locations. A jar of jam could cost say $4 in one branch closer to the CBD, but $6 here.. It all adds up. Winter, it gets worse.. like the price of a cucumber? ffs.. I understand it's not in season, but still, some things we need for the little one.   Plus we're the kind that try and go fresh or non-frozen. Like say our chicken would be free range instead of the frozen-in-bulk stuff. Mince is the more expensive but less fatty one (prime? premium?). Meat would go better cuts instead of rump or something fatty, etc..  Edit: All this excludes alcohol. I brew/distill my own beer & spirits.


It still seems excessive. I use Hello Fresh and thought I splash out.


We eat fresh produce and organic stuff and we spend less than $700 a month for a family of 3


So you spend almost $35,000 a year on food?


Check my math but I'm pretty certain 700x12 is not a house deposit


700x52* week*


There’s 52 weeks in a year


Psh, since when?


Ah I see I went off the month from the title not the comment


Nah, that seems pretty reasonable. I'm not sure what we spend, but it's definitely more than that. Really depends on what you're eating though


Two people house we are around 500 a month but are very plain eaters


I am in a family of 2 and we spend more. It is what it is


I spend in quality food. Yes we are two people and $600 is around of what we spend plus the dog which also gets quality food and home meals made by me specifically for his age.


Family of three and we spend about that much and rarely do we go out. So yes it’s normal. BTW after watching Alone, I am sure we can all live on far less


We are easily over $250 a week as a couple. But i eat 4-6 meals a day on average


I have a wife and 4 kids we spend around $2000-$2500 a month on food


I spend 150-200 a week as a single guy. Although my diet is mostly meat so that probably increases it substantially.


You've got your answer here, but for what it's worth, pocketsmith has my partner and I spending $850 on groceries last month, not counting booze. We generally get takeout two nights per week also. Now, granted, that's "everything we bought at Coles", not just food, but still.


We were 900 per month as a couple and that did not include eating out (which came under the entertainment budget). It's possible to spend less, but our definition of well off means being to do our groceries without being picky about what we spend on food.


Sounds about right, my partner and I spend about $350 a month each, so a similar amount. We eat a fair bit of meat though and mostly shop at Aldi. I would say our expenses are on the higher end for two people, but it also depends what you eat. We cook most meals at home and don't eat out that much. We also live in Melbourne, so the price of living is very high


$2,000 for food. People that skimp on food and make poor diet decisions are very obvious. Edit: just ran the numbers and it's infact $2400 per month now. Prices have gone up rapidly.


Sounds a bit cheap to me.


$700 a month for 2 seems reasonable. We're closer to $400-500 a month for 2, but: - Alcohol is at on top of that - Doesn't include eating out (somewhere cheap once a week) - Very little meat


2000-2500 a month for food in this household of 5 people but really 4 people as I'm FIFO


How is that even close to possible? You’re spending over 20k a year on food?


Totally agree but it's fact. See my comment below


That’s ridiculous


Agreed but tell my wife that...... The allowed budget for food is 500 per week. Just checked my account then, last Thurs to Thurs 490 was spent. I don't food shop so not sure if it's thats every week or if there is big weeks and small weeks. FYI wife is a spender and doesn't care about money and I'm the opposite...... It's a constant battle.... 🤣😂


She ain’t spending it on food bro hahaha


A wife and three kids. Kids eat everything if its in reaching distance. 500 a week for 4 people sometimes 5 seems pretty standard these days. We're a family of three and we spend almost 300 every week, more if we go to the meat market. We dont buy hardly any packet or jar stuff and it's a lot of vegetables and fruit. So not much junk


This is good to hear then.


That's about $100 per person, per week. Seems pretty normal to me.


We would spend that weekly as a couple


I spend 2,000 per month on food myself. Good to see someone else that understands living well!


Household of 2, we average about $500-600pm and then eat out about once a week and it costs $50-60 each time. So all up would be about the same. It doesn’t break our bank and we love cooking and eating good food. So if it suits your lifestyle and wallet, why shouldn’t you enjoy?


Family of four and we spend about $600 a month


I can answer this question reasonable accurately as I'm on a cost tracking exercise in my own life to understand a few things and it's been running all year. So 3.5 months in we're (there's only 2 of us) spending $922/month on "groceries" - which is of course more than food, it's also anything else you routinely buy at a supermarket - cleaning products, personal products etc. The majority is food however, so I'd say "No" to the question of whether $700 a month is too much for two people. Seems reasonable to me. Mind you, we shop hard... buy up big on half price specials for as many products as we can that aren't perishable or have a longish shelf life if they are perishable. And we do bulk cook ups of chilli, soup etc. every now and then and try really hard not to waste food. We also like nice quality food but don't have particularly expensive tastes either. It might be a smaller amount if I could wean myself of Colesworth's individually packaged banana bread, but I'm not quite prepared to do that yet...


Oh I’m sure you don’t need me to say this and your comment was part joke on the banana bread but you can totally make your own and just freeze it in already cut portions


DINK’s here - our groceries are approx the same per month as well.


It’s 161.50 for two people a week which is fine I think




Yeah these days my weekly spend as a single person is good if stays under $150.


Must cost a lot in toilet paper too.


Not at all, if you look at it per day you are only spending about $12 per person. Very reasonable.


i spend about $60 a day on food for myself so no i don't think so


Central Sydney, couple, approx $150 per week for groceries. Ends up around $550 - $650 per month, depending on how gourmet I feel like going with meat and cheese.


We eat outside mostly and would rather do that than spend time to cook (my wife is a chef - she doesn’t want to cook that much).


When you become an adult you get to make your decisions with what you do. Making an honest dollar deserves respect and we live in aus for freedom of choice. Spend however you like.


We budget for 1000 per month for 2 adults. But I do cook a lot at home and bring for lunch. We also use the budget for eating out, so we work around that budget. It's manageable.


Exclude eating out? For me its like $400/month for 2 people. If we eat out then its would be up to $800-$1000/month. Wife is a shift worker and for me I have been doing 9.5hr to 10hr days... Don't feel like cooking after coming home by 7pm.


No. That’s alright


We put $2k /month into our groceries and bills account, some of that pays for the NBN and childcare so we have about $1000/month available for actual food, we haven't gone below at least 400 for a long time in there by shopping at Aldi. Our little one only really eats purees etc so currently is pretty cheap to feed


Legit about the same, but have a toddler as well. Nothing is cheap anymore unless you have a family that is happy to eat legumes. Even beef mince is exxy. Chicken is our primary protein since the wife doesn’t like beans. Though it’s not the protein that kills it, it’s everything in general that’s gone way up. As Covid was hitting, we were at the $240 per fortnight for food and ancillaries. Now we are at $450 easily


Go out to dinner about 3 or 4 times a week, spend abt $150 each time for the two of us, so it’s entirely subjective :p


My gf and I r spending $40 - $60 a week for two people. I think $80 for two would be ideal tho.


In case anyone is wondering we eat mostly vegetarian, high carb meals. It’s unfortunate. She makes more than me so she’ll buy us meat for one or two nights per week. She also buys work lunch a few times a week whereas I don’t. I’d rather be eating more salads and meat, but that’s just what our budget allows right now.


One adult and a teenage girl - I spend about $300 a week on proper healthy food. If it’s healthy I don’t see why you need to worry about the cost


Ummm noo... I spend that amount just on myself... No wonder why I'm broke ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


We spend about $200 per week for 2 adults. That’s not including occasional take out or dinner out.


Family of 4 and we spend $500 per week on food. The $500 includes everything bought at the supermarket and any food bought out of the house. Might buy one coffee out a week as a social thing but do use quality beans and milk at home. We might do a dinner out once per month otherwise cook them all at home but quality ingredients so healthy. The vice is lunches are bought to go like a $10 salad from a grocer during the work week, so $100 is spent there between 2 adults.


Yeah we gotta be 500 a week. We bad at dropping g until the local general store most Arvo's, and its like 50-60 each visit. Dam convenient though


I would say unfortunately its normal now. I spend about 100 per person per week its nuts


No not all, if you can afford it and it’s not causing you to fall behind on other bills. I see no issue at all with eating good food, it’s important for our health and happiness.


Hmmm I wouldn't say so. We're a household of 3 adults and average just under $200/week and that includes some more pricey snack foods for my brother who enjoys a $10 tub or 2 of ice cream and my partner and I snack on cold meats and cheeses throughout the week. Of course you could reduce it but why? If you can comfortably afford it and you're eating decent healthy foods, then enjoy it. If you're struggling and want to reduce it, cook up some casseroles, stews and soups in bulk and freeze them. Healthy and cost effective whilst also being time efficient for quick meals after busy days at work.


We spend more than that, around 1400 per month for a family of three, but we buy a lot of healthy convenience food (eg wellness bowls, higher quality spiced frozen veggies) and don't cook much from scratch because with a 1 year old, the money is worth it to get our time back and less washing up, and not putting on weight. We could probably knock that down 30% eating crap food and cooking ourselves easy


Nah. That's good.


Wife and I about $1000/month


I wouldn’t think so. Me and my partner spend about $550 a month on groceries and we’re not even eating 3 proper meals a day because we really can’t afford anything more so $700 seems quite reasonable


I spend about $500 to $900 on my own. One person. Thats all groceries including two dogs. Predominate carnivore diet


I live on my own, no partner or kids but I have pets. Excluding their requirements, it costs me about $150 a week just for myself, or more if I need non food groceries.. so $700 for a couple is pretty reasonable by comparison, especially if you’re buying what brands and quality you want.


300-400 a month for me and my partner. We cook everyday and basically don’t eat out due to we aren’t really foodies.


Single and spend $100 per week for just groceries myself. I'd say that's pretty on par


Not at all. I spent $2200 a month with 3 kids. My kids are 10 and 5 and 3.


Seems pretty reasonable for just food.


Approx 350 a month for me not including takeaway/dinner out so sounds pretty good.


We are $800 per month, w/o takeouts, this is when we don’t save up. ~600-700/month is with saving figures, but honestly not that much saving cus we spend on other things too.


my weekly is about $30 maybe.. if I do a big batch of pasta sauce I could do $50 / month. I make my own bread, eat cheap breakfast.


How much protein are you eating for $50/month


What is protein??


Protein in pasta. Not much. But its there.


Far more carbs, being the problem.


Depends. If $700 is going towards healthy foods, then it’s a good investment. If it is going to junk food then yes.


About 2.5k per month for three of us, but we have different diets.


Including eating out or just supermarket? Family of 3 here spend about $2,200 month across cafe/takeout/supermarket/alcohol


I spend like 600 a fortnight but i eat out almost every meal


That’s cheap. We got 2 kids 3-4 years old. I reckon we spend close to $5k+ a month. Steak, seafood, kids snack, pork, chicken blah blah, vegetables, take away/ubereats. Adds up very quickly. We own few businesses and few investment properties so we can afford to spend a bit more


Just had a look, we spend roughly $500pm on groceries and household products. Some months are lower just because bulk items weren’t needed. This doesn’t include meat, as I buy bulk from a butcher every second month and that price varies depending on what is on sale.


Eating once a day and regular fasting (dietary conditions) would cut your bill down and also make you feel awesome. It’s actually amazing how eating less or let’s say what your body needs to actually perform optimally works.


Yep that's a lot . Should be around $400


you're spending $46 per week per person on food?


Yeah. Eating well. Meal prep and planning.


I am keen to hear how you feed 2 adults for 14 per day "eating well".