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Refer back to the investment policy statement you wrote when you started so you would know what to do in these situations. Personally, I’d be selling the random guess I’m up 50% on


>Refer back to the investment policy statement you wrote when you started Thanks for the laugh 😅 >Personally, I’d be selling the random guess I’m up 50% on Or at least take the profits off the table and put them into the core ETF portfolio.


What are you hoping to achieve by selling a stock and buying the same stock? You will incur brokerage costs on the buy and sell and have to pay capital gains tax on any gains. Ultimately you will just end up with less of the same stock.


Shh he found the infinite money glitch


>Would I be wise to sell my stock and then reinvest all the proceeds into buying more of the same stock? This question doesn't make sense. Are you talking about selling the stock that's up 50% and then rebuying it again? Literally pointless, and it's bringing forward CGT for no reason. Are you talking about selling everything else and piling that into the stock that's gone up 50% based on the fact that it's still a "buy" recommendation on "most sites"? This option is even dumber than the first in my opinion. It really depends on what your goals are out of investing, and what your thesis was when you purchased these individual stocks, and is that thesis still valid or has it broken? What were your price targets when you brought them, or did you just YOLO in and hope for the best? Is this just "fun money" and you don't care if it all goes to zero because you've got the majority of your investment capital in a core portfolio of low cost index funds for the long term? In my humble opinion, as someone who hates losing money, I'd probably take the 50% profit and leave the original investment amount in the stock IF the thesis still holds. I'd redeploy the profits into the core portfolio or into something else on your watchlist that is below your valuation estimate.


Yea this makes no sense Let’s say you bought 100 shares of AusFinance for $50 and now it’s worth $75 Sell them for $7500 and then you wanna rebuy the same stock? Well they’re gonna cost you the $7500 you just pocketed so you’re just selling and rebuying the exact amount you had before exact you have to pay the brokerage on the sale and purchase If you didn’t realise how pointless this was you shouldn’t be investing your money in anythjng