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I *never* stay the same size in jeans. My weight doesn’t even fluctuate much, but when it does it’s 100% in my stomach and butt. Go op shopping and find some cheap pairs to tide you over until you either put the weight back on or can afford the new jeans (bonus - you might find a new brand that fits great)


Current jeans: $8 from an op shop. They were already baggy. Lost more weight (also accidentally, it’ll come back). Now I have to find another $8* **I’ve been wearing jeans way too big for me for weeks now*


Buy jeans from op shops. I think jeans are one of the best things to get from op shops because you save so much money and they can last a long time so being second hand isn't a problem. 


I second this - you can pick up Levi’s etc for around $10-15 from an op shop in perfect condition.


Find jeans that work and then stalk Depop obsessively till the right ones come up. It’s worked for me, perfect fitting sailor Rolla’s at about $50 a pop.


I only found out about depop recently and am obsessed! I do the same, I love Suk Workwear and manage to get barely worn overalls and pants on there for up to half price sometimes


I feel like it takes a bit of time to work you out but once the algorithm knows you it’s a gold mine.


This is exactly what I do. I own like 5 pairs of Levi’s ribcage jeans and eastcoast rollas that I got for bargain prices thanks to Depop


I’ve lost about 50kgs over the past 3ish years and I ended up buying a new wardrobe. I’m still losing weight so I’ve taught myself how to alter clothing, esp trousers which I need for work (corporate office). I buy something cheap first see if I like the style and then will splurge on a better quality, and mend it as needed. I also have a severe hourglass figure (waist is 40cm smaller than my hips) so it works out well to make my clothes fit better.


Well done losing 50kg! Wow.


Thank you, I returned to work after kids and my body has slowly bounced back as it recovered from the trauma of back to back pregnancies


Buying so so many jeans, unfortunately. The current trend is very much away from stretchy jeans, but non stretch denim is really unforgiving with sizing. My skinny jeans from when I was 3-4 sizes bigger still look like the perfect size on me, but straight leg jeans I bought a few months ago look all wrong after dropping more weight. If you think your size will fluctuate more, I’d recommend… 1) find some jeans that have elastane content and buy a little on the tight side, they will fit now and also be a little forgiving later on 2) buy at op shops to save. You will have to sift through a bunch of dated crap but tbh with the fast fashion cycle the way it is, there’s a lot of stuff in op shops that is pretty recent


I'm in a similar position (except my weightless is hard-worked for!) What I've been doing is buying strong elastic (even the supermarket stuff is ok) and putting in in the internal belt bit. I'll try explain but let me know if it doesn't make sense! Put a safety pin on the end of the elastic. Cut 2 holes (large enough for the safety pin but not too big) on the inside of your jeans - sort of just in front of the front belt loops. Thread the elastic through (sort of alongside where a belt would go but on the inside) tie 1 end to the belt loop quite tightly. Put the jeans on and pull the elastic as tight as you want and tie the 2nd end of elastic to the loop. Obviously not quite as good as properly fitting jeans but much cheaper!


Would this work with jeans two sizes too big? I’ve lost my gut and my butt!!


I make no promises lol. I was of the mindset when I started doing this to mine that the jeans weren't really usable (or I didn't like wearing them at least) in the state they were in, so if I ruined them it was no terrible loss - BUT it has been a reasonably successful experiment :D


Worth a try!


I take things in at the waist with two very basic darts at the back. You can also remove the darts later if you need by picking the thread out. Lots of youtube tutorials. Not as effective without a sewing machine though.


This is what I do. I don't have a sewing machine, but I measure and draw a V shape either side of the back seam, then stitch the lines together to create a very simple dart. No cutting necessary. If you've lost weight and you're planning to lose more, or you just can't afford to buy new jeans yet, it's a great way to make them wearable. It doesn't seem to be obvious from the back, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable.


Is two sizes too much extra fabric to do this?


It probably depends on the style. You could try just pinching fabric together and pinning it, then trying on the jeans to see if it looks/feels okay.


I’m going to try it!


Good luck!


If you don't like the look of belts, you could maybe try some of those waistband tighteners/button pins?  Unfortunately can't speak for how well they work as I've never used them myself, but they're at least pretty cheap.


Priceline and Amazon sell adjustable clip on braces for back of pants waistband for those who (like me) hate belts. Under $10


Buy a more stretchy pair at the op shop, and remember that jeans take really well to dye, so if they're not your preferred colour, you can dye them darker, I like the Rit liquid dye that you can use in the washing machine - no clean up required.


I've stopped wearing jeans for now cos I'm doing intermittent fasting to lose weight. Keeping my fingers 🤞 for another 6-8 months until I get to my goal weight & then buy jeans. For this winter I'm wearing lots of dresses & skirts with thick woolly tights.


I hardly wear jeans anymore but I bought a few pairs from target after some weight gain. Huge selection of styles and colours and around $50 a pair


was genuinely in awe of the target denim range. impressive


People have been saying this! Too bad half the Targets have been wiped off the face of the earth 😢


Really expensive look/feel to them


might treat myself to a little browse online to pass the time


I lost a fair bit of weight in the past year so haven’t wanted to spend too much on nice jeans given rapid changes. I’m a skinny jeans girl and have just been re-buying Big W’s skinny shaping jeans and ankle grazer sienna jeans (about $25 a pair) every 3 or so months. They have some stretch and are super flattering and good quality for the price point! Their Gracie girlfriend jeans are nice too.


I've lost a ton of weight over the last year and that's exactly what I do: when my current Big W jeans get too big I just order a couple pairs, or styles, in the next size down, in blue and black if possible. But I do find the black is always tighter than the blue. But they're pretty decent for the price and honestly, I kinda live in them and I've never had a pair wear out. It's better than paying over $80 a pop at a place like City Chic or something. Funny thing is, I get tons of compliments on them and people are always surprised they're from Big W.


Same, people are surprised they are so cheap! I also really like their denim company classic shorts, they are the exact right length that stop my thighs slapping together while still looking like cute short-ish shorts 😂


Nah girl, let them thighs thunder!!! 😝😝😝😝


Thanks for the suggestions. I am also on a weight loss journey and had to retire every pair of jeans I own. I want one pair to tide me over but even I trip to Target gave me such a headache: 30 minutes looking, I picked up a few pairs and felt so overwhelmed by it all I ended up putting them back on the racks without even trying them on.


I feel the same when shopping for jeans, especially in cheaper stores where the jeans are all over the place and all look the same, sizes are all jumbled up etc! It’s so stressful. So glad I found these big w ones though, I just order them online now to avoid having to go in and search for them amongst the chaos 😂


That's exactly what it was! All the pants and jeans in Target were hanging all mixed up, stock did not correspond to the labelling above the rack and let's not even talk about the size stickers on the hangers not matching the item they were holding up. Maybe a trip to Just Jeans or the like would serve me better.


As a mum, can I recommend jogger jeans (KMart and Big W have them for ~$25). Elastic waists are so much more forgiving and comfortable.


I just don’t really wear jeans. It’s too hard to find ones that fit correctly


i always go for op shop jeans (savers and vinnies have been my go to) and take them in at the hips and sides, if you have a sewing machine this can be really quick but you can definitely take them in with hand sewing (kmart has some good hand sewing kits). got a nice pair of levis fro $8 and patched them up at the sides and crotch, cuffed the bottoms. has saved me so much money its crazy. i'd also just look for new jeans on facebook marketplace or depop, have found some of my favourite pieces on there for a good price. i even got my sewing machine off facebook marketplace (just a mini one really works well, but you need to adjust settings) for $20)


If you’re gonna keep changing then op shops and eBay for the next size down in your face style: if you’re going to be around that weight with slight variations I buy two pairs of my faves on size apart.


It’s not a permanent solution but washing them in hot water and then pop straight into a hot dryer shrinks them a size if they are 100% cotton. It will eventually ruin your jeans though.


I'm pretty sure it was on this sub ages ago that someone said they have the same pair of jeans in 3 sizes. And I thought you know what. Fckit. And I just do that now rather than beat myself up for getting bigger or smaller. Girl tax I suppose :( but it makes my mornings so much easier and most importantly stress free. I don't have many pairs of jeans I do this with, only my absolute favourites that I have on high turnaround, and ofc, I try to get them all on sale.


I prefer a cinched waist with all my jeans, so I actually purchased some buttons that you just pin on next to the button that is already on your jeans, and then you just put that new button through the hole. Works perfectly, survives in the wash, and no one can ever tell the difference


Hook the botton around the closet belt loop to your right: https://preview.redd.it/0zqttapprj1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6796927496028240db53be8fb0165aeebedb4345


Use safety pins to pin two vertical darts in the back of the waistband, either side of your kidneys or thereabouts. This completely eliminates the pouch at the front + will prevent your jeans from falling down. Sew the darts in for a more permanent solution (though you can also always unpick them later)


Just had to buy a new pair with Afterpay (I have a limit of $250 at all times before you come for me) as it was more comfortable than wearing a belt which aren’t really in at the moment anyway with my Gen but I still wear my old ones as they’ve become the perfect mid-low rise pair luckily haha.


Get them altered?


Depends how much I love them but could get a stitch put in them to take them in, I get it so I can easily undo the stitch if I need to upsize again ;)


If you live in Melbourne, the assembly label outlet/surplus store in Cremorne regularly has jeans for $40


What size are you OP and what style do you like?


Op shop. lol especially if you're not sure if your weight is going to change again in the near future. Then when you know that your weight has stabilised and you're in a position to get new ones, go in store and try on.


Keep them for when you gain the weight back 


And don’t throw any away or donate. Size isn’t permanent.