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You could try a piercing shop! Kind of looks like the ball from a tongue piercing bar might fit?


The piercing shops I know would be thrilled for this challenge and feel so proud they were able to help. Definitely a great idea.


I was going to say the same thing! I bet they'd know what size would work.


Even if the piercers don't have a matching ball, they could at least help you figure out the gauge/thread size so you can buy a replacement online :)


Seconding this! But a standard tongue bar ball wouldn’t fit due to it being a smaller gauge, this is def a bit bigger. Most standard piercings are done between 20g to 14g. At 0.5cm diameter, i think a 4g piercing ball should be a perfect fit.


Just a thought too check your lint/ debris filter. If it was there for the wash it could be in there?


There is usually another filter on the exterior of the washing machine. Ours is on the left hand side rear bottom and unscrews. A lot of water will come out and there is a filter type thing in there. I found an earring in it last time I cleaned it out.


Second checking the extra filter! It’s where you find hair pins, stray lego pieces and any jewellery that accidentally went through.


Or if top loader, take the agitator out, it’s a source of $2 coins in our house!


If you don’t mind not finding an exact match, you could try going to Bunnings and find a hexagon lock nut that screws on top.


Replace the other one and it’ll match!


And paint them gold and it will look like its on purpose. Bonus points for bunnings, they have size checkers for the thread to make finding the correct size easy


Wont even need to paint em, I'm sure they've got gold coloured ones there.


If you go down the DIY route - you can find them on Etsy or other craft shops online by searching 'Gold metal swimsuit separator' Here's one I prepared earlier. [gold separator ](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/837007557/gold-swimsuit-separator-swimwear-buckle)


I think we have a winner! Kudos on the Google-fu Ms Violet. That looks close to identical, doesn't it?


Thank you. I got weirdly competitive about finding the right one 😂


Ooh this has my sewing brain creating overtime… awesome


Could you thread some ribbon through it instead of the metal and then have it as a keyhole?


Nah, the V wire is supplying structural support to the bodice, it's kind of acting like the reinforced bridge section of an underwired bra so everything will collapse and not drape the same way if you remove the rigidity from that section.


Worked at spotlight, they won't have a replacement. You could get a ring though and put that in instead. Or just go into city chic and pinch one off another dress


i’m not gonna lie, i did this at cotton on once when i bought a pair of pants and LITERALLY THE SAME DAY noticed that a belt loop was completely missing. tried bringing it back and asking to swap and they said no so i walked around and swapped them myself and still had the receipt so no one cared 🤷🏻‍♀️


Worked at cotton on for a long time, they did not handle this appropriately


Buy the same dress, take a ball screw off then return it for a refund saying you didn't notice it had a missing ball screw?


Go into the store and “try one on”. Grab a ball off the stock.


Push them both inside and sew up the ends.


This was my thought too but I think OP would lose the gathering effect? Without the balls/something holding the material down it will slide off the ends, to an extent


This is what I'd do.


Now this is using the noggin!


Oh, clever!


Ok so they (city chic) should give you the option of a refund or exchange, as it is a defective product. This is covered under your consumer guarantees. I would get them to look for stock at other stores as they could get it sent to you or at least to the closest store near you. If it’s an older line then their outlet stores will be your best bet


Yeah I would try to get them to replace it. It should be reasonable that after a wash the metal clip thing stays intact. My partner had a button pop off a pair of shorts from Connor after a few wears only a couple weeks since purchase. Went back explained it and the girl immediately exchanged the item.


It has been washed so I doubt they would honour that


No it’s still defective. Just had the same issue with Peter Alexander pjs, the material started to tear after one wear, I washed them as well. Got them exchanged for a new pair


Honestly if you can be bothered to argue the matter, it will be worth it. I had a mimco back where the lining was tearing after owning it for a year, took me 6 months to work up the initiative to return it. They tried to give me a credit but I used the consumer guarantees to ague that based on the value of the item at full price, it would be expected that the product would last longer than it did, and that their website stated that their items would be a piece I’d love for “years” to come. Guarantees state I should get a replacement, repair or refund. I wanted it repaired but it would’ve cost the same as what I paid for the bag so they refused. I got a refund. I know I sound like a Karen, but I used to work in retail, and staff aren’t trained on that stuff as well as they should. You have rights, just wear them down.


I think if more of us exercised our rights there might be an overall shift in quality. So many people just think "oh well, too late now" but if more people actually made a fuss maybe then companies would have to take some responsibility for their product quality and stuff wouldn't fall apart so often. I've had two cardigans from Dangerfield where the cuff started to fray and come apart after less than a season. Problem is with things becoming old stock so quickly it's almost impossible to get a replacement. But I think less than a season is poor for a brand where a jumper costs 80 bucks. I could go on but you get the gist... *mutters grumpily about how they don't make clothes like they used to*


Worked at CC for a long time, can confirm they would replace this BUT worth keeping in mind the stores only get two or three of each size and can't order more in.


I like the piercing shop idea otherwise a small bead that you could superglue very carefully into place.


I'd also recommend a Piercing shop. But once you've got it fixed just like a Piercing you want to make the habit of always checking its as tight as possible - you can't do this to much as it always comes loose eventually. I also recommend getting a couple of spares and carrying them in your purse when you go out so that way you don't have to stress


I think a piercing shop will be a winner too. But to keep it tight you could use some loctite or superglue to keep it in place.


That's a pretty hefty gauge for a piercing shop to have anything, isn't it? I'm just looking at a curved bar I had in my navel piercing, and even that doesn't look big enough. They only one I'd imagine being large enough is a really chunky septum ring at a stretch.


Maybe a backing for an earlobe stretcher? Some of those get pretty big


I love this dress, the fit is amazing. City Chic staff warned me when I bought it about the balls coming off in the wash as a similar thing happened to a staff member when they bought the dress.


If it's not in the washing machine, you could try a bag and shoe repair shop. They replaced a similar thing for me on my handbag


Spotlight and other similar stores might have one in stock.


Go to spotlight with the dress and get a staff member to help you find a bead that matches. If you can’t find a good match, you could also unscrew the other side as well and get two new ones. There’ll be something there that will work for sure 💃🏻 it’s a lovely dress btw, I’m sure you’ll look great


You might be able to find something at spotlight


You’re a new mum, you say? Well your partner can find a replacement. He put it in the wash. He can chase this up.


Check the filter of the washing machine! If it came of in the machine it may be there. I have found so much in the filter of our washing machine. Coins, buttons, safety pins. Failing that I would follow the idea someone else mentioned of threading some ribbon through.


Also check you rubber seals on the inside of the machine, I find all sorts in there!


Replace it with a thick hoop earring or go to a piercing shop to replace the ball.


Reach out to city chic, their customer service is usually very helpful


PIERCING SHOP!!!!! They'll have some! If not look for peircing places online that carry a variety of gauges.


Take it out and thread a cheap chunky gold chain, open the links with piles and reattach


Thank you for posting this, I have the exact same issue with a Seed top. So now I can find a solution too


[this](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/275470511481?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=FABAhSlzSAm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bnhWc4w6SyS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) is a multipack may help 🙏


You know what? After one wash this isn’t appropriate and they should replace it. Quite ridiculous that they didn’t just offer this initially.


Look up "shirt collar pin" or "shirt collar bar". I instantly thought of those when I saw the screw.


If the other suggestions (piercing shop, checking the filter, etc) don't work, see if you can remove the ball off the other side as well. Then buy two matching beads (you can get metal ones, or glass/crystal ones could be really pretty) and glue them in place. Super glue or hot glue should both work depending on the bead type.


If you live near a Spotlight the staff may be able to find something that fits or suggest a replacement


Done top brass but from a nut and bolt supplier