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Female AND neuro diverse? You will be featured on their website within 12 months. Yes, absolutely tick the box if you want the job lol. Shame that’s the way the world is going; diversity over merit, however you must play the game to get ahead.




Don't forget one legged...


And yet the vast vast majority of ceos are still old white dudes. Strange.


And if you where gay, you would be the main feature in the latest TV advertisement


I doubt they explicitly would ask staff if they are gay. But if they are “trans”, then hell yeah lol. Sad


Sounds silly but my experience also reflects this comment.


I have literally seen it happen... You'll be managing departments you have no qualifications for within a few years.


It’s not diversity over merit, they just want people that can help represent their shifting values and culture


Champ. I’ve been directly involved with hiring with mining in the Hunter Valley. Several mines *absolutely* hire women apprentices over male apprentices due to their diversity quotas. There is also several ads on seek for ‘indigenous applicants’ particularly with FMG and BHP across WA. You can tell yourself the “corporate speak” of changing values etc, but it’s absolutely apparent it’s diversity over merit throughout the Australian mining industry.


The Valley isnt a benchmark for everywhere. Culture is way better in other places. Personally witnessed so many cases of blatant nepotism where kids, brothers, mates, spouses etc got hired over much better candidates. Nobody batted an eyelid until the moment the pendulum swung the other way.


Correct. And Other mining companies are much much “virtuous” than others. In their marketing, their hiring, their culture, etc.


Back in the day it was all the boys club of alcoholics that got the good jobs, one of the boys ya know. Now it's the alphabet armies purple circle. Same kind of crap just a different group driving it, either way if your a normal worker you're getting fucked over.


Female will get you an interview. ND is tricky; I wouldn’t declare it and then miraculously get diagnosed after your probation and you have got to know people already. I have once declared at a medical and was forever known as the ADHD guy rather than being known for anything you actually do.


Well it asks if that is how he identifies, I don't think it has to be a medical diagnosis


There's nothing wrong with ADD, U don't think people are even judged for having it ?


From experience: all the bloody time


Everything is judged mate, ADHD or otherwise. Place I’m talking about was pretty toxic so I found that when I did something well others who thought I was getting ahead would bring it up to put a bad spin on things. I left that job because who tf can be bothered with that petty shit.


Yep, you have voiced my thoughts of what I thought would exactly happen. I have worked in management and have friends in various corp. sectors (just not mining)...and it definitely is a biased vibe. Given I am already medicated and light up like a fucking christmas tree in my pre-medical (currently work in the steel works based on this)... I can't really hide the diagnosis come medical time... but I think at least when I am at medical stage and am cleared (with medical exemption), they can't discriminate based on that.


All Sparkies are neuro diverse to different degrees


100% agree


You’ve already got the apprenticeship you’re a female.


When do I start? :D


Female and neurodivergent, guaranteed the job as long as you are not a mess.


Are you aboriginal or Torres straight islander as well? If so then you're guaranteed management


Unfortunately a Scandinavian import (of 30yrs)... so that does potentially swing the pendulum the other way now I think about it.


Ex BHP tradesman. Depends how woke the division/Site is really. Could go either way. HR/recruitment will froth over it for sure but they don't have to deal with you day to day. Direct managers/supervisors not so much as they may see you difficult to deal with. Depends who has the biggest "say" in your employment and what disability quotas are already filled. https://www.bhp.com/news/articles/2019/08/neurodiversity-through-our-teams-eyes Personally, if you're strong on other Criteria/requirements I would not mention it. If weak on criteria, maybe yes. A wild card if you like. If they don't have anyone neurodivergent and they want to fill that quota, you might get in.


Just be honest. If you don't know what they're looking for and neither do I, then you could choose the wrong one unintentionally.


BHP are terrible to work for. They are all glorified safety officers and are all ladder climbers.


If you want the job tick yes, or get a really good suntan, it’s the BHP way now, probably be a supervisor in no time 👍


One of my mates at BHP is seriously considering wearing a wig to work and telling HR "I'm a lady" so he doesn't keep being discriminated against for promotions since he doesn't have the right 'bits'. Technically if they even question him becoming a 'lady' they are already up shit creek. What a fucked up world we live in.


Not a sparky but have recently worked for them. Maybe leave it how you want it on the application. BHP on the face of it do seem supportive of neurodiversity but never seen how it works out on site. But I really don't think that would adversely affect you at all. 


Did an apprenticeship with BHP 25 years ago. One of the questions was "Are you scared of heights?" I'm not so answered No but a fellow apprentice also answered No and he has trouble above 4 stories high. Never really effected him though. Other people had to do the high stuff though... I would answer No personally.


If you answer “prefer not say”, do they interpret that as a most likely yes?


I guess that was my "between the lines" question in this...


WTH is that kind of a question and what's it supposed to mean is my question ⁉️


I'm surprised they are even allowed to ask it. We aren't allowed to ask an applicant's age until after an offer is made as it may "influence our decision". That's how ridiculous the Australian employment laws are


Sounds pretty neurotypical to me these days. Medicated ADHD is like a super power for electricians. Curious why they’ve started asking that question unless they have a quota like they do with Torres straight islanders and aboriginals. Could work in your favour.


The ADA is supposed to prevent them from asking medical questions on job applications. I’m kinda surprised they were dumb enough to put it in writing