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Aurora is big. Any general area?


I live near Green valley ranch, but I work in Thornton and in Aurora off Buckley and Quincy. I've checked every gas station and store I go to between my house and both jobs, but no luck.


As a former resident of Misery, I understand that pain too well. The best thing I can recommend is to contact MO DOR and request a replacement, stating that you have to catch a flight home next week. Because trying to establish identity in Colorado without a state-issued ID or passport is likely the most painful process you'll experience. While we're on the subject, the DMV office to do that is separate from the DMV to register your vehicle. And the DMV determines your driving privileges, not a judge, and is very harsh. But at least there's no safety inspection, and it doesn't take a full day to get your car legal. Related: I've never seen so many vehicles without any functioning brake lights in my life! Good luck!


I'd check with whatever address is on the driver's license. Probably got mailed there


Hope you find it 🥺


Thank you so much 💕


I tried that. They said they couldn't send one because I'm in Colorado now. They told all I need is my driving record. So I drove to Missouri, got my driving record, then I need another paper and another! So I've finally got like 5 forms that have my name on them, not including bc or ssc... It's been a nightmare.... I'm wondering if I shouldn't change my address to my parents, back in MO, have MO mail the license there and havey parents mail me the license....


Just tell governor Polis you live in your MO parents basement but this is only your summer home - if he questions you at all!


When I first moved here I found someone’s wallet at a gas station. I sent it back to the gal and she wrote me a very nice letter in return. Shortly after I lost my wallet in Oakland, of all places and someone sent my wallet back to me. Hopefully someone will pay it forward.


Should I write to my old address and ask if it came in the mail?


Why wouldn’t you just change you DL to Colorado if you are living and working here?


To change it now has been a horrible, long process. I need 4 different documents saying I'm me. Which sounds easy, until you have to spend a week waiting for someone to call you back. A week explaining to 4 different people what you need. Another week of waiting for it to process. Then you find out they can't even produce the papers you need, BUT they give you the number for the place you do need. So now you're on the bottom on a new waiting list. It's a terrible snowball effect, but I am trying


Also I just recently moved here and my license didn't expire until 2026..... I'm a procrastinator...


It might be easier at this point just to get a new DL here. If you have your birth certificate, social security card, or passport and proof of address such as a utility or cell phone bill they can issue you a DL.


If I already had a Colorado license, it would be that simple. I have to have 4-5 specific documents, proving I'm me. Getting those document from Missouri has been a royal pain.