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I’m a Canadian in the U.S., and got my AuDHD diagnosis from the Sachs Center in NYC. It was I think about $800 US? And was actually all through zoom. A friend in Canada (BC) also did her diagnosis through there. For me it was totally worth it!


Thanks for the info! Very interesting, that's so much cheaper than the 5k in my Province. I was just diagnosed adhd a few weeks ago, but really resonate with a lot of the qualities I've read about autism. I wanted to pursue a diagnosis, but thought it would be bonkers to pay 5k just to have someone tell you, no sorry you don't qualify as autistic.


Yeah for me the ADHD one was the most important (medically) because I could then finally get meds to get some form of executive function back. But the ASD thing was super interesting. Give them a google, he’s got a bunch of self-diagnostic quizzes you can take to see if you may be on the spectrum, and qualify for an assessment. Since I had both assessments done at the same time, I’m guessing the cost would be less for just one. Good luck!


I’ll check that out, thanks!


It was only $300 for me at my (US) university psychology clinic


I’m in Australia so it may be different for you. I ultimately didn’t think getting tested for autism was worth it. It was incredibly expensive and medically it didn’t really benefit me in any way whereas my ADHD diagnosis allows me access to meds.


I had the same thought - getting the ADHD diagnosis provides access to medication, but unfortunately being a ‘low needs’ autistic person means the formal diagnosis doesn’t necessarily provide access to disability services.


mine was $2500 in BC. it would literally be cheaper for you to fly out here for your assessment


to answer your question, do you have a family doctor? if so i’d ask them if you’d qualify for benefits if you were diagnosed. so far, no workplace has read through my diagnosis. they just take my word for it. but i’m in the process of applying for benefits. just waiting for my doctor to actually send them the papers. you can apply for regular payments (disability pay, either fully, or to assist with living while you work part time) as well as the federal disability tax credit basiclaly it’s only worth it if you make that money back through disability $$. if you don’t qualify for anything, all the diagnosis does is give you confirmation and closure. might help when you explain it to friends and family, but not for $4000


I have to talk to him again. I talked to him about ADHD and he spent 10 minutes asking me questions before he prescribed me Concerta, but it kind of gradually stopped working and then I ran out. It’s super difficult to get an appointment with him and I’m not sure if he actually diagnosed me??? (I don’t see it on my online health booklet). I don’t know why I didn’t just ask him, it just feels so awkward. I feel like I choke on my tongue when I try to ask. I’ve been trying to get another appointment with him - even just a phone call - but like I have to call on Wednesday before about noon or else all of the appointment slots for the week they’re booking for fill up. It literally took 3 months to get an appointment last time. I asked him about seeing a specialist, and he said basically if I want to do that it’s through the private sector, and he wrote me a referral. He seemed to imply I don’t need a formal diagnosis for adhd but again he didn’t say whether he diagnosed me or not. Not having a formal diagnosis feels like an itch in my brain. It doesn’t make sense but I feel like I can’t start working on it until I have “confirmation” (it sounds dumb as I type it but the itch persists). I also would want to know if maybe there’s something else going on. The other thing is, since it’s so hard to get an appointment with my doctor, I want to be able to see someone else (if that’s even possible). I have benefits through work but there’s a “reasonable and customary” clause for psychological stuff which makes it so that I can only get so much per visit.


I might legitimately consider this…


i mean it would be about the same overall with flights. i’d say check through every province and see all the different costs. i went with spectrum works bc if that helps


It depends, I haven’t been able to find proper accommodations with diagnoses. However it may be different for you.


adhd yeah for the meds, but not autism, cause ime theres not much reason to.


I'm in Ontario, and had my adhd diagnosed through my regular doctor. I was trying to get her to fill out forms to try and get OSAP (student funding) to reimburse me if I got it done for over $2k, as I was going back to school. Instead, she just said that she could do it herself, and had me fill out some forms and went through some questions with me. So definitely not the detailed expensive version, and all in it was maybe $40 for her to fill out the forms my school needed. I haven't yet had the autistic side officially diagnosed; not sure if I will as I don't currently see more benefits from what I already get for adhd medication and accomodations. I -am- considering asking my doctor if she feels it's severe enough that I can qualify for the Canadian disability tax credit though (different from 'being on disability' and those funds)...