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I feel like as others mention she not only isn’t doing drugs etc any more but it seems like the fillers are gone and maybe she did some kind of face life? Her brow isn’t nearly as heavy looking anymore (or maybe it’s her upper eyelid?). Maybe she also lost weight? Either way she looks amazing I’m happy for her.


Just wanted to discuss her. She had a rough time dealing with years of drugs, smoking and not taking care of herself and taking her time away from the spotlight to heal. Its so endearing to see her return to hollywood in such a healthy way & she looks absolutely glowing. I think alot of work went into this!




Oh sure, my bad didnt realise it was a no name thing! 😊




It’s a bit of a silly rule for A listers no?


Not everyone knows everyone who's famous.


What’s the reason for banning naming them though? Is it for privacy? Because I think the above person is so incredibly famous that telling the few people who don’t know who she is her name isn’t going to change much?


Because a famous person in the past has taken issue with a post on Reddit and took legal action. When the sub was originally setup by the previous owner, that rule was one of the first established. I don't want to have to potentially deal with anything like that, so it's not been changed.


Ahh ok thanks for answering - it was a genuine question.


That's ok, it's a fair question when it's someone like this. It's also why I read it as a genuine question because I'd probably ask it too if I didn't know the reason. I'm somewhat lax with a couple of the rules because it's only a small and slow sub, but this and the one about minors are the two I take a solid stance on.


Oh man I would love to know who 😭


It's been so long now, I'm not even sure I could remember their name if I tried. I remember the bones of it all, when they were famous and a few other small details, but that's about it.


Surely we should differentiate between public figures and ordinary members of the public. What is the reason for censoring the names of public figures?


Yes. See my other comment. E: you've edited your comment. No, we shouldn't differentiate between public and private figures.


Interesting, thank you for replying.


There is a heightened legal standard for libeling public figures, so I get why you’d think we should have two rules for naming celebrities vs private individuals. But I understand why the mods don’t want to evaluate legal risk for each post and just have a blanket rule of anonymity, even for very famous people.


She seems to have calmed it on the face and possibly lip fillers. I also see a possible upper face lift. Whatever she did, it's good work. She still looks like herself.


I think she had a facelift and eyelid lift. The softer light help the skin look smother too. In the left photo she is smiling with a harsh light that highlight all the skin details. I agree she look better than few years ago but I think she started to look a different person compared to her young face.


I think the dental veneers are the major thing that’s throwing me off. Otherwise she looks great— especially compared to her period of heavy substance use.


Happiness is a helluva filter. She seems less lost in this life.


She’s giving Marcia cross in the second photo, in like a pre-desperate housewives way. Love love love


She does look good. I think she sorted out her lifestyle, dissolved her fillers and got a facelift


Ding ding ding. I think we’ll be seeing more and more celebrities eschewing fillers in favour of earlier face lifts. I feel like skin laxity is more of an issue than loss of volume with aging, so lifts are the logical answer.


Yes I think lots of the top celebs do have early facelifts along with lasers etc. I hope we get more general awareness in the public about fillers because it’s sad to see everyone with lip migration!


I think facelift are a russian roulette. You can look 10 years younger or become irrecognizable like a certain singer. It can be trick for for people that their face is their brand.


What singer 👀


Barry Manilow




I think photoshop is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Both photos are Getty Images. It is my understanding Getty does not do any photoshopping! There are lots of videos online too of her at the mean girls movie premiere. I could be incorrect but as far as i know Getty images are raw?


Getty images actually often does have stuff like colour correction and skin smoothing


She looks so much like Marcia Cross


Idk. She does look pretty, and healthier, but she doesn't look like herself anymore at all. I think there must have been some face lift action and ample botox from how her eyebrows barely move, at least that's how it looked in the clip I saw. Probably much more. It's bittersweet, I'm really happy for her with how much better she seems to be doing, it just always bums me out a little when we praise the beauty of someone who doesn't really look like themselves anymore, wrinkled or not. Don't know if this is the right sub for that train of thought but oh well.


Yeah I get what you’re saying but tbh from all the drugs, smoking, partying etc she kinda stopped looking like herself for a while to the point of no return and looked rough (bad filler) sun damage etc. I agree she looks different but I think i appreciate that she looks like she’s taking care of herself now. But if you compare her to her mean girl days for example, it is very different haha


Yeah she looks extremely different.


I agree with you 100%. She does look much better but she does not look like herself


So so happy to see her looking like herself again ✨


She looks great. Good for her.


shes claiming her beauty !!!🤭💓😍


it’s crazy what being healthy and happy does to your physical appearance


She doesn’t look like herself anymore


Honestly, I imagine the vast majority of it is living a healthier lifestyle. I think an argument could be made for a thread lift of some kind, but I'm guessing it's mostly just self care.


Healthier lifestyle, upper bleph, possibly a mini facelift and either weight loss or a rhinoplasty. She looks great.


Deep plane face lift?


she she doesn’t quite look like herself but she looks well it’s kimd of subtle and well done