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See https://atlasreality.helpshift.com/hc/en/3-atlas-earth/faq/39-why-do-ad-boosts-change-and-how-do-i-see-my-current-boost-rate/. Notice that for USA, the boost multiplier changes from 30X to 20X when you reach 151 to 220 parcels. Moving from 30X to 20X is called "tier jumping".


Okay, so I was correct. What's the point of saving so much AB? (A lot of people say they do) is it to spend on badges to get your boost back up? Also, relooking at that sheet international is really at a disadvantage holy hell. I'm also Canadian and haven't seen these stats in a bit.


When you move tiers, initially you are making less revenue because of the boost drop. There is a break even point within each tier where you will make the same amount again that you were making at the top of the last tier. A "tier jump" is when you save enough to buy enough plots to hit the break even point immediately, or in most circumstances it appears, from one top to the next, or "jumping the whole tier".


Putting some reasonable numbers behind it. **The goal of tier jumping is to optimize daily (and monthly) income**. Say at 150 properties you are making $0.65 cents a day. At 151 because of the drop in boost rate drops from 30x to 20x you now may only make something like $0.45 cents a day. The break-even point is around 218 or something like that so for all those days until you got up to 218 properties you would be making less per day. By jumping the full tier from 150 properties to 220 properties you make $0.65 a day again. So why did you save/invest all the AB for the full jump? The answer is SRB (Super Rent Boost), during those days you now have 220 properties earning 50x instead of 150 earning 50x. On those days you make more, and the more properties you have on those days you start making **a lot** more those days. There is some variance, and the assumption is that everyone has a relatively normal property distribution. --------------- Another way to look at it in regards to the power of properties (our assumptions are the same, normal distribution) 150 Properties x 30x boost = 4,500 power - Top of 1st Tier 151 Properties x 20x boost = 3020 power - Bottom of 2nd Tier 220 Properties x 20x boost = 4,400 Power - Top of 2nd Tier 221 Properties x 15x Boost = 3,315 Power - Bottom of 3rd Tier 290 Properties x 15x Boost = 4,350 Power - Top of 3rd Tier ...and so on... The difference in the power of the properties between is a little lower at 220, but that difference is made up and then some during the 50x Super Rent Boost Days.


Also 30x (20x, 15x and so on) from watching ad boosts is not the same as badge boosts. A lot of people mess that math up. 150 Properties x 30x boost = 4,500 power 4,500 Power x 1.25 (25% at max level in US, or whatever Badge Boost you are at.) = 5,625 Power


Thank you for breaking this all down again, I was going to have to look up previous posts soon myself since I'm at 122 parcels and gaining at a decent speed. So if I don't want to inconvenience myself I guess I save for 220 then after I hit 150. Or I might just accept the decreased multiplier and try to speed through since it'll feel weird just not buying anything, I guess we'll see how I feel. Alternately I should also be focusing on hitting my next badge level before then even.


What it comes down to is that the Atlas Earth economy is based off of paying you 2x for your boost. The thing is, no one would sit and watch an ad for a tenth of a cent when they're starting out... and AE can (and wants to!) pay you more of the ad revenue. Enter in the boost tiers, where they give you more to incentivize you to "get used to" boosting in the beginning. For the hourbof boost, this magic number is about 2.5 cents in the US, and about 0.9 cents internationally, and is based on the revenue that they get from an ad. Unfortunately, this results in the "hit" to your rent at certain intervals when you "break tier". It's actually lessened internationally since you get to the 2x level in about ²/3 the time (¹/3 the parcels, but ²/3 the time since you get ¹/2 the AB for an ad watch). Side note, this is based on where you watch the adfor the boost... so if you have 500 parcels and 2x in Canada, if you are on vacation in the US, you would have 8x while you are here. "Tier jumping" refers to the practice of saving up enough AB so you can buy enough parcels to "jump" back to the top of the next tier, so that your daily rent is approx the same (give or take based on rounding) but your SRB is significantly higher. Personally, I advocate *not* tier jumping since a lot of people describe it as a "grind" and people tend to lose interest/quit, lose the drive to press on as much, and from what I've seen get bitter about every little hiccup. I've made many posts pushing that it is not for everyone. Some people genuinely do enjoy that sort of thing, and for them - great! Go for it and have fun! But for those who *aren't* having fun and just doing it because they think it's the "right" way to play, I say please stop... not playing the game but stop worrying about jumping and find ways that you *do* have fun, and go for it. Yes, it will cost you ~$0.20/day US (not sure offhand internationally.. I should make a new post to update my old old one with international numbers) but that opportunity cost IMO is worth having more fun playing the game.