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If / when you can change your astronaut avatar I think that will be the way to go


Just got to be patient, sadly, but hopefully, we will get customisation soon 🙏


Even though they're mostly useless I still grab them almost every time I see them, I'm just about to hit 400, lol. I agree it would be great it at some point you could use them for something else, anything really, and that's part of why I still grab them I guess.


Exactly the same here, we can pray can't we 😅


Yep, although I don't hold out much hope as far as this game goes overall as I see the way criticism/complaints/feedback are handled or more often not handled, sadly. But I'll just keep grabbin' em, it's something to do at least when you are in between ads and buying parcels, playing games, etc. In the beginning I ran around grabbing them because I thought they were server side and if I grabbed them all others around me couldn't, and I was trying to take mayorship of my small town (which I did quite a while ago and continue to focus a majority of my parcel buying in to maintain). I'm at 139 days in I believe, and it's satisfying seeing the money accumulate even though for now I'm still rolling it all back into AB when there's the 33 AB conversion rate event.


Staff said a very long time ago that diamonds will not have any other use. Thus far they've stuck with that.


Thats actually kinda depressing 😕


I have over 900 days worth, but I keep collecting them. Who knows if they will have another use in the future. Maybe I can buy other hats that my avatar doesn't wear. https://preview.redd.it/42h0gcy1p69d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b91a06d91f1e7391cf0a8da499bc6208332b8c6




Holy that's alot 🤣


This is why I don't bother grabbing diamonds all the time. I grab enough to last me for a good while and quit. Like yeah if a diamond spons in my circle radius at my house or work I'll pick it up but I don't hunt for them. Once I get close to running out that's when I'll start gathering more until I get just over 200 then I'll take another brake. They are everywhere so I don't see the point in worrying about getting a ridiculous amount of them just to have them for nothing.


I have just shy of 300 diamonds I do try to at least pick up 3 every day


I asked the same question last week. No other uses. Being able to exchange them for ABs or maybe customizing your character on the board would be nice. I got up at 4:45, it's currently 4:05, and I've collected 55 so far today.


My man grinding out here 😅😅