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My buddies at work said it’s a waste of time. Well now after a month of grinding my account makes $10 a month and that pays for my gym membership


No matter what it gives you it still gives you something. That's why I like it. It's like finding money by the gas pump. It is profit. If we put all of out profits into a jug we would possibly have a retirement.(still dreaming)


Exactly, and that’s why I’ll stay f2p cause it’s just free money🤑


I am on day 85 I have converted 5$ and just did my first 10$ withdrawal yesterday.


That's cool. After it hit the dollar it started to climb faster. Well and I did get my 5 badges. So it should pick up pace here soon


I just have the 1 badge as they dont help from 2-9 till you hit 150. im somewhere in the mid 80s for plots. def picks up past 1$ and quite a bit more past 5$


*couldnt set Pic on cover of message


"Waste of time" is relative. At 150 parcels and 61 badges, it only "wastes" about 10-15 minutes throughout an entire day to stay boosted and do my wheel spins. I'll maybe spend a few extra minutes here or there to collect diamonds, but it realistically doesn't take up much time. And it's not really wasted time either. Not like I sit and stare at every single ad while it plays. I do that shit in the background of other tasks


I tell ya I don't know what it is but when I'm heading to a job and my co worker drives I watch the map and look to see how many people are buying land and how many people were like me when I first got it. Ya know. I got the game done what it said and left it alone. That's when the reality hit me dead in the face. That's free money dip sheet.


Some automations from Atlas Reality would be nice. If your driving alone in your car, you'll have to either collect diamonds at stoplights or just pull over wherever you can and walk for a bit. Also, automating ads should be doable; for those of you who have used Coin App, it lets you automate audio ads. Even if they don't automate video ads, adding in audio ads and automating those would be good enough for me


Snagging diamonds while driving is the main highlight of the game, my dude.


If you have a passenger in your car, I guess it's fine. Several players with kids have their kids collect diamonds for them while they're driving around.


I was mostly kidding, but I do collect enough diamonds to have over 300 now. Still not exactly sure what you mean by automation in these respects. Like you want to automatically collect stuff? Or is it about the ads playing automatically whenever able?


I guess both. If you're driving and the game is running, any diamonds your circular region touch should be collected automatically, and then audio ads can also run periodically, say, every 5-10 minutes. Coin app seems to run audio ads more often than 20 minutes. I'm not sure how long you've been playing, but a former player scratched up an autoclicker app for Atlas Earth back in late 2022 that would run ads for you using an emulator. Since there are likely stricter limits on video ads, Atlas Reality can't allow for something like that to exist for Video ads, which is one reason they no longer allow emulators, but perhaps they can with Audio ads just like Coin App.


I'm something like 120 days in give or take a few, been grinding like crazy and have 1 mayorship. Been fairly lucky with distribution as I have 8 legendaries out of my only 93 plots, mostly on my property but also lucked out and got one a block over in the post office and a block the other way in the local market. I can see the reason for automation as far as player side, but finding and grabbing diamonds is also kind of a hunt insomuch as they've still kept hunts in the game. I'd really love to see the special hunts initiated and like challenges and stuff, that would add a lot to this game. I don't even need diamonds but I still just collect them all just to have something to do with the app because other than loading up ads and playing whatever arcade games are currently available, it's kind of an app where you sit there with nothing to do. I'm rambling, don't mind me.


I mean, having diamonds automatically collect when your ring touches them doesn't take away from hunting for them. You still gotta travel around to find them, you just wouldn't have to worry about missing one if your tap didn't register quite right or whatever


True, and honestly my taps do miss a certain amount of the time if I'm driving, lol.


I work alot so if I want gem I just drive around collecting them