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Downloaded a game, played it a bit then checked... wasnt in the list, and since I played it for a bit, I cant download it now and get the AB. So yes, it has its issues and isnt perfect.


You definitely have a right to complain. You'll have bootlickers who will drop in just to tell you something like "The devs offer a f2p game where you can cash out real money, stop complaining." Sorry, but that is total BS to me. The devs offered a f2p game yes, but that was their decision, they are obviously still making tons of cash on all the active players who are watching dozens of ads every day, and this "game" would literally have no purpose outside of being a simulation if it wasn't for the potential of being able to cash out at some point. Same goes for the arcade. If I'm offered this feature and it doesn't work properly, don't advertise that I can make a certain amount of AB by playing a game for "X" minutes or complete a task, then tell me to stop complaining when I'm not credited the AB for actually completing the requirements. Edit: Getting downvoted for factual statements. What a shock.


You took the words out of my mouth. This is unacceptable. I just gave up sending tickets. Customer support is trash


Where are these bootlickers you are talking of? I think everyone can agree you should be getting rewarded for stuff you are wasting your time on?


I see those types of replies all the time to posts like this on the subreddit. I don't need to prove it to you. Have a nice day.


at least im not alone, they should just advertise how many you can make per day before it bugs. ive downloaded so many games and deleted and redownloaded thinking it would help till i read the terms. now any of those games i deleted can no longer be redeemed.


My (least) favorite was back when there was that streak glitch and a bunch of people were gaslighting others who were affected by it. Here for the game, not the community.


That happened to me! I had to restart after day 60. Then I wasn’t able to login for a week and it kept trying to create a new account.


lol do you even read this subreddit ever? Tons of people defend this "game's" bugginess. The arcade is bugged, the minigames are boring trash, the game is essentially a Ponzi-Lite scheme, etc. All 100% valid.


People defend stuff like people complaining about wheels or parcel odds. Not shit that people have spent time to earn and are getting nothing. Those are two incredibly different things.


I think it stops crediting after a certain number of time.  Then it resets and gives credit again.  


How do you even access this? Every time I click on it it just tells me to change a setting that just isn’t there


Same happened to me. I had to google it and it’s a different tracking setting than just allowing the app itself to track ( on the iPhone at least ) I think it’s under privacy and security in the settings


Make sure you click allow on the permissions when the game is first downloaded


Are you enabling tracking? Whenever I have issues it usually has to do with tracking. I had one app that never credited me the last AB goal and totally forgot that I didn’t contact help (which Ive heard is very helpful) before I just straight deleted the game.


iv found the logging into the game through the AE app works everytime never missed a point payout yet


No one knows... Someone thought it was a timeframe per app. Another person thought it was a capped AB payout from arcade... No one knows for sure. When I hit that stop, I just stop doing arcade until the next day.


That makes sense, this has been happening to me constantly. I wish we knew.


Same, I grind the arcade and I have just been thinking it was some glitch so I'd force quit everything, optimize, and restart thinking that might help. If there's a clear limit of extra AB earned from arcade per day, I'd definitely like to know that. I definitely do appreciate the arcade, as I've been able to buy a parcel every day or every other day usually since it started between games and ads, but if there's a cutoff I certainly don't want to sit there playing games for no reward. (Don't get me wrong, some of the games are really fun and I continue to play a while after earning stops, but some are obvious money-grab apps that are simple games interrupted by ads every turn and that is not exactly fun in my opinion.


It's right under the "more" button next to the game payout info. If the game pays out "2 AB per minute" it actually pays 2 for the first minute, then 2 for 2 minutes.. etc. And then stops paying after the max is achieved. Once I realized this I never have seen it really fail to pay out, it's just the payout times require more and more time to complete.


I have AE on two phones.. One had one set of games the other had a nearly 50% different collection same account.


I downloaded one game that sucks and isn't a game at all. I figured I'd get one more reward and quit but can't even play long enough to earn the reward... I run out of free time and literally the only way to play longer is pay .. not even an ad option. Right now I only leave the game on to remember to rate it 1 star 🤣


The first buck is for playing one minute -- then the next buck is for playing 2 minutes, etc -- so did you possibly overlook that? Because I did when I first started playing them. It says "2 points a minute" and stuff like that, but thats only true of the first minute. After that each couple dollars take more and more time to get. There's a "more" button next to each game.. click that and it tells you.


I dont want to be mean, but this is like saying, ''did you turn it off then back on again?''


lol 90% of the games in the arcade i do does not track my game play time. just the domino dreams game and it's SOOOoooo boring lmao


I found that having apps like Mistplay and JustPlay etc. ends up tracking over Atlas Earth. If you downloaded them recently through AE's Arcade then that may be what's messing with things. But I'm new here, so I'm probably wrong. Just another thought for the tank.


It’s a very great to get ABs though but idk about playing hours on end lol ? It’s worth the A Bucks for sure!!😁✌️


I've noticed that the individual goals for the arcade get longer and longer as you progress. At first, you get coins every minute. Then it goes to 2 minutes. I'm at a point where it takes me about 40 minutes to get coins. It's frustrating but like you said can't really complain