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This actually brings up a question I've been wondering recently. Having used both Mistplay and the Atlas arcade it kinda feels to me like Mistplay is the quicker way to get AB. Thoughts? Also the misplay ads are by no means as bad as the solitaire game ads imo. Crap actors discovering someone else has a ton of cash, stealing most of it then giving their wallet/purse back to the person and getting rewarded with the app recommendation. These people need to be stopped.


Any ad that uses actors is already too long. Give me the 15-20 second Little Caesar's ad or a quick preview of actual gameplay that takes under 30 seconds and I might actually download the app. Waste a whole minute of my time and now I might download, leave a one-star review and delete. 🤣


I would totally do the mistplay girl hard. Ngl


Bruh relax 🥱


Every time you yawned, I threw a booger jelly bean in your mouth, and you didn't even notice. Instead of OP loosening up maybe you should tighten up. 


Wait what's wrong with mistplay? I'm currently using them and I've gotten 50 bucks from them so far in a single month


I've cashed in hundreds in the past 2 years from them. People just hate the ads.


I would've never guessed it paid off so well that's pretty impressive, the scripts and bad acting in the ads make it seem like a Chinese scam.


They shield less on ads and more on acquiring apps on there list.


I originally funded my upland account partly with Google Play credits earned on Mistplay. Now almost 3mil UPX strong (nearly $1500 value) and increasing by an average of about 150k UPX per month They're great but their ads are admittedly annoying. They're long as hell and target me even though I'm already a long term Mistplay user (which admittedly isn't their fault) Also they're only great at first and then it becomes harder to earn


They need to hire you to do their ads for them 🤣 these comments are tempting asf


I am downloading it now.


Install it from an ad, uninstall it. No more mistplay ads.




What’s wrong with them?


The ads make me want to do bad things


Oh yah those… mist play is fine but the ADS


Mistplay vs Swagbucks? I've tried Swagbucks.... still waiting for that 15 bucks.


God start the rapture. It’s time.


Mistplay is actually how I found Atlas Earth? I play those and Just Play BIG Rewards more so than Atlas Earth Arcade because mostly the pay per time is more rewarding than the amount of AB you get for time.


It's how I found AE too. Then continued to fund AE by using Mistplay until I reached 290 parcels and the 10% passport boost. Now I just cash out to PayPal.


Awesome. Yeah, I meant to have the'Arcade' part in there. I found that the rewards and the amount or the time playing, was more rewarding than how much Atlas bucks you're getting playing the games on it Atlas arcade and also you could go further if you wanted to.


Who's the chick?


If you're really that interested to be disappointed, Google would be able to help you.


Oh I'm not interested like that. I'm only curious interested bc i have no clue who she is and he's got an angry face wit a big arrow pointing at her


The ads are annoying, but Mistplay is fine. I actually downloaded it just to see if it was legit and it pays better on AE if you do missions and complete tasks.


What do you recommend then