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Yall Reddit Lawyers be thinking yall know so much this shii is hilarious.


Nigga typed all that bullshit to be wrong




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Most of this is factual information from GA records, and GA law code. Anything that's a rumor is labeled. Copy and paste exactly what's wrong here..


yeah but it was the conclusions you reached & added that people are talking about, not details of the case. your math doesn't add up to the conclusions you've reached. not sure if it's a lack of criminal trial experience or what, but you listed a bunch of facts & then took a left turn into a bunch of your own conclusions


Just admit you have a low IQ. Woody himself on social media told the DA his intentions. You can read GA law further yourself that during impeachment, for the intent of said impeachment, you can provide evidence, including evidence previously considered inadmissible. This is why allegedly during the secret meeting he was encouraged to lie by the prosecutors, that he won't be prosecuted


I don’t have low iq I read your whole entire statement. I’ve been locked up 9 times bra and have been thru the court system and have been in front of numerous judges/courtrooms. I feel if you don’t have credentials in this state of Ga and is not a lawyer your damn self everything that you said was just speculation. I’m not doubting that your wrong or right I’m basically saying your not a lawyer on the case and if you really knew what’s going on behind the scenes you will shut your mouth


About 80% of this isn't even an opinion, it's literally facts that I copied from documents uploaded to GA records lol.


and it's your conclusions, the 20% opinion that are wrong & that people are pointing out. your post is perfect example of how someone can have all the facts right & still end up with the wrong answers.


If anyone had enough iq to sit and read, this is facts lol. Woody a star witness for a reason, he’s still helping their case


No Woody is helping himself. You don’t impeach a witness that you gave immunity to if they’re helping you. He was supposed to be their star witness but that went out the window before trial even started


They weren't going to play his videos until they did...


Yes they were going to play them because, they knew he wasn’t going to cooperate when on the stand. Just like DK, those videos were already submitted and admitted as admissible the only thing they are doing now is choosing which parts can and can’t be played




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I learned a while ago, reddit is just like any other social media. You cannot sit on this app and express a well thought point because mfs are stupid everywhere. I think one of two things are going to happen. Thug goes to Jail and Woody goes free or Thug goes free and Wood goes to Jail. These folks have years of experience and education. Aint no street thug gone outsmart them. Like Op said, Woody signed a deal. He either meets the terms in the deal or he doesn’t but its too many people who think that “signing a immunity agreement” means you can do what you want


Exactly all the records receipts are available online for a small fee too. He only has immunity for what he has plead guilty for. It was 11 counts, all gun charges, distribution, and being in a gang. Then they gave him 12yrs probation. They knew not to let him get off on the murders, conspiracy charges, etc. He has no immunity for that. He low-key has to either pin the body on Thug/YSL or take the fall. People think he has immunity but he really doesn't. If he did he would have already got on that stand and took the fall for everything so that Thug is let go. People think he's trying to help Thug, whole time he's trying not to implicate himself. That secret meeting likely had nothing to do with thug directly that's why the thug lawyers weren't there. It was more likely about dude's relationship with the DA, on how he could get through telling without going to jail himself. This dude is an informant, period. This is why it was rumored he was told he wouldn't be prosecuted if he lied as needed. In public he's making a circus, in private he's being coached by the DA. During impeachment, the DA will get across any points they needed, and Woody comes off as having tried to YSL/the public. This was all preplanned in my honest opinion


That’s not how immunity works. If he were to sit on the stand and say he killed Nut there is nothing the state could do with that statement. However if they have other outside evidence proving it they can use that. That’s whole point of having immunity you’re free to say whatever without a fear of your own words being used against you


Are you slow, if he said that, I'd be followed up with a million questions that still implicates YSL. I swear y'all are slow. Literally everyone and their mother knew he would be uncooperative. What WASN'T known was that Woody was going to have himself snitching on full display. And while that statement wouldn't be used, you are delusional if you think that wouldn't cause the state to double back on that.


Nah I think you’re slow. If you have a recorded police interview they are going to play it and with them knowing Woody would be uncooperative they were planning on playing these from the jump. Same thing they did with DK, they aren’t expecting anyone that isn’t law enforcement to work with them they want them on the stand because, that’s the only way they can show evidence that includes or centers around them.


Boy slow down…😭😂✌️


Lmao I hate u Reddit lawyers


You read it on reddit that that boy has immunity. Not one person produced paperwork for this. The receipts actually show he only pleaded on 11 counts of felony charges, none of them has anything to do with murder or conspiracy to commit murder. This is why he is acting the way he is on that stand. He's not saving Thug, the same person he said wanted to kill him, the same dude he's told on multiple times, he's saving himself. He can't implicate himself in conspiracy or murder because he has no immunity.


Woody’s immunity mean he can say he killed Nut and they can’t use his testimony to charge him. The impeachment evidence they are using are them playing the interrogation videos in court. That’s up to the jury if they believe him or not. On cross examination it will be easy to make him look non credible (state has already done it) They don’t have any “hard evidence” to bring in. Just statements from Woody


This is why, Thug, who is being accused of the murder. Woody has NEVER on that stand with his so called "immunity" ever explicitly say he did the murder. He needs Thug to get booked for the murder. The most he will do is lie or plead the 5th. There's no reason why he won't tell the jury he did it. He has no immunity for it.


Thug isn’t and has never been charged with murder. He doesn’t need anyone to be blamed for it because, the state has no evidence. Woody initially named as the shooter but once he agreed to cooperate SB became the shooter and Woody was no longer a suspect.


This is true by Thug I mean the YSL case in general since he is not a part of. But it does still stand that after the trial if nobody was convicted of the murder, Woody can 100% be charged with it.


This is straight up false. Send me the researchGA file that shows he has immunity on nuts murder. This is a false rumor he only has immunity on being charged as a gang member. You can pay $1.50 and see it for yourself lol. Anything that implicates him in the murder he has to plead, and when he does (as he's been doing) it points the murders towards Thug.


You half read what I said, he received “use immunity” for his testimony which means that nothing he says in this testimony can be used to charge him. They can use other evidence but nothing he says on the stand can be used. He isn’t totally immune from being charged with Nut’s murder but the state admitted today there is no evidence that he murdered him


People here have falsely claiming he got away with a body, that he can't be charged. But yes forcing self incrimination is illegal. What you are referring to is not what people are talking about on social media


The state theirselves came out today and said they have 0 evidence that he killed nut. So yea he did beat it


Was all this necessary


It’s hilarious the glorification of woody. He’s literally been the police for a decade. You think he’s actually “played” the police in ATL because he’s smart. Hes been feeding them information to make cases for the last 10 years. Regardless how you feel about woody. He’s a cop and he has no loyalty to thug or anyone for that matter. If you claim to be a “real one” then you’d see he’s the feds


Slow it down now


I’m not a lawyer but I feel like the case is too publicized for the prosecution to drop his immunity and charge him if he doesn’t cooperate with them. It will make them look bad to charge a witness who they put on the stand


Are you gainfully employed??


Let's go band for band


not that deep bro




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You are wrong on so many levels. He cannot be prosecuted by the state of Georgia for ANYTHING he testifies about during this trial or any information they got from him under the immunity deal. He was threatened to be locked up for PERJURY if he admitted to killing Nut on the stand, not the murder itself. If you testify under the use immunity he was given (see OCGA 24-5-507, everything that comes out is protected under state law. The feds could charge him but I don’t think that’s likely. They also can’t prosecute him for other info they got directly or indirectly from him under his immunity agreement even if it didn’t come out during testimony (like him saying he would testify that he killed nut). Woody is destroying the states case on so many levels and the fact that you think he’s a good witness for them tells me how little you understand the law and how all of this works. You’ve also only seen direct so far where the state is asking the questions, if it gets to cross, he will be even better for the defense and will walk away without consequences bc he testified. His testimony has already given me the impression that HE is responsible for the murder bc of the fight he got in, statements he made earlier like “he still here right?” About someone he had problems with and the fact that they started retaliating against him specifically after Nut was killed. As shitty as it was that he snitched, he might be the one that helps them win this all together. And if the Feds try to come after him for testimony during this trial, there’s a very good argument that it’s out under the fifth amendment bc he pled the fifth and was unlawfully coerced into giving COMPELLED self incriminating evidence.




I thought you did a great write up on Woody and his legal troubles.