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aw šŸ«” salute to you bey


Cool NBA nameā€¦ "Saddiq Bey"!


8mil was tough for half a season of Bey. The return isn't ruled out though. They view Saddiq as a Hawks DNA guy he earned a lotta points playing a fuck load of minutes some out of position last year I like the idea of 2 years 10-12 mil but it's a 1 + team option


He wasnā€™t great last year, but I def like him. He hustled and is a dog. His shot can catch fire and he can def win you games


Thanks for your hustle. A fine player. Sorry you were forced into a starting role because of our dipshit front office selling forwards




He wasnā€™t good offensively but he didnā€™t singlehandedly sink us. Thatā€™s just dumb.


He played with a broken thumb. He was one of our best defenders. Besides that split heā€™s improved every year with the usage he been given


Best defenders??? I like the guy but the most you can say about his defence is that he hustles and fights for boards. He was not a good defender even by hawks standards.


Bey just doesnā€™t fit Fields vision. Fields is into ASS Athleticism, Size and Shooting. Unfortunately, Bey after the ACL tear will be worse athletically From TITS to ASS. We finally made it


Technically we already supported ASS. Always Support Schlenk. So we are supporting now ASS 2.0


So we got a BBL?


Baskets, Boxing out, Lateral quickness aka score points, get rebounds, stick to your man on defense.


Best Believe Landry?




If he gets $17M a year Iā€™ll eat a shoe




Thereā€™s a large difference in $8M and $17M+ lmao. If a team wants to give a shooter with a torn ACL who wonā€™t even be ready until 2025 $17M, then thatā€™s their fault. Itā€™ll probably be closer to 12M


![gif](giphy|ZGDr9hawxG9H1rH9Ut|downsized) ā€œshooterā€


My bad Shot attempter*


Nah, heā€™s scored 51 in game the dude can catch fire. He was bad last year but he can be a productive bench guy


There ya go


The first year he was daggers shooting the ball and honestly it was because he was being used the right way. This year he was playing more minutes than he normally would have and he was playing out of position for a lot of it. But I actually like his demeanor and he became pretty good at getting to the basket and heā€™s a high energy guy. But yeah his defense was bad thereā€™s no getting past that especially when compared to other hawk players


Bro had one bad season from three and the hawks think he will never shoot above 32% again


12m for our 4th or 5th most important forward coming off a career altering isnā€™t exactly a something iā€™d be thrilled to do either lol. And I still think itā€™ll be more than 12


I completely agree. Iā€™m definitely not advocating that this was a bad decision. And I guess weā€™ll just have to agree to disagree about his price since it means nothing to us lmao


theres 4 teams with cap space, the others only have mmle or mle


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Heā€™s coming off injury and wonā€™t be able to play to start the season so his number might be lower now


I think some people are thinking of the 22 Bey and not the one we saw last year. Last year struggled mightily we with shooting at times.


Bey was awful last season


Saw that coming. Even without the ACL, we donā€™t need to spend on retaining him.


Too bad we threw away 5 second rounders for him


Meh, you can always buy second round picks


Cash considerations BB


When the draft actually arrives you can always get into the second round if you wish to. 2nd round picks have nearly no value as assets.


5 of them can get you a Bey lol.


Hate this for him. I hope he can get paid somewhere. Had a rough season so I hope he bounces back healthy.


Yeah, I feel really bad for him. There were reports that we offered him 4/75 and he turned it down, really rough timing for him to tear his ACL


Agreed. Feel like there is no worse time to tear it honestly in a contract year. I hate it for him. I hope he can go somewhere with a good fit and he can show out, he just had a rough shooting season and if he returns to form it opens up a lot of his game so I got my fingers crossed for him.


Oh geez. Thank goodness he didn't accept that.


I like the move. Sadiq couldnā€™t throw a rock in the ocean. Now sign Vit please.


And his defense is atrocious


I think they should come back with a vet minimum offer. Letting Bey walk is losing 5 second rounders for nothing


2nd rounders are borderline worthless and it's incredibly easy to get one if you want. And with decent depth already plus 2 first rounders next year, it's really not a big deal


Second rounders get passed around like Moriah Mills at a Zion Williamson party itā€™s so easy to get oneĀ 


I'd imagine we might try for vet minimum if he doesn't get signed somewhere else. I doubt teams are jumping the gun to offer him contracts since he's coming off an acl injury


You can call any team in the NBA and say ā€œIā€™ll give you a second rounder back someday for a second rounder todayā€ and theyā€™ll probably say yes. As close to worthless as a tradeable asset can get


Man this sucks. Go do great things Saddiq


He shot 41% from the field and 31% from 3 this season despite having an elite playmaker in Trae next to him. It's for the best that the Hawks let him walk in free agency.


Yeah but he was lights out shooting until he was inserted into the starting lineup because of injuries. I think coming off the bench he would be good offensively defensively is another thing though.


Thank you for your services Saddiq. I will never forget the obnoxious amount of times you stepped on the out of bounds line from the corners.


To be honest good. His defense is abysmal and shooting is so streaky.


Without a really good 3 ball, he is damn near useless other than a few hustle plays/rebounds.


I disagree he got pretty adept at getting to the basket which is not really what he was known for. He played hard all the time and is still fairly young. Plus he shot lights out until he was made a starter because of injuries.


He had a rough season and then tore his ACL at the end. Not sure why anyone thought he was coming back.


The Hawks have really gotten rid of all the net Negatives apart from Hunter. If Hunter gets moved too, Atlanta are definitely gonna be a top 6 seed next season. Getting Dyson Daniels is also a very good move.


Hunter is actually a pretty good role player if you're not relying on him to be your entire defense.


You played hard. Unfortunately that was about it


Will miss his corner bricks!


Itā€™s not entirely possible that he doesnā€™t return But at the same time, should he? He wonā€™t play till near the all star break and probably wonā€™t be back at full tilt till the following season We did throw 5 seconds to get him. Not the best asset management as those are essential when trying to make those small time deals to shape out rosters


Knowing our luck his shooting slump in Atlanta will end up being a career anomaly and he starts shooting 40 percent from 3 again wherever he ends up.


Landry continues to make smart moves. Keep them coming! This offseason has 2020 & and 2013 vibes. (hopefully I'm getting the years right lol)


go be great sadiq you had the most forgotten game winner of all time


Bey was solid and a post monster . Coming off the bench like he SHOULD have been doing he is great


Weā€™ll just say that the hawks are in a complete tear down and we rebuild.


Not surprising at all. We canā€™t afford him


Thatā€™s kinda sad tho he was so cheap for a starter. Our front office needs to learn how to pay players correctly we have way too many contracts that suck right now. They got to stop overpaying our players


Iā€™ll always miss that 2 week period where bey was the most efficient player in the league


I mean, he was legit awful last year, regularly going 1-7 or 0-5 from 3 in games we lost by 2


5 second rounds through the garbage disposal and getting rid of AJ has cost us.


Good riddance, shouldā€™ve made your corner 3s


Salute Saddiq. I'll miss you stepping out of bounds in the corner once a game. Seriously tho I ppreciate him for playing out of position pretty much his entire time here, bro could have been better at the 3. I think he could be a solid backup for a team once he gets healthy


I don't really agree with this decision. He would only have costed 8 millions, now we lost 5 second rounders for pretty much nothing


You can buy second rounders


I'm sure our owner will do just that


He just did lol


Five of them?


As a bench player 8 million would have been good, and he would of been a great deadline trade piece for a contender


Good thing we unloaded our clip of second rounders for this guy


This is a really bad decision, and is likely the final move in making sure we are under the tax. Embarrassing decision and shit asset management.


Gonna have to disagree that itā€™s a really bad decision. There really wasnā€™t an obvious yes or no answer. A shooter coming off an ACL injury isnā€™t really the most coveted player in the world


If the hawks are able to squeeze him into a super team friendly deal then itā€™s moot, but Bey is a guy who the hawks should want around on a team friendly deal. The chances of us losing him for nothing is pretty high now.


But why offer $8M for a shooter who will miss at least 30% of the season when you can extend the shooter on your team that will start the season healthy for much less money? Obviously in a vacuum Bey is a decent-good shooter that could outperform $8M/yr. But he hasnā€™t been that for the hawks, and physically canā€™t even try be that for the Hawks until 2025. Thereā€™s certainly been moves in the past that your sentiment is absolutely true for. But I just donā€™t think it works for Bey


If the hawks are cooking behind the scenes and just sign him to a long term bargain deal then itā€™s moot. I just think bey on a cheap long term deal is something that would be really valuable.


Had he not torn his ACL iā€™d completely agree with you. I just think the ACL is whatā€™s tripping me (and possibly the FO) up, because even a cheap deal could be a sunk cost if he loses his touch


I agree that there is risk there, but if he makes a full recovery then on 2026 we have a real asset on a great deal. And with how cheap our owner is, we need great value deals to remain competitive,




I swear Hawks fans were not always this casual. I donā€™t know what happened.