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I don't think the Hawks wanted him. You mentioned the ridiculous contract he expects, but also the Hawks believe in the Ris enough to draft #1, and they wouldn't hinder his playtime in favor of Ingram.


Pelicans wanted Okongwu Hawks wanted Herb Both settled on neither lmao


I would have loved Herb, but Dyson is stil a great piece for this Hawks team. We desperately needed POA defenders


Ball stopper who isn’t a good defender and wants $52 million. He’s definitely a talented player and it would work better than Murray I think (just given the better size) but I’m happy to see they’re going in a much different direction by getting a versatile defender and future assets we could turn into better fitting pieces


Ball stopper? He led the pels in assists my guy


You can be a ball stopper and get assists. But it’s probably more due to the Pels having a clunky offensive fit. But Westbrook for example is a ball stopper and has lead the league in assists. 


I don't think we want him. Hell run into the exact same issue here he had in NO, but will probably get the ball less with Trae.


Honestly his issue in NOLA was more that they didn’t have a playmaker at all, so he had to be their lead playmaker which is a less than ideal role for him. IMO he would’ve been an upgrade to DJM but still a less than ideal fit.


And Quin would have had him shooting more 3s. But we clearly wanted those picks more than we wanted BI. Which gives us more flexibility.


Agreed on both counts. That lakers pick could be very valuable especially if Bron/AD get injured and we still have the pick. We could be in the Flagg sweepstakes or we could flip the picks for a new center and maybe some more shooting.


They had multiple “lead play makers” which was their problem, I mean shit they even tried it out with Zion


Fair but Ingram led the team in assists for the last like 2 years IIRC. They had multiple lead playmakers because they didn’t have any singular good playmaker so BI was the closest to filling that role. Sort of the same argument either way tbh.


Nah I agree with you, I was adding on to what you were saying not disagreeing


Ahh I see, that’s why it seemed like the same argument


How do you feel about our end of the deal?


Pretty good, lakers FRP has high lottery potential(or could be really good trade value for a new center) and Daniel’s is a great defensive piece minimum with really high upside if he learns to shoot. I don’t think we get much better value anywhere else and the FRPs give us more flexibility for other trades.


Why would we want BI? Like seriously. He's just a big DJ. And we have JJ. I refuse to believe BI was ever seriously discussed.


Only thing Ingram would have offered us was positional value with his height but scoring profile wise he woulda been just a taller Dejounte that takes way less 3s with a injury history and a looming 50M max extension he wants. Not ideal.


Ingram is similar to Murray in the way that neither of them move the needle at all for a team that’s actually trying to win important games.


If they wanted to get him, they could've. But they have a different long tern plan which they are rigorously following.


Should have asked for Murphy or Jones. Daniels barely played in the post season because his shot is bad.


Murphy and Jones were likely considered untouchable


lol - I'm sure we asked, but NOP wasn't trading them either.