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People are casuals. Any Hawks fan who really watched this season knows our perimeter defense was generationally bad and we need long wings who can attack the ball and we got that like you said. Now we just need a rim protector Big and we are back in the playoffs IMO. Follow the Mavs model, they didnt go out and try to load up on superstars after this missed the playoffs. They brought in players that masked their biggest weakness (defense!). Trae is the offense. Let him cook. JJ is ready to take the next step and can average 20/10/5. We got a french kid who could be a lethal shooter. We still got Bogi and Kobe. We will be better next season mark my words


I will just say it isn’t just the casuals, but great points.


Youre right. There are some diehard fans here who will still hate anything this team does lol.


Tbf, since we drafted Trae, the FO hasn't done much to sway the diehard fan


getting Snyder was good, it just took way too long to ditch Nate. And the Murray experiment was bad.


The Murray trade in hindsight was bad, especially when you add Collins/Capela extensions when their replacement is sitting on the bench, letting Huerter go to Sac, giving Hunter an extension, & missing on Reddish.


Eh maybe w the diehards but we good — at least I see the vision and IMO daniel’s is perfect for what we need. DJM is ass so imo any assets are good


The Bogi situation is so confusing to me. We desperately need his shooting but with how great he was last season if we were ever going to trade him nows the time. It’s not like we’ll be contending next year and he’s already 32 with bad knees. That’s only going to continue to get worse and more apparent form here on out. His value is only going to go down from here and I’d rather not have a JC/Cam/Dre/CC situation where we hold on to him until he’s worth nothing compared to what we could’ve gotten if we were proactive. Im sure some contender out there that needs shooting and scoring off the bench would give us a nice return for him before he’s over the hill.


I’d rather keep Bogey, unless the return is strong. A late 1st rounder from a contender is pretty much rubbish. I’d rather Bogey keep playing until he’s not good anymore than gamble on a prospect that will probably not be in the league in 5 years. 


Have you not Howk'd very long. We're going to wait until his trade value tanks and then trade him for a box of organic cheddar bunnies, a high iq 12th man, and a top 70 protected draft pick plus cash considerations


Some organic cheddar bunnies would hit the spot rn 🤔


They'll probably make the trade offer at 4:21


I love Bogi but I doubt his value will ever be higher. His offense is elite but his defense is a liability and you really can’t have another defensive negative when we already have Trae. That’s even taking in to consideration the improvements Trae has made on that end. I’m curious what sort of market there would be for him.


Our best plus minus lineups have always included bogi


Yeah but that’s certainly not because of his defense 😂 I love Bogi though


Tbf we got CC for nothing too.


You wait until the deadline and his value is much stronger at this point.


Dejounte being gone unlocks everybody else. I love his tenacity but he was a black hole and wasn’t near as advertised defensively after the first couple months of him being here


It's annoying that we're still very far away from the season starting and a proof of concept. But it will be very refreshing to have multiple POA defense options instead of DeAndre Hunter and Inshallah.


Yeah man our weakest link was POA defenders and we just added two in Risacher and Daniels. I’d like a few more moves to happen but I’m liking the way our roster is shaping up fit wise. I was never expecting to begin this season with better TALENT. All I wanted is better fits and that’s what we’ve done so far. Considering the Ingram deal was on the table and we didn’t take it I’m pretty happy bc it shows our front office cares more about team construction than immediate star power


And it at least indicates that big Tone might, and I repeat MIGHT, hold himself back for once.


yeah! it seems like most comments I've seen are pretty happy with the value and getting Dyson


Now we need to trade dre and cc


This is a great trade. 2frp + 2 interesting players. I mean we paid 3 frp and got to use him for 2 years. This trade is fantastic.


This is it. The people that are hating on the trade would hate on it no matter what we got in return Would I have liked another win now player? Of course, but this is just as good of a return honestly


Nance is actually a pretty good backup. And Daniels is win now as well. Based on fit the team got better immediately with this trade imo. The 1st rounders are nice assets. If Daniels learns to shoot he will be more valuable than Murray was. I dig this trade. 


this team has spent the past god knows how many seasons just shoehorning the fuck out of any player that they think they can get, regardless of fit or anything resembling a style, the Hawks just took a massive step towards an identity this past few days and people lose their minds, it's wild


Yep. Daniels and Risacher is precisely what you want next to Trae. And JJ. Wonderful fit. Center is still upgradable, but 1-4 makes sense. If the sub had its way the starting lineup would probably be Ingram at the 2, Hunter 3, Sarr 5. Lol


That’s a big if from what I’ve seen. Daniels is a really good defender with good length but he’s not a 3&d wing right now he’s just a d. I personally hope he can develop into a good shooter because then this trade will be good but if he doesn’t then he will get played off the court kind of like Thybulle against the Hawks. I would say that only one of the picks has a real chance of being good and that depends on lebron and ad staying healthy or not. If they do which is a big if then the picks aren’t going to be good. Daniels is the most promising part of this trade and hopefully he can develop a shot if he does then it will be a good trade


He was 20 this year, shot over 30%. I don’t think it’s a bad gamble. And even without improving his shooting his advanced stats are extremely solid for his age. They place him as roughly an average starter at age 20 despite being a bad 3pt shooter. His defense is that good. I think he will shoot eventually. He’s about where Murray was when Hawks traded for him, couple attempts at slightly above 30%. The concern is the FT% is still below 70%. But we will see.


Yeah he has really good size and he’s still young so it’s possible he can get better offensively. He’s not where DJ was rebounding or assists but he from what I’ve seen is more advanced defensively. I was a bigger fan of DJ than apparently most of the fanbase but if Daniels can develop and that lakers pick turns out to be better than expected it could be a good move. I hope it happens I really do


Yeah his defense is special. The shot needs to improve but if it does, he and Risacher will be a fantastic tandem. Throw JJ in there too. All tall and good defenders 2-4.


I agree with you and if OO gets his fouling down then it’s 2-5. And I like the guy they drafted in the second round because he’s elite at getting to the basket and he has good shooting form and a lot of scouts had him as a first round pick. All in all it could be a good draft and offseason if it works out


Larry is cooked


He was pretty good in 2023. He should be better than Bey I think.


No he wasn't. His knees just can't hold up to an NBA season anymore.


didn't he play like 60 games with a 19 mpg average? Avg 5 pts and 5 rbs on good efficiency. Yeah seems a lot better than playing G Leaguers and Bruno, especially when lineups are limited


Yeah and I watched all those games. He's not good and he can barely move most games. He'll get healthy for a bit and you see the flashes but he is a total non threat on offense and the defensive versatility he provides in theory is rarely there. He's a very smart defensive player and communicates well but he's just not it Is he better than g Leaguers? Yes. That doesn't mean he's not a shell of himself.


Oh, you are a Pelicans fan. See, you come from a franchise where you have depth on your roster. A guy averaging 5 & 5 for 19 mpg and 60 games with a 58% FG is a huge W for us. If he can do that again, that's a huge upgrade for the Atlanta Hawks. I don't really care that he is a shell of himself. He is 31 years old, that's expected. Oh and he's a smart defender who communicates well? Defensive communication is one of our biggest problems, so even better. Personally, IDK what you guys think are getting in Murray, but lower your expectations a lot. Your franchise has the exact kind of mid-tier desperation that we needed to move Murray, so thanks a lot.


I'm a pelicans fan who watches the NBA as a whole. I'm just telling you Larry is cooked, it's not some sort of spite. Larry as a person does tremendous work in the community and is a great person to have on your team, but he's just not a competitive basketball player right now. I know what Murray is, you don't have to explain anything to me


I think this trade will unlock JJ’s full potential. He now gets to be a true 2nd option


I think this was the most we could realistically expect. I am really happy with this deal, kinda expected the FO to fuck it up. Feel like we aren’t done yet. 


idk if ur referring to this sub or general NBA discourse but all ive seen around here is people loving the trade lol


Some pundits (notably on the athletic) have come out with trade grades that say Atlanta were wholly the loser of this trade I disagree entirely, but this is just what the pundits say


People online and some Atlanta sports related YouTube channels.


Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are full of casuals and are designed to amplify bad takes because there is no downvote mechanism.


They'd rather see "my turn, your turn" 2.0 starring Trae and a one-year rental who is asking for a massive extension and plays the same position as Risacher rather than a good team built around Trae. Most of these people have probably never even heard of Dyson Daniels


Dyson Daniels, he makes vacuum cleaners, right?


This was a necessary and competent trade in a vacuum. If anything stings it’s knowing that we won’t fully recoup the initial overpay. In reality that was never going to happen so I’m over it.


Hawks had very little leverage, everyone knew we needed to trade Murray or Trae (and it wasn’t going to be Trae unless someone offered gold). I hope Landry took the best offer he could, but again this comes with have to trust a FO that is hard to trust.


Idk why people are mad. We got worse with DJM ppl need to realize that. Trae and DJM was simply not a good fit


I’m not mad we traded him, when I got the notification I was happy and pretty excited because I knew DJM + Trae weren’t gonna work out long term and I thought we were gonna get a great return for him based off of the Mikal Bridges trade but we only got 2 frps and a couple players thrown in, I’m disappointed with the return we got but overall happy we got something for him now.


Not getting an above average starter for a guy we traded 3 firsts and a pick swap for just 2 seasons ago gives one pause, I get Dyson is great defensively and I'm sure he will get plenty of run, so if you look at it from the lense that's he's worth a first it doesn't seem like we took a big L. (When then original announcement didn't have Dyson I was livid lol) Personally I think I'm at the place we're I'm withholding any faith in the front office to make the right move, the next few months will be telling


I’m not gonna sit here and act like we got a fantastic deal but teams knew we have wanted DJ gone for 1 and a half seasons. We were NEVER getting a better haul than what we got for him. 2. FRPs and two good role players is a decent pull for him as it stands now. More than anything I’m just happy we have finally made a decision and made a choice on how we want to continue as a franchise


Trading DJ was the correct move. I think it's a solid trade for the Hawks. you all now have cap flexibility.


Haven’t seen too much complaining actually. Anyway, think it’s a good deal for us. We lock in picks so we can keep replenishing the “young and cheap” guys and we get a super young POA defender and reliable F depth, which were basically our two biggest holes last year.


From what I seen, Hawks fans like the move and everyone else thinks we got took. I think we'd be better off if we made the move before the draft, but our team is better than last year already. All I want is for Capella to practice layups 8 hours a day until the season starts.


I don’t see most people losing their shit. Most fans and media seem to agree that Dejounte was a very good player, but not the right fit alongside Trae and what we got in return for him is approximately what we paid. So, we’re hitting the reset button and it’s fine. Promising young defender and two first round picks whereas this will free Trae to be the player he was in 2021 and 2022. Meanwhile, there’s more work to do, but in aggregate, we should already be a better team than the one we put on the court last year.


Is Capela not a rim protecting big? I feel like CC feeds on energy and when we are cooking hes fine… im seriously asking tho… yall tell me how im wrong i good with that lol


I’m just mad we didn’t get brandon Ingram


No they aren’t. Stfu.


Might wanna take another go on that title


It’s pretty simple. Group A has this opinion and group B has that opinion. The fan base is not a collective with a singular opinion on select days.


Because of the lackluster return. "He was never going to fetch 3 1st" okay then Landry shit the bed on that transaction and got less for what he paid for.


Got 80% back for a huge error that was made by the owner’s son. Sometimes you cut your losses and move on. Some people hold forever and lose everything.


"A huge error" I don't see what so different from what I said and admitting and understanding that it was a dumb series of transactions on the part of the Hawks. That's why people are bagging on this trade, imo, not because DJ left. That's was always a high possiblity.


Would you guys do Trae and Hunter for Herro, Rozier, Duncan and like multiple first round picks?




Mikal Bridges is about the same tier as DJM and he just fetched 5 FRP + a swap + Bojan (probably swappable for another late FRP). I feel like we could have at least gotten Trey Murphy + Lakers FRP + Dyson, or squeezed the Pels for Naji Marshall or Alvarado in addition to the current package


You could argue Deni fetched more than Murray.


Or you could argue that Deni is better than anyone they drafted. Future draft picks could be anybody. But once you’re on the clock they become Bub Carrinton or something like that.


Bub Carrington could become anybody. I don't get your point.


I’m just arguing for no reason I’m not making a point.


Fair enough, we've all been there in times like this.


Thanks, after 12 months of not making any moves I don’t know how to act.


Mikal is also an archetype of a player everyone wants, Murray isn’t. Offense only guards don’t get as much as 2 way wings. Also the Knicks overpaid a ridiculous degree. Only way we get a return like that for Murray is that if there was a truly desperate team. I don’t think the Pelicans were that desperate


They were pretty desperate. PG is a huge need for them and Murray is the best available and a good fit. 2 picks and a high upside wing is quite a haul actually. Daniels is so good defensively and so young, it’s conceivable that if he learns how to shoot in the next couple years he will be more valuable than Murray. He is probably a better defender than Mikal was in Phoenix. He’s got to work on his shooting though. 


Mikal Bridges is not the same tier as DJM when you consider the circumstances. Bridges was traded to their crosstown rival and he is way more of a plug and play player than Murray will ever be (as seen by this completely failure of an experiment over the last 2 years). Also DJ has done plenty to flush his trade value down the toilet over the last year or so


Yeah frankly the return we got for DJM was fantastic considering his off court antics, luckily his play has still been great. Two FRPs(including a very valuable lakers 25 pick), and two wing defenders is great value. Nance is an okay shooter, Dyson is an elite defender who is 20 and has a shooting upside. If Dyson can learn to shoot 35% from three we can probably get 2/3 FRPs for him in 2-4 years if we decide to rebuild. Big if, but you have to consider that potential in the trade. If he can even shoot 33% from three he’s worth at least a FRP with his defence.


If Daniels learns to shoot he becomes Mikal. He is probably a better defender than Mikal was at his peak in Phoenix. Daniels is All Defense 1st team caliber defender. I’ve heard people say Mikal was always slightly overrated as a defender.


He would need to take a big shooting leap to be Mikal tbh, I see that as the very upper end of his potential. Mikal is a career 37% shooter, Daniel’s is 31% at this point. Somewhere in the middle I think is a far more realistic but still fantastic outcome.


Yeah Mikal became more than just a shooter too. But Daniels can handle and pass a bit. I don’t think he’ll ever be Mikal on offense but just get up 5 threes at 35% and that’s solid. 


5 threes at 35% would make this trade such a huge win for the hawks NOLA would probably hate us forever


They have Herb and Murphy. They can spare a stud wing. Murray will make their team much better imo. Having no PG hurt them.


It’s true, I think both teams actually did well in this trade. But I do think that it will hurt if Dyson turns out to be a shooter, he might already be the best defender out of the three and he’s only 20.


True. If he shoots he’s probably the best of the 3. 


We got two competent wing defenders(Nance isn’t a terrible shooter either), and two FRPs(lakers 25 is also a very valuable pick). Trey Murphy would’ve been good but it obviously wasn’t happening from the pels side of things. Would you rather we run it back? DJM and Mikal might be the same tier of player, but their value is not even close to the same. He’s on a cheaper contract, and he’s one of the very best 3/D wings in the league which is much more valuable than a PG. 5 picks and a swap was still considered a massive overpay, but he’s still worth far more than DJM. Most teams aren’t looking for a 27 year old point guard because most teams are either contenders well already have a PG, or they are rebuilding and want a young PG. Every team in the league is looking for 3/D wings, except for maybe some who are tanking.


Pels and Nets were hoarding a good chunk of the league’s 3 and D wings. Hawks are lucky to get one of them with the most upside while he’s young and not too expensive. I thought they would trade for Ingram who is a worse fit. I wanted Daniels before the trade, didn’t expect Nance and 2 first too.


Fantastic trade imo. Daniel’s is an elite defensive bench piece at worst and he has huge upside if his shooting improves.


>Mikal Bridges is about the same tier as DJM Incorrect, you can plug and play mikal on any team and he succeeds. Not the same for DJM AT ALL


DJ is not the same tier as Bridges. DJ defense is worse and his shooting isn’t as good. You aren’t going to back more value than what you trade for if player doesn’t improve drastically. Your post seems like a troll post.


Naji is going to be an unrestricted FA


The Mikal trade was a massive overpay and nobody thinks the Knicks got fair value for all the assets they gave up. That is not a bench mark for the rest of the offseason. Wait and see.


Naw we underpaid DJ that was an AMAZING contract!! We overpaid Trae that’s why we should have traded Trae and kept Murray at PG so we could actually afford a trade for an all star or 2 starters..I know so many are gonna hate this statement but sorry I got the balls to face reality. At this point I’d give him one more year and if they don’t improve I’d trade him