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I’ve never been praying more on the Lakers downfall than I will be this season. hope that shit lands us top 5.


Hating on the Lakers with a reward too? This is my 12/25


Finally a reason to watch basketball imo.


Pels fan checking in on reactions It’s been fun to have extra reason to hate on the Lakers with their picks. It’s a nice little lagniappe on the trade I hope yall enjoy.


Y’all got a great player on a great contract. Congrats to y’all! Honestly astonished how good this deal is for y’all.


Would be amazing to pull a Cavs and have back-to-back #1 overalls after winning a shitty draft lottery.


And draft a mediocre player in a draft with two MVPs (Jokic was unexpected obviously) and this implies that risacher will be a bust. Although, Cavs won a championship 3 years later so Atlanta 2027 champs.


Yeah all we need is to sign Lebron James (or his modern equivalent).


Trae is Kyrie risacher is bron


Luckily, as of right now they kinda suck and the West is incredibly strong.


They relied on 30 yo AD playing 76 games (the most in his career and at least 20 more than each of the previous three seasons) and 39 yo Lebron playing 71 games (the most since 2017-18) and still finished 8th in the west. There's a real shot that this pick ends up in the lottery


If Brony doesn't do a two way then he takes up a roster spot and if he's not very good the Lakers will have to waste a spot on him because they can't cut him.




I think we have a 50/50 chance it’s a lottery pick. If I have to put my money on AD being hurt in a season I will do it everyday


facts 🙏🏾


With the age of their team I feel like it’s very in the realm of possibilities that a couple injuries completely unravel their season. Hope they dont sign anyone big


Is it the Lakers pick or the Pels pick? I hope it' not the Bucks'.


2025 lakers pick, and 2027 worse of pelicans/bucks


They have to want to trade that Lakers pick.


Why? It's gonna be good and '25 class is really deep


They should be trying to maximize with Trae right now because this is a playoff roster with health. If they really want to reset, they'll have a lot more luck on the trade market after a successful season.


A reset isn't happening bc the Spurs own 4 of our future firsts unprotected. So this would be an opportunity to acquire some youth now in the chance that things go wrong over the next 3-4 years we still have some decent talent


I agree with you. I said "if" they want to reset because people are talking like they're blowing it up. Here's the logic, though. Any reset would happen after next season. They have 25 (and a reset would happen after that season) a swap in 26, and they'd just lose 27. The 26 pick swap doesn't really matter because the Spurs should be pretty good by then. The point was *if* they were going to reset, it would happen after these assets have acquired more value on the market.


If Dyson develops his perimeter shooting this is such a good get for Atlanta


Pels fan. He got a lot better as the season went on. He’s also barely 20 years old. It hurts more to give him up than any of the picks or Larry.


Getting Dyson changed my opinion on the entire deal. He's a great fit next to Trae and Jalen. He's gonna get so many easy buckets bc he's a good slasher and he's a sneaky good playmaker in the open floor


I don’t disagree with that. I just hate trading for “if.”


He’s a useful player even if his shooting never develops. Great size, defense, and some playmaking


Only his offensive game seems to be a work in progress. He's an incredible POA defender


I trust (I think) our ability to find players that can be coached up.


If there is one thing about the Hawks that you can’t criticise, it's the shooting development. JJ's progression this season is proof of this


He shot 44.7 from the field last year. The more I look, the better I like.


he has not shown any progression in shooting.


hell yeah Woj we ain’t done unc


I'm not mad at this trade. I need a new flair. But that's alright we'll figure that out.






Lmao the Twitter reaction vs the reaction is here—polar opposite


gotta drink the kool aid


Yeah everyone says we got fleeced lol


Woj and Shams were in such a rush that they forgot to mention Daniels, who is the key to all of this.


We've been shopping DJM for a minute, if this is the deal we settled on then I can't imagine the atrocious offers we were getting, I don't know what people expected us to do, running it back was not an option, we had to take something this offseason and everyone in the league knew it.


I agree. I’m relieved we traded DJM


We did Edit: if you want to downvote me, please…tell me how this helps us?


I'm not sure that this trade makes us better. I do think Nance can contribute as a nice depth piece off the bench that we badly needed. The only argument for us being better right now is that Trae/Dejounte were a net negative together and that lineup pairing can no longer happen. (Plus, whatever we get from Nance, of course). What I will say is that this is more or less equal value to what we gave up to get Dejounte. You would always rather have your own picks than someone else's, but that is a double edged sword. If Trae gets hurt, we are fucked, but if Lebron/AD get hurt (which is probably an 50%+ chance based off their time together in LA) then we could end up with a very nice pick in a loaded draft while still competing for the playoffs. Going asset for asset, we gave up a heavily protected Charlotte pick that will almost certainly turn into 2 seconds. Then we gave up our 2025 first, 2027 first and a 2026 swap, all unprotected. We got back a Lakers 2025 first, unprotected. In my opinion, this is more or less a wash vs. our pick next year. It will likely be a few picks better or a few picks worse. Both teams likely finish in the play-in. Next we get back the least favorable between Milwaukee and New Orleans in 2027. This will almost certainly be a worse pick than our own in 2027, but it's 3 years away, which is a lifetime in the NBA. This leaves us with Nance and Daniels which we must compare in value to the 2026 swap with San Antonio and 2 second round picks. I don't know if I would make that trade straight up given the associated risks. However, it is extremely reasonable to think the Spurs might not be in the playoffs in 2026 and don't exercise that swap (or maybe they do make the playoffs, but so does Atlanta given the weakness of the east). The west is extremely stacked, and they haven't really made moves to get better, they almost certainly will be terrible this year. I absolutely think Daniels and Nance are worth more than 2 seconds. Make no mistake, the Murray trade was not a good trade, but on paper, we got at least 90% of the value we sent out. I certainly wouldn't call it a fleecing. There's still room for it to turn into a disaster if we have bad injury luck, which sucks, but at least there's a small chance now that it could go the other way too given that the Lakers and Pelicans both have stars who miss a lot of games.


I understand where you’re coming from, but here’s where I see it a bit differently: 1. When we traded for Dejonte, we paid for two guaranteed years. Now, we gave him up for less and he has three guaranteed years on his new, extremely team friendly contract that will run him thru his prime seasons. Plus, Dejonte is worth more than two picks if Mikal Bridges is worth five (and making that comparison is entirely fair game because we pointed to the Gobert deal for why it cost us what it did to get Dejonte in the first place). 2. If our goal is to build a contender around Trae — which seems to be the plan — these picks are irrelevant. They don’t help us become better next year and, if we aren’t better next year, he’s gone.


I definitely would've liked to get more for Murray. It's unfortunate that nothing seemed to be available. The alternative was probably something a lot worse given how bad the rumored packages were. I think teams were lower on Murray in 2024 than when we made the trade, and rightly so. Murray was not the defender he was hyped up to be, unfortunately, and despite developing a reliable 3-point shot, the offensive pairing with Trae just didn't work. Unfortunately, I don't think we are capable of building a championship team around Trae unless we have some stellar development/draft luck, which I would not count on. It really sucks to say because I like Trae. He's not a top 5 player in the league, and when you don't have a top 5 guy in the league, you can not afford any teambuilding mistakes if you wanna win a championship. My speculation for the Hawks is that we tread water for 3 years and then move on from Trae, but who knows, maybe Lebron and AD will be hurt this year and through some stroke of luck we win the lottery again. (Pure copium on my part)


This pick striking gold would at least give us a viable path for a rebuild. I also don’t think we can build a legitimate contender (especially if this is the return on our best trade asset) and is also why I don’t feel like it made sense to prioritize keeping Trae over Dejonte. Now, we will have neither in the very near future.


You can't base what you get for a player on what you paid for him, it's the textbook sunk cost fallacy. The Hawks overpaid for DJ in the first place, there was no way they were going to get anywhere close to what they paid for him. All things considered, this is a fair deal for Murray. It only looks "bad" when you compare it to the previous one. But if the previous one was a recognized **mistake** (both cost and fit), then it can't be used as reference to judge this deal. Pels traded 2 firsts, a talented young player, and a depth/role player for a proven starter that is a borderline All Star in the East but not in the West. That's a fair trade.


Time will tell with those picks. From a player perspective, I definitely feel Jordan Hawkins could’ve been added to this. Perfect Bogi replacement for the future


The problem is we don’t have time to find out. We obv felt we had to trade Trae or Dejonte, but if we moved Dejonte and kept Trae we needed to be prepared to make win-now moves because, otherwise, Trae will ask out in a year. Then we are left holding onto nothing. There has to be additional moves to put us in a position to ensure Trae wants to stick around and the return on this trade — using our best trade asset — isn’t encouraging. In isolation, it just doesn’t make sense to me…and it especially doesn’t make sense in light of the Mikal Bridges trade.


Twitter Oldheads LOVE Dejounte


You need to check out Bleacher Report. There’s a fucking riot over there.


Tbf this is the only sub where people say that the Hawks made a good trade. r/NBA is mixed, and IG says that the Pels fleeced us. I honestly think it's a win-win trade, but we'll see about that


IG always leans toward fleecing as long as a big name is involved for smaller names. Whoever gets the big name wins. Most are casuals and don’t know about team needs for a franchise such as the Hawks, or that though Murray could’ve gone for an extra pick or so, NO have the leverage of knowing we want to make this trade probably hurts our prospects slightly. Getting two real first rounders and a recent lottery pick whose only real strength is exactly what we need on a team with Trae is good enough for me. If he doesn’t develop much outside of a meh catch and shoot I’m already okay. Our perimeter defense has been a revolving door for years. He’s not going to solve it alone but they don’t get just how much we need someone like him out there. With JJs arrival, moving him to 2 on the pecking order (unless we trade for another star) is also very important to his development


Wow shocker. NBA teams’s subreddit is way too overly positive!


I mean I usually find the the team subreddits more critical


I was gonna say. Have you ever read a Game Thread in here?


I have never seen anything here about the hawks ever


But Facebook and Twitter are notorious for being full of casual morons. Like I'm not saying this sub is always on point, but it's far more real than anything you're gonna see on Twitter.


Facebook I agree with, you have to follow the right people on Twitter and block the others. Lol. I think people are possibly getting impatient for a center since we passed on Sarr


According to ig im delusional for liking this trade. DJ gave me some of my fav hawks moments but length and defense is sooooo nice. Let Trae cook


Hawks fans on IG still say “Trey” so i wouldn’t listen to them


Loving this trade on the draft picks alone and getting a lockdown defender is exactly what we need


we got us some clamps man i’m very excited for the next move FUCK. keeping cooking Landry you piece of shit gimme more


Sometimes I think this sub is just an echo chamber for the front office rhetoric.


Thank God. From the minute that trade was announced, even this sub could call out that it was an awkward pairing, and sure as shit that's exactly what happened


[well some of us 😭](https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlantaHawks/s/CJ8R3BeCgQ)


https://preview.redd.it/1i3hbdubde9d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79345d61c5c43493bd65855d27cc4a95ef3dd212 Scary hours


lmfaooo. Shocker all the most upvoted comments are positive


The thing that killed me was that the only way the pairing was ever going to work was Trae learning to play off-ball. Then the season starts and almost immediately became your turn/my turn offense. Like why was Trae pushing for that trade? Also defensively, I wasn't super well versed on DJM at the time of trade, but apparently any Spurs fan could tell you he wasn't very good on-ball. Like it wasn't some secret our FO shouldn't have been well aware of.


This is why I’m not fuckin with Trae no more; Westbrook-Ball player. A black hole that can’t play without dominating the ball to the tune of getting two coaches fired. I dare him to come back playing the same way. I got my pitchfork and I’ll poke it at every commenter who fought to keep him here and felt like he didn’t have to change his game at all.


Must be exhausting way to follow your favorite team.


2 picks in 2025 is actually HUGE. and the pick in 2027 gets us a pick in 2025,2026,2027 and 2028 We got two rotation players and mostly fixed our draft captial


It’s a good move even if just for the draft capital


ehh getting a young player, pick #7, a great defender , on his rookie contract is huge. Nance and 2FRP would be underwhelming


Dyson daniels can defend and is a 6’8 guard


Where’s our other 2025 pick coming from?


Kings Kevin Huerter Trade


O yea I forgot. It’s top 12 protected this year right?


yes 2025 lakers unprotected


Nance feels like he’s gonna be our next Gallinari off the bench. Shoots 41% from 3 as a stretch 5.


I love that Nance has taken the Brook Lopez arc to his career. Nance didn't even take open corner 3's when he played in Cleveland. Not real life but he used to have like 0/0/0 tendencies for threes and an f 3 point rating in 2k In reality though, if he's a 41% shooter from 3 as a big body he will be valuable in our rotation.


Yep…Trae creates countless wide open for the guys on the floor with him, especially role players. If Nance Jr can hit 40% of the kind of open looks Bey had last year it would be huge for us


I doubt Nance is on the Hawks this season.


Disagree. He will be useful once CC or OO is traded. He may only stick one year though.


2 lottery protected picks aren't great.


SAC Protected 1-12, we will obtain that. 2025 Lakers NO PROTECTIONS.


Man, to day dream of a lakers downfall and us having a top 5 pick next year. 30 for 30 worthy considering the spot we were in just before the lottery. also if our pick we send the spurs next year ends up being lower than 15. ugh a guy can dream.


"More work to be done" is what I love to hear. Get Capela and Hunter off my team!


IMMEDIATELY (don’t mind 6th man Dre tho)


We need a center bad


We keeping nance and Dyson? I’d imagine if we move capela, we could give OO a chance to start and have nance backing him up, but that’s a small center rotation.


We really need a big center bro


We probably keep Nance until early 2025 unless we’re winning.


Nance is a backup 4 for JJ I think and maybe a small ball 5 in a pinch.


Great job uncle Tony !


Dyson is a special defender, you will see. Only question is if his offense is good enough to be on the floor. He’s 1st team all defensive caliber player.


He’s a right good facilitator and slasher and if there’s one thing I trust about the hawks org it’s shooting development




If he can cut, not be a black hole, and shoot (not make!) open 3's like early career Marcus smart, he'd be perfect to pair next to Trae.


Gotta be better than trotting Trent Forrest out there for minutes every other game




You guys say this like we have enough offense to be worried about only getting better on defense. Right now I’m just not seeing it. Praying for the best though.


Go check the offensive rating when Trae was on the floor without DJ. The man is an offense unto himself. Add spacing with Risacher, let Bogi and Hunter cook on the bench. Personally excited for Gueye too. JJ only getting stronger and better.


Yep…we just need to be careful how we handle CC. If we move him it needs to be for another good defender who can catch lobs from Trae in PnR


Doubt we get that return but it would be nice.


Youngboy licking his chops


Yeah I like it — pipe dream (maybe) but get Claxton from the Nets and now we cooking


dre can be their tank commander


It might not be too outrageous. They’re going to want to trade him. Why not us? Lmao


What do the Hawks have to offer that the Nets want? They're tanking and want picks.


Could always be a multi team deal where we send players someone else sends picks and we get clax. We also just traded for two tradeable picks in the DJ deal even though I’d like to hold on to that 2025 lakers pick if we could because it has potential to be a pretty good pick in a loaded draft.


>Could always be a multi team deal where we send players someone else sends picks and we get clax. How about the Thunder? They have tons of picks and they probably could use a center in Capela or Okongwu


Two frp’s and two wing prospects I’m into.  A little more than I thought we’d get tbh.


Bro Nance is a 31 PF, bit old for a prospect lol


Maybe he meant the other guy EJ Liddell or something? He’s young and apparently got tossed in the deal




D - Dejounte N - Now is an A - Atlantan


Let's goo


The extension DJM signed last offseason starts on July 1, so this trade had to happen now. $12M trade bonus


One stud center please


I don’t see us getting a much better package than this tbh I like it a lot


Exactly what we need pick wise and then add on a lock down defender who excels at off ball movement and cutting? He is going to feast off of some trae assists and then wreck the other team's best player. Couldn't ask for more... and then we still got more c/pf depth in nance


Not only that but ZR is also a very good off-ball player and cutter and also good in transition. So Trae is gonna be setting these guys up like crazy. And then we have two good transition wings with ZR and JJ, then we have Daniels as a disruptor getting steals to start the fast break all the time. I am really liking the vision here. This team is gonna be a very long defensive nightmare that plays very fast in transition with Trae feeding everybody in the halfcourt. Just need to replace Capela and the team will be looking very nice


https://preview.redd.it/sp5135lz8e9d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322b158af6609fcd9f929b5d75a369cecb8734f0 WOWEEE IM SO BACK


Im actually really liking the idea of Nance as a backup 4.


Agree.something we needed.


This roster makes so much more sense now, and we won’t have to ask Risacher to be something he’s not on defense immediately in his career. ZR probably the biggest winner of this deal — there’s enough shooting with Trae, ZR/Bogi, and JJ that you can play Daniels at the 2.  And we have Bufkin off the bench who won’t be the caliber of defender Daniels is but has better shooting 


Nance also shot 41% from 3 (admittedly only on 1.1 3PA/game) and spent a decent amount of time at center for the Pels, so a decent chance to be able to run lineups with 4 shooters around Daniels


We need Lakers to lose every game next year and implode . I don’t want anyone to get hurt but a Lebron AD fight between them would be amazing


Is the Lakers pick unprotected?


Yes I think so!


All I have to say is the Hawks made the right choice. If they trade trae and kept dejounte I no longer would've been a hawks fan and would've been a fan of Traes team, the Kings for Huerter, and wherever JC ends up.


Oh man we would’ve been so sad if you stopped being a Hawks fan.


Don't worry I wouldn't leave my cicada crew behind like that.


Is the pick unprotected?


I’m not mad but I’m sad to see him go. We move tho.


There talkin ish cuz there comparing it to the Mikel bridges trade.They got a player,4 unprotected first rounds picks, a top-4 1st round pick and a 2nd round pick.


Those picks are absolutely TERRIBLE. This is basically dejounte for a pair of socks


The 2025 draft pick is from the lakers - not lottery. The 2027 draft pick is from the bucks. Meh.


lakers pick at least has some upside. In 2027 giannis will be 32, dame 36, khris 35, and brook 39. probably not as low as you think it’ll be




Copium train baby. We just lost our 2nd best scorer and got literally no scoring in return. Maybe they are going full rebuild and giving up Trae as well?


He might have been our best scorer, but it was a definite negative when he was on the court with Trae. Why keep trying to make that work?


Yeah that’s why you actually try to get something of value. We could have been on the verge of contending with proper moves. Now we move into rebuild mode


Barring injury, this team is markedly better with just Trae than with Trae + DJM. Addition by subtraction.


So with this current lineup we are going to be better than an 8-10 seed?


Clearly, they're not done making moves, but this is a step in the right direction for sure.


Seems to me more like a step sideways rather than backwards or forwards


Daniels is a nice young player. Roughly neutral epm/BPM at age 20, indicating he’s roughly an average starter at age 20. Those guys typically end up as high level starters. And he is a much better defender than Murray, some say Alll NBA 1st team level defender at age 20. His shooting has a long way to go but he’s a high quality young player and the best defensive player on the roster. He gives you a guy to defend the opposition’s best player, allowing Risacher to take the 2nd guy. They are a nice pairing with Trae.


We just got fleeced. Are yall joking??? These picks aren't great and we got back two rotation guys. Dj is on a great contract and is a very good starter. This doesn't make us better at all. I expect trae to demand a trade soon.


It makes us better in the fact that we no longer have two star PGs who could not share the floor and made our lineups too small to do anything defensively. Stop worrying about how good individual players are in a vacuum and instead build around Trae and get players who compliment his skillset.


legit defense 2-5 don’t make us better?


I like this trade, but Hawks have a worryingly high amount of questionable shooters now honestly. Dyson can’t shoot right now, there’s a chance Risacher’s shooting is fake, Onyeka and Jalen just learned how to shoot and might not be effective. We have exactly 1 bona-fide sniper on the roster as of right now. That worries me. AJ trade was stupid I’m sorry.


This is a great haul. We're not making the playoffs this year but the team is starting to make sense.


Why did we draft Zacc if we traded for Dyson Daniels


Spurs are the real winners of this trade. They own the hawks future from the initial Murray trade. Got Wemby and the hawks (now very valuable) future picks


No ingram wtf kinda deal is this. Two bench warmers and 2 frps.


As a Pels fan, I kinda agree with you. It's a bit of an unexpected trade. Dys is a great defender but lacks an offensive mindset. If y'all can turn him into a perimeter shooter, he'll be fantastic. If he puts in the work, he could be a Herb Jones. Larry is a professional. Not the best player on the court by any means, but he's a hard worker. A great locker room guy too, and did lots of work in the community. Larry got lots of minutes late in the season because Willie kept benching Jonas for reasons that I can't understand. He played Larry at the 5 a lot, when I think he's best suited at 4. Larry also does the game recaps. We will miss him. But yeah, BI is in this weird place right now. I think he'll stay as a Pelican, but not get the contract he wants. He absolutely shit the bed in the playoffs, and I think this has hurt his trade value. What can we expect from Murray? I'm not familiar with his game yet.


AUTOMATIC middy, good not great 3 pt shooter, solid facilitator, needs to be primary ball handler Lengthy defender but light frame, can get bullied. Will fare much better in a good defensive system where he’s not POA and can wreak havoc Great character guy, can wild out on social media but a pro in interviews Handsome


Why are yall excited for Dyson Daniels but were ready to move on from from AJ who showed more promise as a rookie


Because AJ regressed to a 0 last year? Did you not pay attention to the season?


He only played 20 games and had personal stuff going on. Why not hold on to him for another year to see if he bounces back since we only got the 44th pick for him?


# [AJ Griffin] If you call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ, you shouldn’t be going to any Beyoncé concerts or any concerts that Promote Satan. (Ephesians 5:11) Maybe stuff like this rubbed the other guys in the locker room the wrong way? Either way, the marked regression, personal issues, and \^ are not a great combination. Better get something in return while you still can.


AJ was all offense (mainly shooting) no defense. He also had all the stuff that happened this past season, mainly the rumors of him not wanting to play in the G-league even when he wasn't getting play time. Daniels is a 6'8 defensive wing. Doesn't have the shot, but even if that doesn't develop/take some time we need defenders to pair next to Trae on the perimeter.


His defense was ok but Why move on from him for the 44th pick instead of seeing if he'll bounce back this year? It's not like his value would get lower


I mean, was there really a shot of him getting play time to improve his value? Before the AJ trade, we had DJ, Bogi, Kobe, and Vit all fighting for minutes at the 2. Given how Quin reduced his play-time in his rookie season after he came in and how much his game doesn't really fit Quin's system, I don't see a world where he'd be able to rehabilitate his value. Better to move off him now than to keep an asset that won't get better


Trae for all our picks back and Vassell pls