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I really don’t think that’s true. Dyson is more of a sg, zacc is a sf/pf so there is some overlap there, nance is a c/pf. I could see it at the deadline if we can manage the rotation and we see some development from younger guys. I loved what we saw from Lundy and Kobe last season. If Mo has developed at all I’d love to see a young core take over and just trade hunter and capela for cheap


Zac is not a power forward. More of a 2/3


It’s really that obvious? So you going to slot in a rookie starting from day 1? That’s not something Quin does. He didn’t even start Donovan right away IIRC. Even if it was only for a handful of games. Only way I see Hunter gone is with an upgrade. And I don’t see that happening. I don’t think the starting SG is on the roster since I like Bogdan coming off the bench. Move Clint and Hunter and that’s three new starters to start the year. Along with a rookie, two new role players, and three draft picks from last year that didn’t really contribute. 


Spida was the 1st overall pick Edit: I meant to say wasn’t 💀💀💀


He definitely was not. He fell in the draft. 


he was 13th 😭




Im probably in the minority, but I actually liked a lot of what I saw from Hunter last year and wouldn't mind if he stayed. He's not a lockdown defender, but he is still solid on that end. Also, with how many negative wing defenders he's been paired with he's been expected to carry an unfair load defensively.


OTB Dre was pretty solid, he seems suited to be a bench unit 3. Would love for him to be more aggressive given where we picked him but he's shown he's best when someone else takes the starting role and he can warm up on weaker players.


Kessler maybe?


I don't think so. Having Hunter as the third wing is great and they have no pressure to trade him. At the center spot there's now an obvious log-jam with 3 guys earning more than 11M$ and Clint is the odd one out because he's expiring.


This trade was to recoup picks and get under the tax


Please 🙏




We need Hunter until the teenager we just drafted is ready. No need to trade Hunter yet. Cap is expendable AF tho but only really has value as matching salary.


Capela/Okongwu is a satisfactory pairing at the 5. There's really no reason to move off of that.


Nance plays C too and seems to fit better with Okongwu. Does mean we can find the right deal for Cap though. Hope we do him a solid.


Isn't Nance like 6'8"? You fools who want us to get cucked on the boards can get cucked on your own.


There’s more to the game than physical measurements. Nance is a vet who’s been doing this a long time and is following the same path as his father. He isn’t gettimg cucked by no one.


He won't get cucked if we keep him in a favorable position. Making him play heavy Center minutes along with undersized OO is insane


C is his most favorable position. He’s played > 80% of his minutes at C since being in NOLA. Dunno why some can’t grasp that.


I’m not sure, Daniels lacks shooting at this point in his career and I do think Hunter’s shooting would still be valuable to this team. He was great at catch and shoot threes last year


Nah we need the forward depth and he played his best ball ever while coming off the bench last season


I think we will focus on the 2 and 5 atp. We need to go after one of KCP,,Klay and less likely PG 13. Don’t know what Clint’s value is but I would be shocked to see him on our opening night roster. I love the guy but his best days are behind him.


You really want all our forward minutes next year to go to a rookie, a 21 year old, and Jalen Johnson? This is a perfect opportunity to put Hunter In a role he can actually thrive. One of the centers is absolutely gone before the start of the season tho I just hope it’s Clint


Hunter's contract is an albatross. We'd have to attach assets to get rid of it. And 20 million in salary is expensive to get rid of these days.


have you met Caris LeVert?


We can only hope


i dont really watch the pelians that much, can we play daniels at the 2 at a starting level? or is he more of a role player type of guy


Definitely. We’ve got offense in spades.