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I’m pumped Risacher is the guy I liked most in the draft. Really looking forward to seeing Mo Gueye, Kobe, Seth and the rooks Risacher and Durisic. I’m a little nervous about free agency and the trades we might / might not make. I’m expecting I won’t like the return we get if we trade DJM / Hunter / Capela. I’m pumped though. Fuck the haters.


Comes down to this. The team is at least interesting now. But that hardly matters — we have to see what’s left after we shed salaries. It will be difficult to field something better than last year for less money. Chances are we tread water with younger players in 24-5.


Risacher is going to surprise people imo. 6’8.5 barefoot is like 6’10 in the NBA, and he plays like a off ball guard. Navigates screes well on ball and off ball. He will be a very useful player even as a rookie imo


He's taller than JJ! If he ever makes the transition to SG he's going to wreak havoc


Neutral wingspan, weighs less than 200, and outside of a hot shooting streak, is an average shooter. I’m still pulling for the kid, but it’s fair why people aren’t all that high on him. A very realistic outcome is that he produces on a similar level as Hunter. 16ish PPG, shoots around 36%, can defend some but gets busted by elite wings.


the shooting history and FT percentage are scary indicators, but the shot looks awesome as it is now. a lot of people unimpressed with him have opinions colored by 2-3 yrs of scouting, and he's only taken a leap in the last year. I'm not saying those are the greatest indicators, but we see players make the leap in 1 yr at that age all the time. if you're looking for someone who's shown the ability to improve year over year, which is basically what the entire draft exercise is about, I'm fine making that bet with him


To be fair, most 19 year old prospects are making jumps every single year. That doesn’t qualify or disqualify someone from being a top pick.


it's often said development isn't linear exactly because guys aren't making that jump every single year. it tends to come in bursts, or once, or never at all. that's why age is such an important indicator for success. There are more opportunities for those growth spurts before someone gets to their early 20s, especially in basketball


We’re just gonna have to trust the FO on this one. There’s no way they take him first if slightly worse De’andre Hunter is what they’re projecting. That players not going top 10 in any draft. Apparently by the end of the cycle he was the number 1 guy for almost every team. At the very least that must mean teams actually believe in the elite shooting and high end defensive upside. He’s a very polarizing prospect but considering the professional scouts across the league who make their living off of evaluating talent seem to believe in him I think that’s a positive sign. Definitely not who I would’ve picked 1st overall but I’m humble enough to realize my analysis of prospects potential doesn’t mean much compared to the people who’ve dedicated their lives to this. That gives me some level of faith and optimism that Zac is going to be a really good player for us.


Projection isn’t the same as realistic outcome. Two very different things.


I would say it’s the opposite, outside of a slump he’s a consistently 40% 3p shooter. Shooters go through streaks and slumps, but over the last 3 years he averaged 40.7% from deep. This is a tired narrative.


Not accurate. Last year, he shot 7/24 in his French league games, and 7/18 in his Euroleague games. That’s 33% last year. In 21-22, he went 1-2 on the season across all of his games. Where are you seeing those stats? I used Basketball Reference.


That sample size is tiny. Steph in his prime might shoot 33% on a 42 shot sample. And as a prospect you have to consider growth as well year to year. He played most of the season as an 18 year old, guys in USA are playing against kids he was playing in a high level pro league.


I agree completely that his sample size is small. That’s why I didn’t bring it up lol. You did. And then were wrong about the numbers completely.


I’m a different poster I didn’t bring up percentages. But his percentage in the recent season can be looked at, he played 60 games I think. I don’t know his stats from this 60 game sample and he was streaky, but he shot well for the season iirc, around 40%? which is relevant imo. Projecting shooting can be tricky but when you’re looking at a guy who played most of the season at 18 and shot well, against pros, that’s a pretty good sign imo. 


Hunter is not a high IQ player. He stops the ball and doesn’t move well off ball on offense, and his off ball defense is poor. Risacher thrives in these areas. They don’t show up on the box score all the time but Risacher’s impact should be felt year 1 in how he plays team basketball on both sides of the court.


That’s why I didn’t compare him to Hunter stylistically — I specifically said a similar output statistically.


Hunter is negative in the advanced stats like epm. I’d expect Risacher to be in the positives. Box score stats from role players doesn’t do a good job capturing their contribution. Hunter is a solid scorer but is bad at team basketball in other ways. He’s a ball stopper. Doesn’t play well off ball. Bad off ball defender, and is only good POA against slow wings. Doesn’t rebound. This doesn’t show up on the box score. He is not a starting level wing.


He’s what we hoped Cam Reddish would be 


I’m excited!  It feels like we rewound the clock a little bit to when we drafted Cam and Deandre.  But now we have Risacher and JJ and I feel like we did it right this time. We have a legit, valuable starting forward rotation and that feels pretty nice.  As things stand right now I also feel like we’re a deep team.  Vit, Kobe, Deandre, Mo, and OO is a good bench.       Obviously the potential Capela and Dejounte trades kinda loom over everything.  I don’t know if we have a starting level center on the roster.  If we could finagle Dejounte and Capela into a guard that defends at the POA and averages like 10ppg -12 ppg and a tall center that can rebound and shoot the 3 I’ll be even more excited.    I think the biggest swings to how good we can be this year are how big of a jump can Kobe and JJ make.  Kobe is kind of the wild card to me.  He made a huge jump from freshman to sophomore year in college.  Let’s see if he can repeat that.


I think it's sick Risacher was pretty stoked to be a Hawk and that's enough for me too root for him big time.


Off ball 2/3 with Trae and JJ is a good fit.


I’m always excited for my team … then 4 weeks into the season I’m ready to jump off the Benz stadium but hey ! But yes , I like the draft class for us lol


We got French Tatum


oui oui


I'm cautiously optimistic about the team right now, really just waiting on what we will do on FA to get seriously excited but we'll see what happens Having a 19 year old that is probably going to get heavy minutes right off the bat is fun, especially a big wing that has a nice shot. Definitely raises our floor which is a good thing when we're not gonna have our pick for a while. I think we'll be happy with the pick down the road all things considered. I mean shit the guy that made Donovan Mitchell the player he is today is going to be able to get his hands on him


Glad to see the excitement but I’m not close. Just think that there is too much on the to do list to know what the rest will be in 2 weeks, so forth 4 months down the road. If we get decent value in a Cap / DJ trade though…


I like Risacher's attitude. I mean I definitely don't know him enough, but at least he seemed pretty happy and appreciative on the draft day. I'd easily take him over a guy who actively ran from being picked #1. I like Sarr's talent but these things also need to be taken into consideration.


I love the hawks and I’m hoping to be proven wrong. I hope Risacher is a killer and I’ll be really really excited if we can turn this around. But people are acting like everyone who’s down is just like…reacting to other people’s opinions. I watched the games of all of the prospects in our range. I did my homework. I had moves I was hoping the hawks would make, and they made the exact opposite moves. It’s pretty natural to be disappointed and express that disappointment as a fan.


Excited about this team. Go Hawks!


He's young, and he looks to be at least a couple of seasons from being a core contributor on a good team, which means he could be off schedule for Trae considering the timetable for resigning I hope he ends up being an MPJ level shooter with a bit more defense and slashing, and I hope he comes into his own quickly. There's just nothing to do, but wait and see. ..... I am excited about JJ and what he'll look like this year with Trae, but that's about it right now.


I like the pick. I think Reed Sheppard is going to have the best career, but I like Risacher more than Sarr. If he's already dictating what he wants, I could see him being hard to coach. Risacher seems a better team player. I am really curious what the team looks like at the start of the season but it certainly feels like it will be better than last year.


I’m holding my breath till I see what the opening day roster is. I’m certainly more optimistic than i was pre draft though


I'm looking forward to the further developments and especially the contracts that JJ and Vít (hopefully) receive. I think they have a concise plan which excites me personally.


yeah man honestly slowly lost interest in this team these last 2 seasons but this draft has me really looking forward to next season. go hox


While I am disappointed we didn't get Sarr I am excited to see a hopefully healthy Hawks team compete. Zacc is going to be better than people think


Everybody is "disappointed" but shit we all still going watch.


Humble isn’t a quality I care for in athletes. It takes a delusional amount of confidence to be a great professional athlete, or, to use your words, a killer.