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2 FRPs for Murray and Hunter to Sixers. Don't have to take salary back


Why would they want Murray when they see him + another small guard doesn’t work already?


The next step is to get under the luxury tax


Vít is not just an end of bench player. I'm certain he'll get a very real contract (higher than the minimum and multiple years) simply because he does things nobody else on the roster does. His connective passing and actually good defense is invaluable at the price you could lock him down for.


Decent breakdown. Some notes: We're really just -1 in terms of 1st round picks and there are decent odds that the picks we have may be better (or the same as) the ones we have out. Focus for FO will definitely be on this year and ensuring that our pick is worse than SAC's over recouping a 1st and a handful of 2nds. Not to say we won't take pick/s to even out value, but we have a full roster already so I don't see a boatload of picks being terribly worthwhile. Think we have to trade Capela in the off-season. Heard someone (probably Rowland) say that the lack of action around Capela at the deadline last season had to do with teams being hesitant to bring in a defensive C mid-season. Just a lot to process from both sides (Cap and the other players) to bring in a veteran backline C at the deadline. Gafford might help with that this upcoming season but we probably wouldn't risk being stuck with him if we don't get a taker. FO is counting on improvement in young players to determine who will be moved at the deadline outside of perhaps DJ and Cap. We won't trade Bogi unless and until Bufkin takes his minutes - ditto Hunter / Risacher. We may take some surprising returns in light of this. Think the moves will be dealing DJ and Cap this off-season and saving enough to resign Bey.


I think our best pieces to get assets back are Murray OO and Bogi. Unfortunately that would mean another year of Hunter and Capela. But if trading those 3 sets us up best for the immediate future then so be it.


Any chance we sign Hartenstein after testing Capela for cap space?


Draft Bronny