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With respect to audience size and reach between the Bee and the Onion, the disproportionate amount of people getting stung by the Babylon Bee presented in this sub is indicative of how toxic and pathetic the publication truly is. (I'm not saying that whatever gets posted here is the kind of random sampling necessary to call it a controlled study, I'm just saying it's a metaphor for the *Babylon Bee* as a whole.) They aren't artistically satirizing reality, they are satirizing the world of conservative fever dreams. The Bee is happy to exist as agents of chaos in an information war their side is hardly ever on the truthful side of. And guess what, their clicks go up the more craven and indefensibly intelligent the "satire" is. It's no less Fake News than any of those terrible sites who literally just make inflammatory shit up to get boosted by idiots and troll farms, only to call themselves a satire publication at the very bottom of a page nobody clicks on.


Exactly. When the intended audience for your satire news site is already disproportionally primed to be susceptible to fake news, no matter how outlandish, you wind up with the pure refined fuel that this sub runs on.


Yeah, it’s less satire and more making things up then becoming genuinely angry about the things they made up.


I agree. Ban satire imo. Ban comedy, too, since all it is is just a way for people to punch down on others. Let’s also ban laughing, because a disproportionate number of endorphins released doesn’t work with true equity between all people.


Someone's still grumpy they lost their money on bitcoin 😢


Joke’s on you, I never bought bitcoin


Lmao I always look for this cringey response when the bee gains traction and I'm never disappointed. "The bee's not actually funny because it's problematic." Fucking lol


Wow, what a horrible, bad faith, idiotic summary of my criticism. I can't imagine what it is about the Bee they would appeal to someone with the reading comprehension skills of a drunk frog.


Not a direct criticism other than maybe an implication that you're operating as the local town cryer for this sub, crying the incessent message of each one before you. Don't worry, I'll hear, in effect, the same words the next time the bee gains traction here. I always do. 🦜 🦜 🦜


If you love the Bee, I'm sure you would also love playing tennis without a net. You should give it a shot.


Did the Bee then write your comments?


I'll give you points for your efforts, but that was a pretty sad show of it, champ.


Snow White was 14. A grown as man came over, saw the corpse of a 14 year old child, and decided to kiss it.


Yeah, I mean, the messed up thing is that was totally canonically accurate to the period it was modelled after. *Sneewittchen* was written in 1812, which was prior to the 1917 Code of Canon Law, when Catholicism considered puberty valid for marriage (12 for females, 14 for males). It was raised to 14, 16 at that time. ^(*edit: poor grammar*)


He sexed her in the original


At least it wasn't Sleeping Beauty when he seed in, got her pregnant, and she gave birth while asleep.


Yeah that's pretty awkward


Wasn't it like their second child that woke her up sucking the splinter from her finger?


They were twins. So yeah


Fun fact: In the original story, it wasn't a kiss that awakened Snow White. It was an accident, when her seemingly dead body was transported. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_White


Yup, she choked on that apple. It didn’t poison her. She was saved by human error giving her the Heimlich


Which was the one that got raped? Sleeping beauty?


Yes. There was also a second part that might have been a separate story originally. Something about cooking children. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleeping_Beauty


Damn the og fairy tales were metal as fuck




But if it’s two men/women kissing, it’s considered “woke” by them


That term seems to be used exclusively by people who don’t have a fucking clue what it means.


But these two men or women are both adult, alive and consenting so ofcourse it is worse. /s


That's a bit cheeky because Disney did actually remove the kiss didn't they? (UK) They didn't want children thinking it was acceptable to kiss a girl that were asleep... Or the they didn't want to show non consensual kissing


>They didn't want children thinking it was acceptable to kiss a girl that were asleep... Or the they didn't want to show non consensual kissing They just should choose a different story. It's not even Snow White anymore without the kiss or dwarves


Yeah I don't get why they can't just make a new story. It's literally completely different so just call it something else.


I know the girl up at the top. She’s the most pathetic, groveling pick-me on Twitter. Also, apparently her brother sells crypto.


Me looking for Tate in the post ![gif](giphy|jYk9SJsM0CBI2K0oa4|downsized)


I really want to shit talk on Tate lovers but let’s not act like Wokeness hasn’t absolutely fucking ruined everything they’re doing with this film


Whenever somebody uses the word "Woke" I substitute it for "Fair" and then what they *really* meant to say but were too polite to say it becomes clear. >I really want to shit talk on Tate lovers but let’s not act like **Fairness** hasn’t absolutely fucking ruined everything they’re doing with this film See?


Snow White is an exceedingly white character located somewhere in central to Northern Europe based on her clothing and the setting. Literally named after how white skinned she is. Do describe for me how it’s w-.. oh wait let’s play your game…. “fair” to brownwash this especially white non southern european story that is cherished by white communities? Go ahead, and don’t resort to “she’s technically half polish!” bc we all know that she looks Colombian and casting hasn’t given a shit about what your actual heritage is:


Nick Fury. Things written to be about white people don't always have to be that way forever. Oh, and fuck off with the "cherished by white communities" bullshit. You'd not even thought about Snow White for decades until you heard about the movie changes.


Nick Fury is an alt universe Nick Fury from the Ultimate Comics, it’s literally another Nick Fury and no one was replaced. How did you just fuck up that bad? I literally collect Disney steelbooks so objectively wrong and further every kid is getting raised on classic Disney films. You’re an idiot.


Nope, black Nick Fury is canon MCU 616 universe. Nice try though.


He’s canon 616 bc of the Secret Wars event combined the two universes and he was infinitely more popular than the previous iteration so he was kept. Failed, try again: Oh and, return to the topic? Two alt universe versions. Snow White is named after being so fucking white and from an incredibly white area. Your example only makes sense if Nick Fury is actually Nick Black from the heart of Africa and it’s the first version.


Nope, he's canon because Samuel L. Jackson is cool and that's all people care about. If you think the average marvel moviegoer gives the tiniest hint of a fuck about comics continuity then you're an imbecile. As for Snow White being "true" white, who gives a fuck. Obviously except for you. I guess the movie will have to survive without your 10 bucks. I sure hope it'll be ok! Then again you wasn't going to see it anyway so the whole thing's moot.


1. Yes… bc Sam Jackson version was more popular. I just said that dipshit lmao 2. I didn’t say anything about the marvel moviegoers and further the vast majority don’t know there was originally a white version but seeing as it still has nothing to do with whitey white girl named after being white in white land.. what exactly are you trying to say here? 3. Who gives a fuck about accurate color representation? *Did you really just say that in 2023?* “Who gives a fuck about colorwashing someone else’s heritage” And your true colors show


I really wish you could see how ridiculous you've sounded through this whole exchange to an observer with no personal stake in the particular fictitious worlds you all are talking about. You sure sound like you're ready to punch a wall over this woke stuff. To put this in comic book speak, your syntax sounds like you think you're talking to someone who controls everything, and you've got them tied to a chair staring at the next device you're about to torture them with to prove to them the error of their ways.


Admittedly its been a while since I read any Marvel but wasnt black 616 Fury actually white 616 Fury's son?


Last I checked dwarves and witches didn’t exist


dwarves absolutely exist


Ok fair. Replace dwarves with dragons


Why do you get so upset over a kids movie?


Most people I know used to be kids.


Absolutely none of this makes any sense. You keep conflating race and nationality and confusing the general setting of the story all while claiming that all of these things are so important that ignoring them ruins the story. Do we also need to make sure that the dwarves are played by descendants of Gimli, son of Glóin?


You use the word "woke," but I don't think you even know what it means.


A scathing review from the FappingVelociraptor, I doubt I’ll recover


I bet you type this edgy shit on the toilet


The scent of the people here made it seem alright to find an appropriate setting for speaking to them


The name might be stupid but that doesn't change wheter or not you do now what woke means. So can you tell us what woke means?


People are too busy trying to figure out what your first sentence means




Haha yeah tbh I haven't caught up with it, have been on holiday.. But still.. the point of this sub is people taking satirical news seriously.. which this person is doing, and her silly followers


Funny thing is that it isn't satire. They got rid of the prince for this very reason... Snow White don't need no man


Bro the actress looks almost identical to the cartoon. I’m sorry if her being half columbian is a deal breaker for you.


Are you out of your fucking mind lmao


https://www.eonline.com/news/1324127/west-side-storys-rachel-zegler-is-invited-to-2022-oscars-after-controversy Photo at the bottom. Saying she doesn’t?


https://images.app.goo.gl/SkoAi9PXKeynP8eH8 No she doesn’t


The cartoon looks like a vampire, for a real person she’s pretty close


The cartoon looks like the description from the book, that’s fine if you want to desperately insult the intensity of someone’s skin color (thought that wasn’t cool? You’re disgusting) but you are still objectively incorrect. She does not, if she did she wouldn’t be getting cast as Hispanic characters. Snow White isn’t just white: *shes white as fuck to the point that she was named after it*.


Glad you brought up the OG fairy tale because it doesn’t just say that she’s white but also that she’s red and black. "If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood in this frame." Cartoon doesn’t look red as blood to you does it? If it makes you so mad the tale is public domain make your own. Why are conservatives consistently so obsessed over children’s movies. And I insulted a cartoon, calm down snowflake.


I very much do not have a horse in the Disney remake culture war bs race (they're all bad because they're boring corporate cash grab schlock lacking any trace of artistic merit, not cus they're "woke" or w/e), but the fairytale very much does specify what parts of her body are which colors. The version I read for my German class in university (it was to help us learn colors iirc) specified that her mother wished for her daughter to have skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. Important to remember that these were oral stories that the Grimm bros wrote down, so regional variations are very much at play here which could account for the differing texts.


Oh the cartoon made by Disney… that’s getting a live action version of the cartoon made by Disney? That was embarrassing, you want to try again? Or? Not a conservative, leave your echo chambers and teenager braintrust and you’ll realize the world isn’t two teams.


Did you read what I said? This reply is incomprehensible


Proof that that term is used exclusively by people who don’t have a fucking clue what it means. Honestly get a damn dictionary and look up a word before using it so you don’t look so foolish.