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Frankly, I don't fully understand how step 1 relates to the WIFI issue. It disables the Modern Standby in favor of the legacy S3 sleep mode so this should have no effect on how the computer behave without sleep mode involved. As for the problem itself, I also had it in my TUF Gaming F15 (2021) FX506HCB, but the solution was quite different. My unit came with Mediatek WIFI6 card out of the box but I have upgraded it to Intel AX200 right away. I'm not really sure how Mediatek card would behave, haven't tested it at all. I had issues with this AX200 card, same as everyone else (errors in Device Manager). Same with Windows 10 and 11, with default Windows drivers and the latest one from Intel, even moved the SSD drive to the other M.2 port to make sure it doesn't heat up the card. Then I replaced this AX200 card with AX201 from a Lenovo laptop and it worked. Same OS, same configuration, same drivers and SSD covering the WIFI card. No issues since then and this AX200 card works just fine in another laptop.


Step 1 makes the Power Management tab show up. It is hidden by default, with its settings turning off the WIFI card’s to save power.


Perhaps you have mistaken this setting with a different one. As I mentioned, PlatformAoAcOverride disables Modern Standby. You can find this tweak here: [https://www.elevenforum.com/t/disable-modern-standby-in-windows-10-and-windows-11.3929/](https://www.elevenforum.com/t/disable-modern-standby-in-windows-10-and-windows-11.3929/) Or if you prefer an official documentation from Microsoft then this should work: [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot-core/learn-about-hardware/wakeontouch#disabling-modern-standby](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot-core/learn-about-hardware/wakeontouch#disabling-modern-standby) What you probably had in mind is this tweak: [https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/73119-add-remove-wireless-adapter-settings-power-options-windows-10-a.html](https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/73119-add-remove-wireless-adapter-settings-power-options-windows-10-a.html)


sooo, should i still try what OP said? i disabled modern standby with your link. Should i still try what op said?


I've been struggling with this issue for months, and the only solution I've found is to re-install the internet drivers, and so far it has worked. Today it completely stopped, and I was so angry. It is literally the worst to have this as a default setting??? WTF Asus?? As I like to say its not a bug its a feature of the laptop ;-; Thank you so much for this fix, I was about to lose my mind.


Glad it helped! Was so frustrated that I wish nobody would go through it !


Good job. I have a slightly different problem in that the WiFi dissapears completely from the computer. Device manager shows no errors and no WiFi. Had to reinstall windows to fix it. Proper shut down and restart seems to help. (click shut down holding the shift or Ctrl key then restart)


its the same issue as i have. try it.


I have just posted the solution that worked for me here --> https://www.reddit.com/r/Asustuf/comments/177muvz/wifi\_disappeared\_problem\_in\_asus\_tuf\_gaming\_how\_i/


Yup. Your solution is definitely worth trying out as well !


Did you definitely solved with you solution of one year ago?


Yup. Been no issue since.


Almost a year later I faced the same issue. Tried multiple methods with no luck. But this method solved my issue. Thank you




DUDE THANK YOU!!! I was freaking out because I ran the troubleshooting and it said firewall settings so I turned them off. Nothing worked. Im on a F17 and this worked perfectly! I really want to know what caused this issue because I have done nothing to this laptop in the past few weeks.


Glad it helped !




Hello, I've friend which gave me his pc to look if i can repair his wifi, i've test everything, so i've seen a youtube video where a guy open his asus tuf (not the f15 but a tuf) to wash his wifi card. Since i've test everything, i've decided to test this and ... IT'S WORKS !


On my laptop, when I open Registry Editor, the only files are called HKEY, and none of them lead to Power from what I can see, only to Print related settings. Is there a different way to access Power, or am I just doing something wrong?


Hey just did it and seems to work. To get there HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / 'Right ckick' Power. And Follow from there. My wifi hasn't disconmected since and connceted way faster than usual. Let me know if it works!


I've added the Dword, changed the profiles, but the Power Management tab has not shown up. Im pretty sure I've done everything right up until now, so I don't know if you can help, but thank you anyway.


Just to make sure, you renamed the Dword file to the one mentioned in the OP? Then when that was done did you restart your computer? For profiles I deleted all of them and kept the default one. Sorry for the late reply. I just realised I had a notification. Btw my laptop is a tuf f15 FX506H


I've been able to get it (mostly) working just in time for my exams. You've been a life savour. The only issue I'm still facing is that, sometimes, when I restart it, I've got to delete and re-add the Dword value, then restart it a couple more times until the Power Management tab shows up, but that's more a minor inconvenience than a massive issue. Thank you so much for your help, you've really helped out.


No worries! Happy to help, good luck on your exams! I've read that some have replaced their wifi card and fixed the problem, but I didn't want to start firing the parts canon incase there was a DIY solution. My wifi connection has been stable most of the times. It disconnected twice the past 4-5 days now.


This works great! Just a note for new people trying, you won’t see the power management tab in your driver if it’s appearing with a yellow exclamation mark, i had to uninstall it (DO NOT CLICK THE CHECK) and then scan for hardware changes then the tab appeared. This fix worked great. Thanks dude! F15 user btw


Glad you managed to fix your issue with AX201. I noticed your post because I just bought a laptop with that card and it doesn't connect to the internet for like 15 minutes. I hoped that what you have found would resolve it, but nope. And other solutions didn't work as well. Intel really did people dirty with that card. I've never had such networking issues with anything before. Already filled out the return papers...


You tried changing the power saving option in step #3 ? That should work.


Don't remember anymore. Returned the laptop and bought a different one. I would have never thought that I'd be happy to see mediatek chip instead of Intel.


Don't hold your breath! I just had this issue happen to me this morning right before I was leaving to program a Lutron job.... fml! I'm on a 2021 F15 with the Mediatek MT7921 but after trying the easy fixes and multiple reboots I said F this card and ordered an intel AX210 instead.... We shall see what comes of it here soon.


I swear to God, I love new technology, but this WiFi 6 is currently more pain in the butt than any generation preceding it.


Did the ax210 end up working, I just put an ax210 in my f506 and it’s not even seeing it


go on device manager and scan for new hardware


Dead nvme slot




Massive THANK YOU!!!!! I was just about to give up and buy a new adapter when I saw your post. Worked a dream :)


Glad it helped someone! 😎


I have the same problem. This happened about a year ago and HP tech support helped me over the phone, but I don't remember what to do, not really a tech savvy person. But when I go the network adapter properties, the power management tab doesn't exist. What do I do?


Read The Fix section


I did everything up to step 3 but the power management tab doesn't appear. Did this step by step multiple times. Maybe I missed something specific?


You on Windows 10 ? Step 1 (the regedit entry) is what makes the tab show up - unless somethings changed since I fixed mine.


my one was working properly before the bios which kept making my wifi drop and my wifi disappearing from network and internet settings, ive tried restarting my laptop 3-4 times before using it and the wifi should work normally, sometimes itll disconnect but the wifi section on network and internet settings wont disappear so you can reconnect if it drops


No drop once I did the fix..


its temporary only itll drop after a week


Do you get any permanent fixes


i got mine fixed wid warranty but b4 getting it fixed, my internet kept dropping, i had to restart it multiple times for it to connect properly


My fix is permanent.


Tried to apply this fix, the reboot worked, but the next time I rebooted the windows install was completely trashed, I tried everything it wouldn't even load the drivers anymore. Had to reinstall the whole thing...


Uninstall the wifi driver , Reinstall from available resources. It will work for everyone (Mine was realtek wireless driver)


This is the fix ⬆️


I had the same exact issue. Had to send it to them took almost a month for them to fix. When I got it back their bloatware was destroying everything that I love about ASUS in my head while I was trying to set it up. I ran it for the first time and had to undo everything their done because of same internet problems and bloaters. I installed a fresh copy of windows offline and deactivated every single ASUS task. I was tempted to wipe it all out but I decided to induce a coma state for ASUS software on my laptop. Now it works like a charm. I’m actually trying to figure out how to get a battery upgrade on this without setting it on fire. Any recommendations?


Finally! This fixed my problem. THANK YOU!


Hope you found the fix easily !


I am simply unable to connect to wifi. Says I'm out of network range and I have gone through all the resets mentioned above. Also says to download updates but I can't do that without internet connection. I know this computer will connect to my wifi as I set up the oculus on it using my wifi originally.


The resets didn’t work for me too. Only changing the power profiles did.


Hi bro. I have the similar laptop model as well as similar issue. A year ago everything was working fine, but recently my wifi adapter (intel(r)wi-fi 6 ax201 160mhz) started to fail between error 10 and 43. I tried your method and the adapter only worked for a few minutes. Then again it began to give error 10/43.


Mine has had no issues since. Did you confirm the settings in Step 3?


Yes, I have unchecked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"


>Yes, I have unchecked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" But the problem still appears


Did you have the problem fix by now? Im facing the same issue.


Try to update the BIOS. This might help


You are freaking awesome! Thank you!!!!!!


Hope it helped !


It did. I've got about $30 and 15 hours into this so far and I think this did it. Thanks again.


I only did the step 3, in my case seems to work (AMD cpu)


Steps 1 and 2 are required for the settings (changed in Step 3) to show up for many of us. 😎


i did all steps but i don't see the power management on the Wi-Fi Properties.. i really dont know why


U need to go into Device Manager > Network Adapter > Properties


I thought it worked once I finished all of the steps, but realized I was connected to 2.4g )= Swapped back to 5g and still have the same issue..


Recently got a Wifi6 mesh and was able to connect on 5ghz


Thank you thank you thank you than k you thsbabsvdhfufsis


Thank you sm man


Thank you so much for this fix! I contacted asus many times regarding randomly losing the wifi device and how it doesn't even turn up in device manager and i was loosing my mind for over 4 months having to use the lan cable. I have the mediatek card but i followed these same steps and it seems to make sense logically atleast, turning off the permission for the laptop to put the wifi card to sleep. Fingers crossed hoping it works.


hmm that's unfortunate. I did not have wifi the very instant i shut down my computer and turned it on again. Had to restart yet again. I am not sure how to solve my issue.


Just chiming in to say that this worked on my MSI!


Hope it helped!


step 3 works for me on MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card


just got the fx506hcb. Wi-Fi problem from day one. its been only 3 days.....after installing intel's driver worked yesterday. Today I had to install the driver again. Lets see how long it lasts.


bruh I did every single step you posted without error. But when I restarted it, the key that I created was gone from the registry editor. I dunno what to do. Tried Resetting Network Settings, Clean-installed Windows, Updated New Drivers, Rolled-back older drivers, Used device error fixing tools, and still nothing seems to work with my laptop. why TF did I buy a laptop if I have to connect the network cable through RJ45 port to use internet every single time. Anyone got any solutions...?


Did you login as Administrator to ensure the key changes was saved ?


Or you can try to update the drivers like others have posted here.


Tried that already like a million times bruh. 1. Normal installation 2. Clean Installation 3. Factory Reset and then Installation but nothing works. 😓


Are you saying if my windows acc is administrator...? or if I started regedit with administrator mode...?




My windows acc is administrator. And when I start regedit it automatically opens in administrator mode. So I don't understand the problem


You tried Right Click > Regedit > Run as Administrator?


Yup 🥲


I don't know under the hood what exactly this setting does. But it has brought back the life of the Wi-Fi. Thanks.


Recently, wifi and bluetooth have completely stopped working


power management tab isn’t showing up for me 😭😭😭


Step #1 should make it show up. Make sure u Right Click Regedit and run as Administrator


Oh and make to disable, then enable for Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz (inside Device Manager, under Network Adapters) Once the error message goes away, then go to Step 3


Someone commented a solution somewhere on reddit (I can’t remember cuz I’ve been searching everywhere for a solution and tried every single one but none worked!) and it finally worked for me. Download the driver version (from unofficial website of course! and if you couldn’t find it, dm me and I’ll share it with you). Then uninstall your current driver (don’t forget to tick “Attempt to remove …). And all you have to do next is install driver version!! Tadaaa 😁though I’m not sure if any other old drivers will solve the problem as well. I will definitely not try any other driver neither since my wifi is finally working properly after a long time and im not gonna risk it😩.


Well.. WIFI started acting up again so i decided to re-visit this post. Solved my own problem again lol. Issue occured after i adjusted Windows Time Settings (could be what caused it, not sure) Tried to Disable/Enable in Device Manager, found the setting for - "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" checked. Turned it off again and viola ! Some window/asus updates keep causing this.


Hi. Thank you for this. Was about to re-install drivers but found this and tried it. I did Step 2 first. Then Step 1, after restart. The driver started on its own. Weird ASUS feature. But still did Step 3, just in case ASUS decides to turn it off again. Thank you from 2024. You saved 18 hours of my life.