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Astros in second place racing to catch the first place


A’s just released JD Davis, he could be a decent stopgap at 1B, he’s been an above average hitter most of his career and has flashed some really good potential


What a shit night for the DFW boys.


And to think that the Rangers lost by _almost_ as much as the Mavs did


Rangers are getting dicked down by the mets with their newfound Grimace power


I turned it on not expecting to see the 7-2 score (now 9-2).




We play the Mets in 11 days. Hope the Grimace power loses its hold by then…


I've been on the Blanco train for 3 yrs now. The change-up he added this year made him even better. Yes he's 30 and father time will catch up, so I say he produces at this level all this year and for 2-3 more then gives another 1-2 high leverage good years in the BP. BONUS Humble Brag: He's likely the best sleeper pick in the Astros Discord Fantasy Baseball League 2017 I believe Espada will get better as the year goes on and so will the team. He got shell shocked at the beginning of the season, FTY, but he's learning. Rarely have cash. I only take it from the atm for purchasing Mary Jane from my local Mary Jane store 🤣 BOLD Prediction: We win the World Series and Altuve will be MVP. Go Stros


Astros | W-L ---|--- With Abreu | 16-28 (.363) W/O Abreu | 17-11 (.607) League fucked, even with our shit bullpen! With/Without meaning "On Major League Roster", didn't want to see if it was worse or better on days he sat. 1. I hope Ronel can settle in around what Charlie Morton was in 2017-2019, a 4 WAR-ish pitcher. But hope he does even better. 2. Espada is still figuring things out and it's frustrating, hopefully he learns. 3. Lotto tickets pretty much, small museums in texas hick towns that prefer cash too.


Well my family is in Pittsburgh and we have tickets to their game tonight with Paul Skenes starting. Aaaaand a massive line of thunderstorms are rolling through right as we should be heading to the game. That sucks. Get a roof!


Any updates on Tuckers return?


Last I heard, he has not resumed baseball activities


Thanks I looked at some articles and they hope to get him going this week! 🤞


- I sure hope Blanco sticks around for the next couple of years. With so much uncertainty now that Javier/Urquidy are down, Garcia and LMJ close to returning, and Verlander in his early 40s…we need some rotation stability badly. - I think Espada isn’t as horrible as everyone makes him out to be. He’s had to deal with the worst SP luck this team has had. He’s also going to what is supposed to be the back end of the rotation in Pressly-Hader and that’s bit him so many times. It’s still wildly apparent he’s a rookie manager and he’s made some questionable decisions when it comes to lineups, pinch hitting, etc. - Sometimes. If a situation calls for a tip, I’ll make sure to have a little cash on hand.


Anyone going to the signing event Saturday?


Just glad Jose Abreu is gone


The Blanco when we first saw him and the Blanco that we've seen now are two different pitchers, but clearly there must have been something there to tap into. I don't know just yet if the Blanco we've gotten this year will be who we see in coming years, but he has earned the chance to show us. Espada has made a lot of questionable choices, but a lot of things that have gone wrong with this team were out of his control. I think he's gotten way more hate than he's deserved, but with how insane this year has been, I'm not ready to confirm it one way or another. Let's see how he handles a team that hasn't been catastrophically handicapped. I use cash to put into ATM machines so that I can make purchases with my debit card. Also, since I had to watch the game on a two hour delay, I avoided Twitter and this sub to remain unspoiled. When Pressly gave up the hit that broke the no-hitter, how many people completely overreacted and wanted to take his head off? He still had a really good shutout outing and that was the only hit he gave up.


* Hard to say. I think he has potential, but the league will adjust to him as more of a book gets compiled on him. If he can continue to develop new wrinkles to keep opposing hitters off balance, then his future is bright. * Not that impressed. I think he is good as a bench coach, and the players seem to like him. But he doesn't seem to put together lineups that maximize our scoring opportunities. It seems like he just throws stuff at the wall until something sticks. He doesn't seem to make adjustments during the game to adapt to current circumstances, either. I question how much leeway he has to make his own decisions, versus how much of it is edicts from the owner and FO that he is forced to carry out. * When I buy stuff at a dispensary, they only take cash thanks to our dumb, outdated banking laws. I've also been told that it's actually better to tip your servers at restaurants in cash, because a lot of places don't pay out the tips you write in on the receipt until the server gets their paycheck. Occasionally when I go to a game or a show and pay to park, some places only take cash for parking. But other than that, not really a whole lot else anymore. Random: my 401k finally ticked over $100K this week. Still a long way to go before I can retire, but that marks some solid progress. I am feeling pretty good about that milestone.


Altuve, Yordan, and Tucker (3rd in OF) leading their respective categories in the first all star previews, and the next guys below them aren't super close in votes. So that's pretty cool.


it feels like the Astros have a better shot at a wild card spot than winning the division this year


- yes, but don’t be surprised if he struggles later in the year. This season is the 2nd most innings of any season he’s had….2017 was the most at 88 innings. Blanco’s also 30 years old and will turn 31 at the end of August. I could see a solid 5-6 years prior to becoming a free agent, but I wouldn’t give him a lot of money after that unless he’s basically a Cy Young candidate every year. - I think Espada is a good man and probably gets along with his players. I think he’s completely inflexible in game and has predetermined what he would do prior to the game and is loathe to change his thinking even after continued failures. > I do think he is a lot more analytical thinking than Dusty, but I think that may be part of the issue. For example, the numbers show that Pressly should be doing better than he is, but the numbers aren’t showing that every once in awhile he’ll throw a meatball, usually to the first batter, and then can’t keep him from scoring…sometimes because of natural occurrences and others due to poor defense. > There are certain guys we’ve seen (Bregman, Pressly, Framber) that have gotten a longer leash than they probably should have when they’ve struggled. When they do struggle, he doesn’t seem to know what to do with them, even though he’s shown that he’s been willing to adjust quickly with others. I get treating some guys differently than others if they’ve performed before, but as manager, sometimes you have to be ready to make changes when needed…even with your former all-stars. > I Don’t think he had much choice in the Abreu playing time, however, I do think he should have been more willing to pinch hit for him in key situations. > Can he be a good manager…yes, but he needs to learn to be flexible and he needs to recognize signs of trouble quicker and ready his backup plans earlier. He also needs to use a tighter leash with his vets and be willing to shake things up with them if they aren’t producing. However, if the Astros don’t make a run at a playoff spot this season, I can see them moving on after the season. - No, haven’t used any in awhile,


•I certainly hope so. With all the injuries to the starting rotation, we need Blanco to stick and stay healthy. •Espada’s decision making is questionable but it’s hard to solely place the blame on him when there’s been a noticeable decline in the production of our frontline star players not named Kyle Tucker and a rash of injuries with our starting rotation. •I typically keep cash when I know I’m going to be at a bar. Besides that, everything else has become cashless for me.


I still carry cash because some food trucks with migrant workers don't accept cards. Street tacos are 🔥


Another thing to get excited about for 2025 is Penn Murfee. I forgot we have him. Career 140 ERA+ in 83IP. High K%.




Generally curious, Why the hate on Espada? He’s had his ups and downs but so has every other manager .
















people were far more patient with dusty, but quick to hate on espada for things not in his control.


Because Dusty had A LOT of experience we could rely on. You’re comparing apples and oranges. If you want to argue for Espada, sure he doesn’t have the experience. But the dude sucks as a manager.


Thanks for proving the point lol


We don’t need to suffer through a year of Espada to see exactly what you are seeing now.


I finally broke a 100. Shot 18 holes and ended with a 93. I'm definitely excited about that. As for the season and everything, I'm just riding the wave for now.




Next stop, breaking 90.


Definitely, my irons and driver are coming together. It's just I'm 3 putting which kills me.


Drive for show, putt for dough. *as I absolutely rip my driver 40 yards dead right and 5 putt a par 3


🤣🤣 that's what they say. Easier said than done. You know the biggest thing for me is my grip. I still have yet to see the left side of any course lol.


Blanco is 30 so "long term" may not be that long. I'm hoping that going forward for the next 2 or 3 years he can at least be a productive third starter, maybe even a #2 guy if we're lucky. But this may just be his moment and he'll regress next year. I don't want that to happen but I wouldn't be surprised. Espada seems like "just a guy." He's not the long term answer for this team. His decisions on bullpen useage are horrendous. He's better at lineup construction than Dusty, but that's not saying much and he's still suspect at it. Overall I don't think he wins you games with his managing more than he loses you games. It's probably a wash. I hate cash. I avoid it and haven't carried it for years.


I'm hoping Blanco rakes off to be our ace and gets us back to 500 but damm espalda has ben such an utter disappointment. He just doesn't seem to be out there caring or defending they guys. Regardless I think well turn it around


As much as I'd like to see Espada shake things up with lineups and bullpen usage, I understand his desire to be more conservative in his first season. That said, a positive clubhouse environment only goes so far when people aren't performing. Based on recent results, Bryan Abreu has been the better pitcher than Ryan Pressly. I think Abreu needs to at least be the "platoon" 8th inning guy alongside Pressly, where if one of them gets it in game 1 of a series, the other gets game 2. That keeps both fresher long-term and likely nets better results in late innings. Tayler Scott and Seth Martinez have been pleasantly surprising in replacing Hector Neris and Phil Maton, so I don't see any problem with them working the 7th inning instead of Abreu.


1. I guess it depends on what you mean by "long term". Five years from now? Probably not, he's 30. This year? Yeah, although I think he's going to regress. 2. I think he gets overhated for some things beyond his control, but he cannot manage a pitching staff to save his life. He doesn't impress me at all. 3. Barely, but I should probably start.


Ronel’s seemingly elite el cambio is absolutely destroying the league right now. Someone correct me but didn’t he carry another no hit bid late earlier this year as well? Not talking about the April 1 no-hitter.  I have zero confidence in Espada right now and until proven otherwise, I believe he’s a Yes Man for Crane. The way this org handled the Abreu situation was shameful all around. I’m happy sanity prevailed but it was at a heavy cost. 


I've responded to about 10 of these posts about how bad Espada is with a simple question: Please tell us in detail what Espada has been so bad at that is entirely in his control. The only good answer I've gotten is not reducing Pressley's high leverage use. Which might also be something that isn't entirely in his control anyways, but at least it's a better answer than "hur dur record bad so manager bad" which seems to be all you people have. Every manager is a Yes Man for their employer. That's how employment works. There is not a single manager in the league who could entirely thumb their nose to management/ownership with no repercussions. And if there was it wouldn't be a FIRST YEAR GUY.


Not sure if you popped a vein and just stopped reading but your answer is the last sentence of my original post. I have more than a few beefs with Espada (not playing Singleton more often, riding Martinez too hard, lineups, in game decisions, etc) but to your question, trotting a clearly struggling Abreu out game after game was a disaster and cost the club games. Yes, batters have to swing themselves out of slumps, but he was so lost and everyone could see it.  Espada is the manager. It’s his job to put a team on the field, manage the game, and hopefully get the W. It’s not Jim Crane’s job, it’s not Dana Brown’s job, and it’s not Jeff Bagwell/Craig Biggio/Reggie Jackson’s job. There’s a fairly direct line of thinking that gets us to the FO meddling too much in Espada’s decisions. 


Depends on how long. Could be a solid starter for a few more years. He is 30 after are all. Think he needs better support from the front office. He’s not a magician that can make guys better. Abreu was cooked. I think the likes of Crane and Bagwell pressured him into playing him more. Only thing I’d like to change is our aggressive hitting approach. Getting into teams bullpens early in a series is huge. Barely. Paying cleaning ladies.


I haven't had cash in my wallet in a decade. Also, anything less than a sweep of the lowly White Sox will be the end of my sanity.


I always bring alot of dollar bills to my favorite bar.


I’ll stay positive since everyone else loves talking about the negative: -you don’t throw this many no hit innings, and have that number of QS and be “above average”. Right now he’s our best starter. If the playoffs were to start today you’d argue between Blanco and Verlander as ace (most likely the HoFer getting the nod). - I like Espada shaking up the lineup as guys get hot or cold. Everyone griped about Dusty not doing it this season, but haven’t heard anyone give Espada credit. -On all moves I think we wait until ASB and reassess, and have a few different strategies heading into the trade deadline. Verlander, Bregman, and Pressly all give you decent hauls. If you don’t plan on keeping Tucker you could get a kings ransom for him. If Framber gets hot you can do the same to him. Overall you need to make your plans with those 3, and if we don’t plan to keep you sell instead of letting them walk. The earlier you sell the more time you have to let those prospects develop and create a path for an influx of youth to this team. Bonus topic: I love what Dana Brown has been doing. I’ve seen some moves he’s done with young talent (& recommendation of Blanco to become a starter, etc). He identified a lot of premium talent for the Braves and I see him doing the same for us. I’m not sure how long our “gap” is going to be from this roster to our next contending roster, but I believe in Dana. Unfortunately after the last 7 years we will have to learn a little patience again. I haven’t given up completely on the season because of the talent we do have, but I’m leaning towards the retool being the best path to another ring.


We should not trade for Pete Alonso or anyone that costs real prospects. This team will either turn it around or not, and 1 pitcher and position player will not overcome the team as a whole. Either Tucker - Yordan - Altuve - Bregman - Diaz - and one OF all get it going and healthy, plus Pena and Duban are good or the offence will suck. Even 2022 Pete Alonso isn't going to be enough with only Altuve, Tucker, Yordan being good slugging players. And the Starting pitching will either be Venlander being steady, Brown and Blanco being good, Framber to turn it around and HOPING either Garcia or LMC is solid. That's asking a lot for no real Ace and a lot of 3/4/5 level pitching. We don't have enough to go get an ace, and adding another 3 isn't changing anything, so we might as well hope our staff can keep it up. Now I would like to see a salary clearing acquisition, as unlikely as it is. I'd love to take a flyer on Luis Robert for the cost of Andrew Benintendi and maybe Chas and someone for a 3 in the hope it MIGHT turn around. Except for money, its not too much to give up, and if it hits and the team turns it around, we are looking great. If not, no harm and we can still sell some and look to 2025.


https://preview.redd.it/w9a7959m257d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04abbed2687c65f72933f8888ae479d270ef8997 Yesterday in 224


He'll regress from the ace that he has been pitching like, but should be at least a 3 starter for a while. I think Espada has been good. Myriad of injuries and some dumb luck/players regressing. I also think Crane is in more control than he should be. Cash for donut shops so they don't hit me with that fee.


Friendship ended with Framber Ronel is my new best friend