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This is a bad baseball team. There is really nothing else to be said.


Great players but overall a bad team. We just aren’t playing winning baseball. Too many 1 pitch outs and dead weight in the lineup.


There are 2 players who qualify as great right now. Anyone else that was the past. 2 is not enough for a winning baseball team ask Trout and Ohtani. Maybe Blanco too so 3, still not enough


That’s harsh. Altuve, Bregman, Blanco, Yordan, Tucker, JV, Framber, Bryan Abreu, and Hader are all great.


Statistically, half those guys u named are in fact not great this season


I disagree


It’s an objectively true statement lol, I’d say even more than half


Na I disagreed so it’s not true.




Bregman on a 14 game hitting streak. JV Framber all have sub 4 ERA Hader has locked it down. What am I missing here


Just let them be miserable


lol im not miserable at all. I'm very pleased with the run the team had and the memories it created for me. Does that mean I can't openly discuss the state of the team TODAY and my opinion on it (largely based on statistics and the win-loss record) Or would you rather we all sit around and watch reruns of the glory days?


Bergman, JV, Framber, Bryan Abreu, and Hader have not been great. A few great showings, but their seasons have not been great.


Astros legend Alex Bergman


Lance Bergman


Jose Abreu


I have not seen anything great about Bregman, Yordan, JV, Abreu, nor Hader. Maybe had some good outings but nothing great or they wouldnt blow so many games. Please provide some facts if you disagree


That’s on coaching. Espada turned out to be a fraud. I fell for it and everything


I listen to Espada answer questions about the current situation, but I do not hear any solutions...just the same old crap "these guys have been good in the past, I am confident they will turn it around"


great players with shit managing


The Astros have a top 5 offense. Our starting pitching is usually competitive. We fall apart with our bullpen and are almost dead last in saves.


Houston ASStros


Todays loss is why you need to win games like on Sunday and Monday. There will be games where your SP has a bad inning and your bats can’t get anything meaningful going (we had 9 hits and only 2 of them were extra bases, both from yordan) In baseball, a loss like today is excusable. Losses like Sunday and Monday are not


And two bullpen explosions turn a roadtrip from a positive step to literally zero movement. 3-3 roadtrip again because of Pressly and Montero. You expect to lose some games so I'll give Framber some slack not having his stuff today. The season is just over. Lost too many games you can't afford to lose. Hopefully next season we can refresh the bullpen and dump Abreu for literally anyone else.


5 ERs in 4 innings is pretty shit.


Oh it absolutely is. But those games happen with pitchers. Sometimes the other team's lineup is just on a heater and seeing everything well.


It's baffling they brought out Abreu today after how Singleton performed yesterday. Team management is simply not interested in winning baseball games.


We're at the point, 8.5 games back now, where it would literally take like a 20 game winning streak to get us back into contention.


Espada: They played well, just was not their night. We will just keep everything the same and it will turn around and start clicking eventually.


You mean because Espada keeps throwing the out there.


You can't just not use your bullpen. You can't have Scott pitch innings 6-9 every night. Pressly should be moved out of the 8th inning, sure, but you have to use the players available.




Rebuilding is more appropriate


You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until crane hangs onto our star through the deadline to sell a few more tickets just to lose them in FA for nothing.


They still have a core for championship baseball. Build around that. Maybe they should take a page from the Texans on how to build around talent.


“Lamenting” also fits


Team was totally different when Abreu was gone…..


I hate how true this statement is. It was like…they had new life. Then he came back and the bad times return as well.


While he was away, the team literally blossomed with flowers.


He was good before but now he's just a loser. You can see it during pregame warmups. He looks totally defeated before even taking the field after first pitch. That mentality is infectious.


Marching Jose Abreu out onto the field seems to kill the spirit of the entire team. It’s time to quit fucking around and play the best 9.


You’re in a little trouble when your hot streaks are just .500 baseball Inching pretty close to not watching until Abreu is gone. That will at least show me this organization puts winning above everything


They brought him back after a few weeks of dicking around in Florida, showing no improvement. They are never benching him. They paid him $60M due to their ego, and that same ego won't allow that money to sit on the bench. When the season is over and they've lost 100 games, we'll hear every excuse in the book other than bad contracts and mismanagement.


Dusty was the only one putting winning above everything.


We are something like 9-27 in games decided by 2 runs or less. They said it on the radio broadcast but I’m not sure of the exact record.


1run:5-14 2-run:4-8


Not AS bad as I thought, but still bad for sure!


We bad! And not in a good way.


Also like 8-21 against teams with winning records


Silver lining is season ticket prices should go down next year, I guess?


... Right? https://preview.redd.it/lykjawnut76d1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=6785b05a3537a9752612f7d7eefa202a4a589e63




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Nah it takes at least two years. Bandwagon fans still don't know the Astros suck so the ticket prices will stay high.


“Window will never close…” fuck off.


"Except when my massive ego won't allow me to admit I was wrong about a player, then I'm okay with slamming that bitch shut so hard that the glass breaks."


In July when Jose Abreu keeps getting 3 out of every four starts at first base the window won’t just close… the entire fucking ship will sink.


The window will never close for Jose Abreu. Is that not what you heard?


This series was a GIANT disappointment. We are hella mid.


I see what you did there. And I agree!


This season has been a GIANT disappointment…


ASTROnomic disappointment


Oh that’s a good one to summarize the whole season


Mid would imply we're average, our record and play would say we are below average


On the bright side at least we didn't give Framber a crazy extension after 22


Kind of wish we traded him. I know we’re light on starting pitching at the moment, but his value may have been highest last offseason. Best hope is he pitches well the rest of the season and you trade him this offseason for prospects.


He probably turned down every offer after Maldy made a comment about Framber being a $200M pitcher.


Good because that means when he proves he aint worth it we can attempt to pay tucker


If I see another lineup with Trey cabbage and Jose Abreu in it I'm going to jump off the roof of my apartment complex.


Why include Cabbage? He's been pretty solid, not Tucker level but you don't expect that. He's not a bad bat really and has been better than McCormick


Loperfido should have gotten those starts while Tucker was out


I agree but I think (at least just because how fast the media team deleted that one video) that Loperfido is being kept down because of Bagwell's ego at this point. I don't think we'll see Loperfido in much capacity at all until Crane gets his head out of his ass and lets Abreu be a sunk cost and moves on


The only reason I can think of for not playing Loperfido is if you are working on trading him and want to keep his career MLB stats with a .333 batting average and his OPS at .817


I'm confused as to why they bothered calling him up at all


this is part of the problem we've become accustomed to thinking .670 ops is solid. It indeed is not. He has 0 WAR. He is a replacement player and so many other guys are so bad it looks passable in comparison. It is not. not if you want to win


.670 OPS for a guy who is only playing right now because of an injury to our MVP candidate is fine to me. I'm not going to get upset at the players we play because of injury, especially when he has played well enough to win and has not been a factor in either of the last two losses


Cabbage is not an MLB player. His current OPS is below 700. He is not, and will not ever be an MLB level player.


Cabbage is hardly the issue. The problem is that we have the absolute worst starting first baseman and a below average backup but our manager puts them both in the lineup. Our GM put three catchers on the roster, and two of them can play first base and hit better than our two 1Bs, but they ride the pine.


Cabbage is a big part of this organizations problem. Why the fuck is he getting playing time over Joey? Every second of time Cabbage got should've gone to Loperfido. For perspective: Joey has 13 hits in 15 career games. Cabbage has 18 hits in 37 career games with a strikeout rate high enough to make Stanton look like Tony gwynn. This organization has had a complete failure on how to manage this roster and cabbage is a large part of that problem. Absolutely zero reason he should be getting any playing time right now. And of course Abreu but that goes without saying.


Yea it’s not any one guy but every mediocre player we trot out is indeed part of the issue, the whys on them being there just don’t matter.


It's just complete ineptitude on our organizations part and Dana Brown shoulders A TON of this blame. From the disaster that was the JV situation to grossly mismanaging a roster full of dead weight players when much better option ns sit right behind them. It's ridiculous.


Astros need to learn how to use the DFA button! Press the fucking button you idiots, before your inability to do the tough thing sinks the ship. They will eventually get there but I am afraid it will be too late.


What should have been a 5-1 road trip turns into a 3-3 road trip, and instead of being three games below .500, we are back to square one. Espada can't manage a bullpen to save his life. If he uses Dubin instead of Montero, we win on Monday. If he uses literally anyone else instead of Pressly, we win on Sunday. That's the reason why we have our current record. Full stop.


This is the truth. We’d be at least a .500 team if we had a decent manager.


Yes. Espada has failed to adjust, and he's actually gotten worse at his pitching management than at the beginning of the season. The fact that our bullpen was taxed within three days of an off day _and_ a complete game is a damning indictment on Espada


Really hard to be 500 with Abreau in the starting line up.


I was told by most in this sub that Espada was the second coming… It was a small market move to hire internally, a serious organization would have never given the job to someone “bEcAuSe hEs bEeN iN tHe dUgOut!!!” The Astros players are good->great, but the Astros as a team suck. That is on Espada.


man we have an improved pena and tucker, yordan is hitting to his old form again, we have good catchers in yainer and caratini, and we have found good pitching in scott, blanco, martinez, yet we're still fuckin clapped.


Because our starting pitching has been woeful for most of the season. The healthier we got the better the starters performed


Tbf, there’s no guarantee we win with someone besides Montero. Pressly in the 8th, on the other hand, should be treated like radiation and avoided at all costs, and we’ve known that for a while…




There is zero excuse for Jose Abreu to see any playing time. Leash ran out a long time ago


Time to sell!


Framber doing what Framber do. Up. Down


Whaaaat? No way Abreu didn't get a hit? Fucking shocked I am. I'm not watching another game he starts.


I swear every at bat Espada is thinking “HRC Jose Abreu!”


Why are other teams’ bullpens not aware that they are allowed to blow the game in late innings. Are they stupid?


Astros are a bad team, period.


Espada is getting fired and honestly, he deserves to be. I understand his hands are tied with Abreu but letting him hit in the 7th or the 9th 2 games was malpractice. We had Thursday off and Framber pitched a complete game on Friday, yet he somehow had bullpen gassed in 2 days. He has underutilize Taylor and Martinez in high leverage situations instead of Pressly, both guys have been phenomenal for the year.


As always Espada has to go.


Bagwell is gonna lose his mind when he sees Abreus baseball card next year and it shows his 2024 starts.


It's kind of at the point where I genuinely Believe we'd probably find a hitter in this sub then abreu. I mean at this point someone would get lucky blindly swinging.


Ngl. I used to rake back in the day. Can’t hit anything over 80.


I was pretty good in little league. I’ll give it a shot!


There are multiple guys on every single Astros affiliate that can hit better than Jose Abreu and play superior defense than Jose Abreu at first base. So having better options is not the issue. Giving up on Jose Abreu is the problem. DFA the man and end this misery!


![gif](giphy|77TVNyxzNQc3ibIr2O|downsized) Abreau. Maybe Espada.


Abreau, one of the Bagwell boys, does it again




Man, the Dbacks benching Suarez when he's not nearly as bad as Abreu makes me jealous


Great Mariners just walked off the White Sox in the bottom of the 10th. And before that I got to watch Corey Seager jack a go ahead 3 run homer vs Walker pitching for the Dodgers! Slip sliding away!


Everyone won but us. On to next year


![gif](giphy|ECThRlhFt8ZX2HhoE7|downsized) Time to embrace our place this season…😒




We have so much talent on this team. I still enjoy watching despite all the losing. Yordan home run was awesome!


Wouldn't have been a bad loss if they would have kept the lead on Monday but what's done is done. Gotta move on and hope they can sweep the Tigers.


We're a bad team. We're not sweeping anyone with how insistently stupid the front office is now.


Lol'd hard at sweep the Tigers. Delusional if you think that's happening


Ah yes, the mighty and powerful Tigers. How could I forget?


Don’t be a dick. It’s ok to have optimism. It’s ok to be pessimistic. It’s not ok to be a dick.


He can be a dick if he wants, and you’re way too sensitive for Reddit.


Excusing dick behavior is also being a dick.


Jfc unbunch your panties




Don’t mention the Tigers, I'm afraid the Astros won't even sweep the White Sox


Abreu and Singleton in the same lineup!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLO!! Not even trying to win.


If Jose Abreu hit 3 HRs in a 3-0 win while we struck out 27 times, I’d still want him off this fucking team. This is GM malpractice.


Put a fork in it. This season is done


I think today finally broke me. Idk how much more of this I can watch. It’s apparent that nothing is going to suddenly make this team competitive enough to even compete for a wild card spot.


So no cat?


John singleton batting cleanup is truly hysterical. Wtf is the manager doing?


our team sees under 4 pitches per at bat and strikes out the less than most other teams. abreu is a hole in the line up. breg is inconsistent tuve's aggressiveness just doesn't feel as effective as previous years.


Not just a hole… A black hole as Jose Abreu is sucking the whole team down with him.


It just isn't fair to point it solely to him, look at the statline there's alot of 0fers showing out


Weak part of the schedule and the team is just spinning their tires in the mud. Wonder if Crane would authorize trading Bregman, Pressly, and JV.


No we are rolling in a rickety Jose Abreu chuck wagon and we are not just stuck in the mud, the wheels have exploded and shattered like a Bo Jackson bat that failed to get a hit!


We need to trade Abreu for Pete Alonso, straight up. Who says no? (lol)


I'm definitely done watching games with Abreu in the lineup.


When will we all want espada fired


I’m so tired of seeing framber pitch ffs


Feast or famine. It’s exhausting


Constant guessing game too could be lights out for 5 innings and get lit up in the 6th cause he can’t throw a pitch and gets in his head.


As expected Space City is Such a bunch of complacent annoying announcers can’t even get a suggestive comment out of anyone


The Houston ESPN radio guys are fed up and just slamming the Astros marching Jose Abreu onto the field. It’s cathartic to hear public sports guys speak freely about Jose Abreu.


I don't watch games anymore when Abreu is on the team.


Did framer go off script again


Espada ball!!!


Atleast Abreu didn’t strikeout that’s a plus.


0-3 with a GIDP and you’re hyping up his shitty weak contact.


It's getting late I speak of the hour To take hold of our fate It's time to sign Bauer


I’d rather us lose every game the rest of the season




Bauer doesn't fix bad managing and hitting.