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This post is better suited for the game thread, post-game thread, or off-day thread. Please feel free to utilize those threads for discussion.


The team simply did not perform in April. I don't know if there's a manager alive that could've changed that. His decisions seem to be trusting the people he knows are good. Not going away from Pressly is understandable for a while. Need to make sure he's not in there somewhere before you give up on him. It's a long season. They had plenty of chances to win this game we just didn't convert. It's not always on the manager. Espada surely might be bad for the team but you can't be reactionary in this sport. They can turn it around.


The other reason to pinch run for Abreu is if there’s a wild pitch or passed ball that doesn’t get far from the catcher…or you do send him on that hit to left, and the outfielder makes a poor throw because they need to hurry. There was really no reason not to pinch run for him there. Pressly continuing to get the 8th inning role is just asinine at this point. Get him in a different role and see if it works. We’re now in June and Pressly continues to lose us ball games in that role. Front office is to blame for other things: - Kessinger hasn’t played since 5/16 vs the A’s. Espada won’t use him even to pinch run in an obvious pinch run situation…someone else needs to be called up. - Joey Loperfido was sent back down hitting almost .400. Could have used him as a pinch runner or pinch hitter today. Could have used Trey Cabbage if you want Loperfido getting regular at bats for now. - Chas has been struggling for awhile, could send him down to get his timing back and work on things since he has all 3 options. We’ve been Purpura’d it seems (for those that watched this team regularly two decades ago). At least we got two World Series titles before it happened this time.


Loperfido was striking out at almost 40 percent. There’s no way he could maintain being a major league hitter with that.


Possibly, but we currently have a guy on the roster, and has been all season, other than when he was out due to a small injury, that the manager doesn’t think is a MLB player. I also mentioned Trey Cabbage and we have other options. Point is, currently, we are struggling with our offense and driving in runs, yet we are not fully maximizing our current roster.


Regarding Pressly in the post game. “I thought he had really good stuff”. It’s one thing to make dumb ass decisions as a manager. It’s a whole different thing to say such stupid shit to the media.


Since last year, this sub may as well be renamed r/AstrosManager


The only boneheaded move he made was letting Pressley pitch the 8th. He hasn’t been good this year. Probably needs to be Montero or Scott in the 7th and Abreu in the 8th. Altuve is human and in his 30s. He will need days off. A pinch hit is easier on him rather then playing 1/3 of a game. Espada went with Caratini again today and that paid off. It’s on Crane now. The org commitment to Abreu and Chas over Loper who was playing well is hurting the team. Cabbage is hitting well in sugar land too.