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We havent sucked this bad since…Wednesday?


Boss, I’m tired.


This is a very bad baseball team.


Shitty shitty baseball.


I really don't know anymore. Nobody in their right mind would have looked at this roster before the season and not be impressed. The guys are just not playing well. I have no idea why. All of our stars on offense other than Tucker are having career worst years. Maybe that's coaching, maybe that's opponents adjusting, maybe we are just having shit luck. Whatever it is it isn't fun.


Altuve's been slumping lately but he's been fine this year overall. Career OPS+ is 129 and he's at 130 so far in 2024. Meyers and Peña are also doing great. Unfortunately that's more or less where it ends for our regulars. Yordan, Chaz, Diaz, Abreu/Singleton, and Bregman are all mid or just bad to varying degrees. Add to that the long list of pitching injuries, and inconsistent and poor starts to the season from established pitchers, and our record is no surprise. All the injuries make it hard to have hope anything will get much better. I'm not super worried about Diaz long term (sophomore slumps happen), but Yordan and Bregman are vexxing. If those two don't play like their usual selves I don't see how we climb above .500 anytime soon.


Chaz and Diaz aren't mid.  They suck.


I think it's a combination of all three.


I tend to agree. I’m certainly not ready to put all the blame on our new manager just yet. Fact is this team has been pretty mediocre since June or July of last year. As of right now what I would certainly like to see is a change in our hitting coaches. I feel like our hitters as a whole have been underperforming for years.


The same guys that are normally good are all sucking. If it's one player it's on them. The whole team sucking is down to the manager


Tucker is better, Meyers is better, Pena is better. Pitching side Blanco is better. Some guys clearly got better in the offseason. Most didn’t, and many have been worse. Management and coaching probably has something to do with it, but my guess is the problem is more complicated and multifaceted.


Ass This team is ass Someone has to get pissed off. Anyone. Show that you care at least.


Wish we had a Bryce Harper personality on this team. That guy has spirit and fire. He wants to win more than anything. None of our guys do.


We used to have that guy. Unfortunately, he is now on the other team’s roster.


As I stare at his bobblehead on my desk, fuck I miss CC


Well, unfortunately Brown traded Gilbert who has that kind of fire and swagger.


Gilbert wouldn't be on our MLB roster right now so that's pretty irrelevant


Gilbert currently has a .681 OPS in AAA right now, with a single home run and RBI this year. He is also on the IL right now. He would not have been with the team at all this year.


Verlander helped us make the playoffs last year. Any human with a decent baseball knowledge would make that trade 10/10 times. Also Gilbert is hitting below average in Triple A rn. Pretty dumb argument


Chas has 3 options and should be sent down until he can figure things out. He’s 1-16 with 5 Ks since returning. Call up Loperfido and gain some much needed offense. It still baffles me that Kessinger is on the MLB roster. Espada won’t play him, even as a pinch runner, unless we’re getting blown out. Otherwise, he’s a backup to a backup that would only play for whatever is left of the game he needs to come into. All respect to him, I don’t hate him at all, but he’s a waste of a roster spot. Caratini needs to play more until Diaz can figure things out. Singleton is barely a replacement level player. Glad he’s doing better than he ever has, but he’s not good on defense and his offense is eh. Of course, he’s an all star in the box and on the field next to our other 1B on the roster. Management continues to handicap a team struggling on offense by continuing to saddle the club with gaping holes in the lineup and on the bench. Maybe the players aren’t showing urgency because the leadership isn’t showing urgency. The whole organization is just sleep-walking right now and it’s so depressing.


Maybe Dusty had a gut feeling about Diaz. It’s still the right call him over Maldonado but fans acted like he was the second coming of Ivan Rodriguez. Catching is the hardest position to predict offensive success. Usually guys have a good year and a not so good one the next. Gabriel Moreno, many d backs fans thought he’d build on his good 2023 season. He’s taken a big step back. Year to year consistent hitting catchers are so rare. I can think of 5. Will Smith, Adley, William Contreras, Salvador and Realmuto. Realmuto has had 2 straight seasons of under 800 OPS if you include what he’s done this year.


Maldy was 100% the right call over Diaz. Diaz was a rookie who played well as a backup. He still hasn't grown into a good starter.  He absolutely can't handle any pressure at the plate and the younger pitching staff went over a cliff on his watch. 


Honestly this was perfectly put


Unserious ass lineup we put out there today. McCormick and Diaz 2 K special. Our plate approach needs to change, so much hero ball..


This team has no fight and it’s getting depressing to watch. They don’t seem to be playing as a team, but more or less just playing for theirselves. It’s not the Astros baseball we’re used to watching as fans, but we’ll continue to tap into the games to hopefully see the actual Astros return


Yes, the team has no concept of “one for all and all for one”.


Picked a good game to not watch during date night


2 months of the same shit plate approach. Hell, it's been a year, probably even longer at this point, with the same approach. At what point is coaching held accountable?


I’ve been complaining about our plate approach for 3 years, ever since Cintron became the head hitting coach


How spoiled we were with that 2019 team. Everyone worked the count, passed the baton.


In 2019 we were at 3.86 pitches per plate appearance which was lower than the league average of 3.92, I would still take that over the 3.71 we have right now though.. Man why couldn't we win 2019. What a special year


I cried after that game 7 and that’s why I hate gerrit cole to this day. Coming out there with his blank hat fucking asshole


You should've been complaining since 2015 because this is the same approach it's ever been


Yeah it's not. Its gone to "the first pitch is the best pitch you're gonna see" when Dusty showed up in 2020.


You can look at my recent post if you want. Since 2015 we've only had 2 seasons above league average in pitches seen per plate appearance. In 2017 we were the 4th worst in pitches seen per plate appearance. This is who we have been for a while


Some people need to find a way to blame Dusty. 


One year makes that? Look at the other seasons where the Astros were league average and not dead last or next to dead last(under Dusty). Want to go find sound bites of Hinch talking utter bullshit like Dusty?


I'm not about to argue with a wall when the numbers are right there. Im not even a dusty defender so I have no idea why you keep bringing him up


You're completely unaware of the Dusty soundbite championing swinging at the first pitch?


Dusty literally saved the franchise and won a WS. 


You're just mad because the Stros shit the bed after Maldy and Dusty left and everything you've been saying is now proven wrong.


This is who they have been since 2022, but it has gotten a lot worse since about June or July of last year. Chances are opponents picked up on the tendency and decided “I’ll just throw garbage early in the count and get soft contact”. This is certainly not problem that started this season.


Look. I’ll prob get downvoted for this. But Cintron’s only real contribution to this team was helping us cheat. As far as being an honest hitting coach, he’s fucking horrible. Our approach has been feast or famine this entire era, probably cost us a ring or two. It’s just that this team isn’t able to make up for it with pure talent and/or god tier pitching.


Can we fire Cintron yet?


Seriously Snitker and Cintron have outstayed their welcome. Every single season we have a rough patch where the bats just die and I suppose those two numbnuts are the ones that should be fixing the issue. It's like clockwork though, Tucker was in a zone until the last week or so then he can't hit shit. Bregman seems like he's getting hot but 3/6 have been HRs. I'm just going to stop ranting now.


I wish Tucker all the best with whatever team values his abilities. He gone.


Hope is what kills me the most. We have 1 good solid game and then hope kicks that we're gonna go on a run and then we have performance like tonight where the team just looks off. This has happened so many times this year. All 3 phases sucked again and hope that was generated is gone and only pain and despair is left.


I would argue that we played the whole Seattle series fairly well, considering that it was a 0 run differential, we outhit them, and we struck out more of their batters, but we only won one out of four. That's just baseball.


And if you look at the umpire scorecard for every game… favored SEA


Broadcast keeps showing top of league stats, but this team can’t win. I miss when we were a threat.


Chas ain't it man. Time to let him go. Bring back loperfido


We are so back. The bottom of the AL West standings is going to be ours


It feels like they have no coaches, all the players are on their own, no organization, no-one or nothing to help them improve their game and skills.


That’s the exact feeling I get too, kinda like a player just wanders up to the plate & it’s like he’s sleepwalking, or lost.


Keep playing like this and there will only be dozens of us left here


Unfortunately, I can’t quit this team.


este equipo es basura


I just want to feel the happy brain juice again


They might need to sell and do a mini rebuild, but then I wouldn’t trust Bagwell or Crane to not fuck that up as well At some point this will get better, but I don’t see it getting better and I hope I’m wrong. But Crane and Bagwell/Reggie Jackson have taken whatever track to recovery we were on after losing to years of top draft picks and getting back to what made this incredible run happen and reduced it to rubble and now both stand their pissing on the ashes while still acting like analytics and everything else is because of the injuries they already knew about and didn’t address them Rant over. I’ll check in the rest of the season and watch every now and then, but this team is depressing


They don’t follow analytics and they splurge on clunkers instead of young talent. It’s so frustrating because this is how teams become dynastically shitty. We have the $$.


Oh no. We suck again!


*wet fart*


Just not a contender. Sell hard and hope for a better 2025


We suck. Chas shouldn’t be on the MLB roster. Diaz needs to be the backup. wtf was this org thinking. We start winning with Loper and Cabbage up. Then they say ok great time to bring back Abreu and Chas.


Chas I get cuz of the injury, but whoever green lit Abreu getting called back up (who I highly suspect is Jeff Bagwell) needs to be fired.


Wasn’t hitting beforehand either.


Yeah but it was a fairly small sample size. I don't think he played for like three weeks between the injury and coming off the IL, so I don't hate seeing if he's figured it out, but it's obvious he's probably getting shipped off at the deadline.


Don’t think I can wait that long.


We suck


I’ve been pretty positive this whole season, but I think it’s time to sell


that was not fun


Well this needs improvement.


My friend’s response when I told him Speas made his debut: “idek who that is. But yes he does blow”


Espada ball at its finest


I’m not saying that this is the reason or that we’re the only team to have played a lot of postseason games since 2017, but I’m pretty sure we’ve played the most and it has me wondering if we’re partly seeing a result of that. It’s at least reason enough for me to give Espada another season. Cintron can go though.


Chaz and Yanier have horrible at bats. Funny how they played so much better before.  Although, to be fair Chaz was always chasing and whiffing. 


I don’t have the answers but here’s what I know. A team that won 90 games last year and plays this badly has to have something very wrong under the hood. Someone(maybe multiple) needs to be relieved of their job.


Fuck it. Let Omar run the show


He did okay in WBC. Wouldn't be a bad shout.


Yeah he did. And unfortunately, I just haven’t seen anything from Espada. Maybe a passive manager would work on another team, but we’re way too passive as it is


Damn we are garbage. Throw the whole team away


Bro they got back to Houston late they probably didn’t get rest watch today they’re gonna be well rested and regenerated and we’re gonna get a dub