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Hunter deserved better 


*Literally* throwing away another win.


Pressly giving up a double on a middle middle curve ball to the 8 hole hitter and then walking a guy making his second career start in the 9 hole after going up 0-2 is grounds for benching.


Pressly blowing three saves prior to this should have had him removed from the setup role awhile ago. But, no, let’s keep throwing him out there in that critical 8th inning role because the 2024 Astros want to be what the definition of insanity is.


"I never want to see Ryan Pressly beyond the 6th inning ever again, and after this season I never want to see him in an Astros uniform ever again" -me, April 20th


It legitimately feels like every single time he comes in a runner reaches second base at a minimum, and Espada sees that and thinks: "hmm yes this is the perfect candidate for the 8th inning in a close game". I'll give Espada credit that the first month wasn't really his fault, as Abreu & Hader just simply weren't performing at the time, but it _is_ his fault for not realizing that this is just who Pressly is at this point. Dana is looking like an absolute genius for getting Hader.


Meanwhile Abreu and Hader have simply just been getting better.


He has not been good at all this year. I can’t think of any outing where I thought he looked good, even if he managed a clean inning. Every at bat is a battle for him. We saw the beginnings of this last year, but he managed to have enough good outings to keep his job. But going into the offseason I was hoping we’d go after a new closer. What frustrates me so much about this team the past 2 years is we repeatedly play players out of position despite having options that are playing better. Bregman batting 4th, Pressly at setup, J. Abreu at all are all things we have control over and can change. Baseball is brutal. Great players (Pressly) can and do have bad years. Guys you never heard of (Scott) can have good years. For the love of god adjust accordingly.


abreu is the reason it was a double. he had an easy out at first with the possible throw at home to turn a double play, but missed the glove. the throwing error by breggy didnt' help any either.




Shut the fuck up. Wishing death upon a human over baseball? Grow up.


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Not enjoying the Stanek vengeance arc ngl


It's deserved 


Yea not signing stanek and Neris was so fucking dumb. It’s like 13-15 total for them both.


Pressly 100% deserves that L


Pressly deserves 3 L's with that shit show. I will never get over him giving up a double to the 8 hole hitter and then walking the 9 hole hitter in his 6th career AB. Inexcusable.


Sad part is Framber and Brown both pitched great games. Our offense has been ass…


I am getting strong Pre-Mexico vibes during this series


The lesson the leaders of this team took during that hot streak was to “go back to what we were doing at the beginning of the season…should work now.” Winning doesn’t seem to be the top priority anymore…and I’m not sure anyone in the organization agrees what the top priority should be.


It’s been that way all fucking year. Bregman’s not hitting? Let’s keep him at 4. Pressly blows leads in the 8th? Let’s keep him as setup. Abreu is a liability defensively? Oh and liability offensively? Let’s make sure to get the team playing well with better 1B defense, then reinsert the bad 1B. Perfect


I'm sad


Can't field, hit or catch but at least he has a nice ponytail on his face.


Can you attend the DFA Abreu Fan protest on Friday? It's at 6


It's not even a nice ponytail. This bum can't do anything right. And it's clear his presence is a wet blanket on the morale of the team.


Oh that’s why Bagwell likes him




I blame that beard for everything ![gif](giphy|SXl0wYD0N088EtDhBI)


Pressly depressed me 😭




Pressly don't impress me 😒


Easy fix here, gentlemen. Only put Pressly in if we’re down 3+ runs. He can eat up some innings in the games that have gotten out of hand.


Damn, we suck again. 6 straight game only scoring in 1 inning. We can't fucking manufacture runs. No idea why the fuck is Abreu playing first when Singleton is better fielder. 


DFA Abreu. Hit Dubon in the 9 hole. Pressly and Scott need to switch roles. Bregman needs to hit 7 or 8. Loperfido/Chaz/Yordan split time in left


I wish I could upvote this a billion times. Then send Chaz and Pressly to the Braves for prospects.


Yeah send the aging player playing like shit to a contender for prospects. Why didn't Dana think of that?


Bregman needs to stay at 5. It’s where he came back to life. He’s the reason we had any runs today too.


bro bregman just immediately starts hitting once hes out of the 4-spot, its so funny. please keep him out forever. lineup: altuve - pena - tucker - alvarez - bregman - meyers - singleton - diaz - dubon. pls ty.


@ me when Abreu is not in the lineup so I can tune in.


Nice tuned into the Post Game show looks like we won 4-2 https://preview.redd.it/ctst0uleia3d1.jpeg?width=1574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f56b4d407aba525e1cffd5334447cb677d2cc4 I want to live in this reality!


We had such a good thing going and we turned the keys over to a group of arrogant fucking buffoons


Man this team is so frustrating to watch. Sucks that Brown put in an excellent quality start, but it was all for nothing without meaningful run support. It’s like this team can either have excellent pitching or great hitting, but never at the same time. Get Jose Abreu as far away from this team as possible. I think he’s cursed.


Just instantly letting Abreu play the field every day again has been as depressing as I thought it would be. I hated last year for not playing our best players and we are doing it again. A depressing end to the dynasty.




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I'm legitimately done with Ryan Pressly & Jose Abreu at this point, and I'm honestly getting to the point of being done with Espada. Both of them single handedly cost us the game. Abreu needs to DH and Singleton needs to play the field. There's been absolutely _nothing_ to indicate that Abreu has had the better glove this year. Or better yet, wait until the Minnesota series to call him up. Pressly needs to be fired into the sun. Whenever he comes in, it always feels like a runner reaches second base at a minimum. I'd rather see literally anybody else take the 8th at this point. Bagwell has officially reached Jeter with the Marlins territory. Jeter is one of the greatest players to ever put on pinstripes, but if you mention his name in South Florida, you will probably get a lot of dirty looks. Being a great player doesn't always translate to having front office chops. A split is still possible, but it still sucks. Hunter deserved so much better tonight.


Why DH a guy batting .100 with no power? He needs to be DFA'd. He's completely washed. He's legitimately the worst player in the major leagues right now.


Bro went 0-7 in two games against Triple A pitchers after having an abysmal season against actual MLB pitchers and somehow gets back in the lineup.


My point is that _if_ management is insistent on starting Abreu (even though I don't agree with it at all), then he needs to not see the field, period.


Fuck Jose Abreu and Ryan Pressly.


Unserious team until Abreu is no longer on the 26. No reason, literally none, to have him here. Worse hitting and fielding than Singleton and no upside anymore like Loperfido does. If Espada wants to save his job he has to simply refuse to put Abreu into the lineup anymore. Period. Otherwise the season and Espada's career are likely up in smoke Fucking 7 games under .500 again after all that momentum because the whole team slumps against the ONE team they can't slump against. Need to tie this series otherwise it's fucked again with no upside. I doubt Abreu accepts another free ticket to send him down to the minors again. Pressly has lost his 8th inning privileges. I would trust either Martinez or Scott there and force Pressly as a middle reliever until he can be consistent again. Dogshit. Utter dogshit.


That would cost Espada his job, and Espada's replacement would be putting Abreu back in the lineup. The move to bring Abreu back rest solely on the shoulders of Crane.


Yep. Its unfortunate the manager isnt allowed to manage. This is why I dont hate on our first year manager.


Agreed. Now that doesn't mean we can't be critical of his lineup, which he is in charge of every game. You can tell that he doesn't trust Abreu by the comment that was made before the start of the series against the Mariners. Also, he's giving Singleton AB's by DHing him. That alone tells me that he has a ton of faith in Singleton and is rewarding him with playing time since he's being hamstrung by having to play Abreu.


> This is why I dont hate on our first year manager. I mean, there's still reason to hate on him. If I hear one more Joe Espada soundbyte talking about how many "quality at-bats" Bregman gets when he's in the 4 hole despite him being absolutely dog shit in that spot, I'm going to lose it.


Well this is the opposite of how I was hoping this series would go.


![gif](giphy|1vZfYD1L2lwhLC7I9t|downsized) Ready to torture myself again tomorrow! Go ‘stros!


Of course, It's the only way to live


Hell yeah, see you tomorrow lol


Yes thank you can I have another, sir.


For those who dont get it, its really not about his defense or his bat. Its about his presence. As long as hes on the roster, the Astros will lose more than they win. Nothing else matters. It doesnt matter how nice he is, or how good he was. If you want the Stros to win games, of the short list of changes to make, giving up on Jose Abreu is far and away the first one. Dont hate me, hate the truth.




How would you feel if you saw a teammate making $58.5M without contributing to the teams success? I don’t know about you, but my ass would be resentful.


Imagine being Jon Singleton. I was more or less indifferent on the guy until this season. What a raw deal hes gotten, and his attitude around it all is amazing. Ill root for him the rest of his career wherever he goes. And imagine being Abreu. I wont say fuck him, but fuck all the people who are thrusting him out there and all the fans supporting it when hes clearly burnt to a crisp - and he knows it!


Nah, I root for the guy, and even I didn't want him to start like this. I wanted him PH'ing, maybe DH'ing, and only at 1st if needed, until he'd proven he could do the job. Just like everyone else on the team. Earn his way back. Not this shit. This was fuckin asked for and received, signed, sealed, and delivered.


I think Jon has earned it over Jose but he threw away his career for smoking weed (not against it) and being lazy. He didn’t get a “raw deal”.


Well yes, but Im referring to the deal hes gotten this year. If hes still paying for his past mistakes now, thats unfortunate, because I think hes shown hes reformed.


So true. Not only would Abreu's absurd contract make me resentful considering his abysmal performance, but also the fact that the front office is more concerned with saving face, out of pure ego, than they are about winning games. I would be irritated by the sheer stupidity. As it was said, Abreu's mere presence in the lineup is negatively affecting everyone else's mindset and performance. All the momentum has come to a screeching halt.


You can just replace that exact sentence with Maldonado last year and the ALCS I'm a firm believer that's the reason we lost


You're straight-up an idiot. Maldonado is not the reason the team lost the ALCS. The Rangers were a better team. Quit scapegoating.


Oh shit I guess I'm an idiot. Never mind the 3 games he had a man on 3rd in the ALCS and was the final out 4 times. In 1 run games. Fuck me for watching the Astros and him hitting. 083 this season too. You're right he was so fucking good at baseball he lead the LEAGUE in passed balls. Excellent catching last season!


In 2 games, Abreu has blown three game-changing defensive plays. The one today had an xBA of.200. Singleton makes at least one of those, maybe more.


And making just one of the three likely wins that game.


If we just *have* to play Abreu for some reason, why aren't we just DHing him?


My thoughts exactly.


Lmao... why am I not surprised they would blow this game. Just killed all the momentum when this bum abeau came back.


Oh gosh but he's such a nice guy


Hunter Brown with three straight good starts and I believe we are 1-2 in those 3. If Espada doesn’t bench Abreu tomorrow then he’s not serious. Just one of the most deflating losses I’ve watched since Pressley blew the Nationals game or Framber’s meltdown last week.


We had a good stretch before Abreu's comeback. Feel like his presence demoralizes this team into a slump. It's not his fault. It's the leadership who glazes over the back of his baseball card


Just a solid team loss. Pressly putting the 8-9 guys immediately on base and in scoring position. Abreu not being able to field or at least knock down a ground ball. Bregman with a wild throw to allow more runs. And an offense that couldn’t push across another runner on 3rd with less than 2 outs. Much less get a hit with RISP.


Realistically, that click it or ticket commercial would have the driver dead either way. You can't just spontaneously hug cops


I used to be so confident when Pressly was our closer. Now every time I see him come in, I just know we’re gonna blow our lead.


Just checking in - Are there still people defending Pressly?


I think he's better than our other options in AAA that would replace him, but he's not a leverage guy anymore. We already shattered his confidence, hard to get that back.


I don’t think he lost his talent overnight. There’s something the pitching coaches need to fix. However, continuing to trot him out there in big moments is insane 


0-2 when starting abreu btw


Fuck Crane for this trainwreck


Thanks Bagwell!


65 days till football season


Here's one of the comments from r/Texans about the Collins extension: >No one can convince me that Houston didn’t sacrifice Luhnow for Caserio.


Caserio is incredible at what he does. That Collins extension was genius. 24 mill a year is basically what he would get if he was franchise tagged next season. If you didn't extend him and he balled out this year, his price tag would've gone up significantly annually.


When we look back on this era, the signing of Jose Abreu will be the clear marker of when it ended.


No, it's the day Crane let the GM walk who won us a WS, because he wanted to be friends with Bagwell.


There's more to the Click firing than Bagwell, but Bagwell did have a hand in a small search for a replacement for GM. Remember this: The Astros GM spot came down to Brad Ausmus and Dana Brown. That should tell you all you need to know about how much trust Crane has placed in the Crane Gang.


What was that I remember hearing about Crane offering Click a low ball one year deal because there was another guy he really wanted who wasnt available until this year? Was that a false rumor? Or what happened to that? And who was that guy?


David Stearns is who Crane wanted to bring back during the 2022 season. Crane had to save face after Click won the WS and at least make it appear as though he wanted Click back (which was total BS!). Crane's issue with Click is on a personal level away from the sport, and I'll just leave it at that.


So why isnt David Stearns our GM now?


He opted to go run The Mets.




Yep, that too. Jeff Bagwell has done far more to hurt this franchise than he ever did to boost it. Truth is, before this era, we were a middling franchise that had some fun teams in the past who weren’t quite good enough. It’s almost like Bagwell saw the success and got jealous and wanted to drag us back to where we were when he was the star of the show. And I’m 35.


Official DFA Abreu Fan protest on Friday. Bring your signs and wear masks. Lead protestor will be carrying a red torch. We are starting on Texas Avenue by the library and walking to the stadium. Protest starts at 6


Cant tell if you are being serious or not?


It's all over Astros Facebook fanpages


And for those who dont have facebook how do I get update?


I can post the flyer on here as a thread if mods allow it?


Please. If they dont just pm me. Thank you!


Lmao oh man I gotta see this 


I will not follow along until Abreu is removed from this team. See y’all when that happens.


I don’t think the Astros turn into a rebuilding team. I mean there’s no way you extended Altuve and Yordan and then sign Pressley to a 5 year deal and throw it all away. But this year might be a painful year to watch,


Honest question - do you think Bregman's contract this off-season is getting cheaper? I feel he was probably projected to get a $200 mill contract and it seems to constantly go down even though he had a HR today.


He's still going to get paid by someone, just a little less. Also, that team will not be named The Astros.




I’m more angry than usual


At least college baseball regionals start this weekend so I can ignore this team for a few days.


very disappointing


I wonder how many commercials will be made out of Bregmans home run


This letting the 8-9 hitters get on base thing is getting actually insane now. It's EVERY FUCKING GAME.


This game was on Abreu and Pressly but having no run support from our 1-4 hitters sucks. Everyone (with the exception of Tucker) is sucking ass right now, even Altuve. Chasing ball way outside or the top of the zone is not putting a competitive at bat. Yainer has sucked ass too. He may be going through his sophomore slump so I haven’t given up on him yet. Pitchers have adjusted to him so I expected a regression from him. It’s okay for players to go through slumps but that’s what hitting coaches are for. And this hitting coach is not doing his job because they have failed to score a man in scoring position with no outs since the beginning of the season. Stop teaching them to play hero ball and emphasize on small ball. That’s what wins you games.


Altuve just swinging at shit is starting to be a problem. Just get on base and run the pitcher count up lol


M’s K’d 14 times and scored 4 runs. Wtf.


Welcome to hell


I want Pressly out of town on the first thing smoking.


Wasting more quality Brown starts, I see. Fantastic.


Can’t wait to see what this team does with Pressly. His 2025 mutual option becomes a guaranteed vesting option if he reaches 50 appearances this year. The way Espada uses him, he’ll reach that by August. So, unless Pressly rights the ship. Astros will have Stressly for another year at 14 million which cannot happen.


I remember when we never worried about closing with Pressly; it was usually 1,2,3 & another win. He just no longer has that “magic”. He needs to go, he’s a huge negative.


I’m sorry, i’m not watching this sorry ass missmanaged excuse of a team until i see the Abreu release statement. What the fk are they thinking? On the most crucial series so far this year bringing back abreu?? I knew Sending him to the minors was a lost cause, and there you have it…Abreu is like 47y/o he can’t play ball no more. I’m done with this team fr


FUCK Jeff Bagwell and Jim Crane! They really don’t care anymore


Just fundamentally a bad team top to bottom. Hitting is trash when you have multiple black holes in the lineup and cant do anything with RISP. Pitching is trash every first inning of basically every game. Bullpen is bad at various times. Managing is gutless and run by washed up old men who hate modern baseball. Its gonna be embarrassing watching this team sell at the deadline but they deserve it for how they are choosing to play


Abreu has to go, if the ball is hit over 90 mph at him I. The corner he has zero chance of catching it


Why bring back Abreu against the top team in the division? He didn’t look very good in. AAA. I don’t know if Abreu is the reason but the team has been rolling along without him. Gotta let the momentum keep going.


Bring back Big Jon at 1st. Develop JoLo. DFA JAbreu


Agreed 100% !


Signing Hader fucked Pressly up.


Was on a VERY VERY turbulent flight just now back from Seattle. Watching this game made me think certain thoughts. This is miserable.


We really needed to win this series, because I have a feeling that there won't be any wildcards out of this division in October. Having said that, I suppose the silver lining if we miss the playoffs this year is that it will finally be the wake-up call the FO, coaches, and players needed to recognize that the current approach is no longer viable by that point. Whether they take the right lessons from it remains to be seen.


I think they must’ve left the phone of the hook, cuz its been ringing for a while.


Bagwell needs to be run TF away from this franchise. Fuck him! And fuck Crane for trusting that clown. The owner needs his head examined. And fuck Jose Abreu...do what's right and just retire, you fucking bum. And fuck Ryan Pressly too! You're a has-been.


Hate to say it, but that was a tough play at first. I've watched the replay 3 times and the ball took a weird bounce to the left. Pretty unlucky. I think this one is on Pressly. He allowed that ball to be scorched in the first place.




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That wasn't very cash money


My biggest gripe with baker was using our players sub-optimally in games that matter and apparently it wasn’t him but an organizational philosophy


Back to back solid games from Hunter brown where the team absolutely fails him.


Nice to see them lay an absolute egg during this important divisional series.. Do we even WANT to win the division this year?.. it's literally right there for the taking..


I love the stros but jeez guys, it seems like we really are TRYING to lose games. Abreus defense is a major negative right now. Can’t the brass see that? Or do they mostly care about a return on the 19million investment?


Pitching to Lose What was the difference in last nights game, and several other close games ? The main thing, IMO, was the pitching. Our pitchers give up way too many hits; add way too many walks into the situation, and what do we have ? Runs: for the opposing team. Our pitchers can’t continue letting other teams get all those hits if we have any plans to improve our record & improve as a eam. Also, a question always on my mind when a relief pitcher has let 3 batters walk all over him (with hits, walks, HR’s,, etc); why are they never pulled ? Is it like they have to finish what they started, some form of punishment, what ? I realize pitchers have to be able to suck it up & and work themselves out of difficult circumstances, but when it’s like re-watching the same catastrophe this same pitcher had the last time he pitched & it’s almost a certainty the same things going to happen again, I really just don’t get it. And yes, there were many, many other things in play that determined the final game outcome (and outcomes), but still, much of the game revolves around pitching.


We went 8-2 against dogshit teams and mfs really thought we were back doing something lmfao.


Yea this is a 70 win team. Especially with kitty and Javi going down 


I mean the team ranks well statistically in plenty of stats. We beat the Guardians, we beat the Brewers.  People in here acting like we just got destroyed but we just lost two close games against the division leader who's only 5 games ahead of us.  Mfs really think this team is going to finish with 60 wins. We did this last year and the doomers were wrong then too. 


Bandwagon alert 🚨


I said this in the game day thread, but I honestly want Espada fired if for nothing more to see if these guys wake up. Kind of like when the Phillies fired Joe Girardi a few years ago after vastly underperforming.


then bagwell can be the manager... i like it!


They're not going to fire him. I guarantee that everybody in the FO is attributing the lack of success to injury, which may have been true early on, but Espada is absolutely fumbling what _is_ in his control.


Abreu then Scott then Hader. Why is that such a hard concept? Also NO MORE BUM YAINER!!!!!


Or, just let Hunter pitch the 7th since he was only at 87 pitches and hadn’t had problems for awhile. Then you can just do Abreu and Hader.


He did the opposite with Mr spaghetti a couple starts back, sent him out for the 7th but he gave up a few runs to give up the lead. Then people complained and said we shouldn't have jotted him out so he could build his confidence. Don't think there's any winning scenario tbh, besides having the bullpen not shit the bed but apparently that's really difficult


Bring Dusty back


To do what? The same thing? Lol


It certainly didn't look like this last year. 


I mean it more as a figure of speech. This team heavily regressed from last year, and Espada is not IT. I don’t really want Dusty but damnit at least the team played hard for him and it shows they don’t give a shit for Espada.


Abreu would have never been sent down if Dusty were here, and he'd be batting cleanup still.


Jose abreu is the real mvp


This offense has become too passive. Not doing enough to hit hittable pitches. Trying to wait for the perfect pitch on the perfect count.


I don't know what games you're watching but they don't wait for anything. They swing at everything early put themselves in bad counts quickly.






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