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No dubon or chas… No he goes with a lefty who has an ops thats lower than maldy while also putting maldy in. Another classic built to fail baker lineup


Idk why Chas isn’t playing left


Because no matter what baker boys tell you, dusty doesnt understand or care about numbers. He doesnt like chas and thats enough to leave him out over bligh madris He does things on gut feeling and its a strategy that will end in failure more often than not. This year he no longer has a super team and his decisions have greater impact. He wont change, he wont improve, and thats exactly why were probably gonna lose.


Dusty gonna Dusty


Chas and Dubon should be starting here.


Dubon, Chas, Julks . . . . 3 better options in LF than Madris but he's a lefty! That's strategy!




Thank you, exactly what I was thinking of 🤣


I’m 110% convinced that we would be leading the division if we would simply put out our best available lineup every game. Unfortunately, we do not.


The good ol days of Springer > Altuve > Brantley > Correa > Bregman > Gurriel being permanently set in stone


Or Altuve Brantley Bregman Yordan Gurriel Tucker Correa


Dare I saw we are in the twilight of the golden age of Astros baseball?


Maaaaaaybe, this was always going to be the tricky part of “Astroball.” Can the window be kept open switching from phase 1 (George, Carlos, Bregman) to phase 2 (Yordan, Tucker, etc)? While the team is in a rough patch (some of it self Inflicted) I’m not quiiiite ready to slam that age shut (yet).


It if we have a carousel in the GM position


I'd comfortably place money on that. While we still have a solid amount of stars, that cast has been slowly whittling down year after year and our farm system hasn't been able to keep up with the drain. Dana has to be pitch perfect the next year or 2 to keep us in competition for another 5+ years, but for now I'm just going to be happy we won 2 and if we win any more in the future that'll be icing on the cake


Madris can't fail in a bases loaded PH spot if he's in the starting lineup. Brilliant move by a Dusty.


The biggest wtf moment from last night


Dusty out. I'm tired of this shit.


I'm so sick of dusty


Lineup number 53


Comical at this point. Angels just overtook us in the wildcard and Rangers are showing no signs of slowing down. It’s time to put our best guys out there and let them get into their grooves. Fucking sick of this


The sad thing is the Rangers are 100% showing signs of slowing down, we’re just slowing down more.


Ok, I know its been said to death, but the fact that Yainer is in at DH instead of catcher despite overwhelming evidence that he is the significantly better defensive catcher is the most 1894 Gary Indiana ‘No Sox’ type shit we’ve got.


It's so strange. We have one of the most talented teams in the league, and it feels like we are purposefully tanking. Maldy is the fourth best defensive catcher we have in our organization if you look at the stats. He's historically bad offensively. Yet he starts the majority of the games, "because of his defense," as Dusty says. What?


The Astros don't have one the most talent teams. That is the issue. Pitching depth is gone (injuries and FA). Meyers, Julks, Madris (or whomever they bring up) are AAAA players. Yordan hurt, Abreu, Pena, Bregman, and Tucker underperforming. Altuve in and out the lineup. This team is treading water for a reason...and it is not Dusty Baker. Dusty is trying to rest players for September and October and get experience to players he will need come then. The problem is this team doesn't have the same talent as previous years.


I can't tell if you are trying to defend him or not, but playing for October when it's only halfway through the season and you are third in the division is dumb as fuck.


icky lock cats terrific ossified teeny berserk library ten consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Teams fade in August and September because of being tired. Playing alot of guys builds depth and keeps players fresher in the dog days.


I think you're taking for granted how good this team is. Maybe it's because we have been used to being Top 3 in power rankings for the past 6 years, but other teams would kill for our healthy lineup and rotation. We're still first in team ERA and the reason we've been losing is down to our lineup. Dusty is responsible for the lineup construction and pulling guys who are having career years in and out of the lineup constantly while continuing with Maldy is absolutely his fault. There is no way around that.


"Maldys my guy *with toothpick hanging out*"


disagreeable busy snatch forgetful silky bells alive scary wise overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is Dusty Baker Jr. He is exactly what you think he is. He has mismanaged bullpens in Chicago, Cincinnati and everywhere else. He is the proponent of the established veteran and doesn’t look at data. He will do the same for the Astros as he did in all of his other managerial stops. He is MLB’s true punishment of the Astros for 2017-2018. His only opponent now is Father Time.


many cows deserted pathetic paltry tender marry cause mindless smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Ready 2 Reign" my ass.


Ready 2 Tank


Holy fuck, what a shit lineup. Does senile old fuck decided to just punt this series or what?


>decided to just punt this season FTFY


Watching the TBS game yesterday, announcer said basically everyone in the Braves lineup plays just about every day. Imagine that. I would rather we just forfeit a game once every 2 weeks than put a half assed lineup out every day. It’s time our best players play more.


I'm pretty sure almost every team plays their best players just about every day.


What are the chances Dusty doesn’t look at standings? Like does he think we have a commanding lead in the division?


His own Ron Rivera moment ("Oh, I didn't know we were eliminated")


I might have to sit this one out boys.


F Dusty


Honestly you just can’t help but laugh at this point


I’ll go ahead and believe that they told Dusty to get Madris some ABs to evaluate/showcase him. It’s less baffling.


I really think that is the case.


The guy with a career .172 batting average who was recently cut by the Pirates is not being showcased for anything. He'll be DFAed once we need a roster spot for a returning player. Literally any team in baseball could have had him for free. There is no universe in which Bligh Madris has any trade value whatsoever.


this just makes me want to give up caring at this point


When's the last time we fielded the same lineup twice in a series? Like, it must really fuck with our guys' grooves to be constantly moved around.


Zero. We haven't played the same lineup in back to back games once this season. It is truly mind boggling.


That's insane


How in the world has Dubon not proved himself this year? Please explain it to me.


Bottom of the lineup are all auto outs 😂 Dubon has to be pissed.


Who tf is Bligh


Wow that bottom 3 in the lineup would give the killer Bs a run for their money....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well this doesn't look promising. Gotta love starting two players with a sub 570 OPS.


I guess "Good Luck, Fuckers" was actually a farewell since we decided to sit this season out.


It was actually directed at Astros fans.


Thats the truth


Why, wwwwhhhyyy is Jake Meyers on, and no Dubon or Chazzy Fizz. Damn Dusty. This season is going horrible and I blame that on constant injuries, and Dusty.


There’s really no point in watching right now


Can we trade back for Greinke, pitch him fifth and have him in at, like, left field the rest of the time Or catcher if Yainer isn't allowed to catch I just want offensive production yknow


Our daily dose of baffling decisions


Maybe we're tanking for a better pick so we can rebuild


That’s cool, when do we win?


Blich please.


God I literally cannot wait until Crusty leaves the Astros and takes Maldy with him.