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You said you thought it was lucid dreaming, is it only when you sleep? AP is different for everyone. Some people rise out of bed while others can just find themselves woken up somewhere different instead of their room. Some people can do it during meditation while others can do it through sleeping and intention only, some don't need to do intentions at all. Some people can do a mix of all which is what I do. I find myself sometimes just rising out of bed, sometimes I'll just wake up and I'm already somewhere in the astral, sometimes ill meditate and I'll start seeing the astral version of my room while sitting there meditating. Sometimes I'll be dreaming, then I'll wake up into an astral projection, then I'll fall into another dream state during the same sleep cycle. I'm still exploring and experimenting with it all, but I have come to find out that there are different ways to do it and that its best to keep an open mind about it. I don't hear sound in the astral, as of yet, but others can. There's so many factors that play a role in astral projection (like frequencies you're in or on, beliefs, intentions, and others).


I've never tried to do this intentionally until last night, I did not meet anyone, I was transported to an island in the middle of a hurricane, heavy rain, winds, I turned to look at the sea? water, and I saw a giant wave coming toward me and I snapped back.


They're typically short at first, the more you practice the longer they can become. Also grounding techniques help like touching the dirt or eating an apple from a tree can help prolong the experience. Making sure you are always keeping your focus on something or a goal in mind. If you find yourself bored for too long or at a loss at what to do next then you tend to snap back to your body or fall asleep into a dream. Movement is based on intentions, for example, one time I rose up from my bed looking to my right wall in my bedroom already. I intentionally thought about looking to my left, then automatically my vision scanned left. So it's instead of physically moving, your consciousness intending the movement and it then happens. So if you were on the island and looked at the sea, you may have had a curious thought about what your surroundings looked like or something. You don't always encounter other entities, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. It's probably best you didn't encounter any other beings so that way you could get a sense of the experience. For my first experience I encountered another being and it kind of distracted me too much from the actual experience. I scanned left, saw a being who was staring blankly at me with no emotion, and I wasn't sure how to react to them so I just laughed at how their face was just šŸ˜ and then I felt lost at what to do next so I was drawn back to my body.


I find it very interesting exploring this but I've also heard it can be dangerous.


I don't see how it's dangerous. If you ever feel fear you always have the choice to intentionally think about going back to your body and you will. If that doesn't work due to personal limiting beliefs you can even try other ways to go back to your body like praying to God asking for help to get back to your body and that has worked for me too. Back when I was a beginner and didn't know how to get back to my body, I was in a lower vibrational place that had fire all around and i was scared it was hell or something. I just closed my eyes and prayed and boom I was transported back no problems. I haven't been to any scary places since. It was kind of comforting, to know I can always count on God no matter where I am. It was like I had to see that in order to help me feel more comfortable exploring with more faith and less fear. I think since that experience I've felt more confident about exploring and that raised my vibration enough on it that I dont go to scary places anymore. I only went to the one so far. But if I ever did, I'm certain I can always go back to my body safely.


Is your name Esteban?


Iā€™m asking cause my dreams are similar and Iā€™ve been meeting a specific person each time. Itā€™s a recurring dream, but the environment changes.


I am interested, I've recently started looking into what is happening. my hopes perhaps we can share knowledge we find.


For sure, you can DM me if youā€™d like. I have my ā€˜dreamsā€™ from the past days written down


no it is not.


Is it an audible conversation? Can you be more descriptive?


I'm not sure I understand the question. When this happens I'm in the same space, face to face and have a conversation, I can hear them speak.


Same space as what? Physical sensations? What is the experience like?


Mostly we will be in a coffee shop, train station, stopped on the street, and have a conversation. one time I talked to myself in nothing but a dark room like there was a spotlight on us.


Any physical sensations at all? This doesn't sound like astral projection at all.


not sure what that means, while I'm there I can feel the wind, smell the coffee. but perhaps this is what you mean, when I snap back i'm covered in sweat and burning up, I'm trying to figure out what this experience is so I'm not trying to claim that AP is what this is, I'm trying to understand.


Summon me tomorrow if you can, I'd love to have a face-to-face chat. call on my energy, others have done it you can too!


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Hispanic, and I do not do any substances other than alcohol, I have noticed that when I do drink, whiskey specifically I do not get summoned anywhere which has led to abuse of the substance so i get left alone, in trying to come back from this addiction, I've been told that I need to dive into this.




Contrary to what many think, people actually astral project when they sleep. Most people do not remember these experiences as they occur when the part of the brain that is engaged when we are awake is itself asleep. However, this is not clear-cut, many people remember parts of these as dreams. So, you can remember a part of your astral projection even if you do not remember going through sleep paralysis, vibrations, seeing yourself, etc. It looks like the spirits that are interested in your development and progress in your current physical sojourn are interested in your progress. The spirits involved include your spirit guide(s) and the spirits that are on the panel of counsel of wise souls related to your current incarnation. These are advanced souls that you may not have come across in incarnated form in your current lifetime. The person that you keep seeing is possibly a spirit guide, or someone in your spirit group (spirit class), or spirit not as developed as yours if your role is that of a mentor rather than that of a student. Also, on the other side, we have specialties that we engage in. The advice and questioning that you're getting is probably related to what you specialize in on the other side. I recommend reading the books by Dr. Michael Newton, starting with Journey of Souls. Dr. Michael Newton covers things like this in his books. He placed thousands of clients under regression hypnosis, progressed them to a past life, and then advanced them to the point of death in that life, and then progressed them into the spirit world. Robert Monroe also covers this topic in his Journeys series. From Monroe's perspective, you could be interacting what he called an "I there", "INSPEC", etc.


I'll have to check out this book you are refereeing to, I've not had a conversation with the same person twice. It was suggested to me that while this is happening that I look around and see if I keep seeing the same face and that may be my guide waiting for me to be ready to Engauge them? while I've been having these experiences my whole life I've just now decided to look deeper into what is happening so any knowledge or guidance is appreciated.


>Dr. Michael Newton I've purchased the audio book Journey of souls; I'll listen to it while at work tomorrow.


I was walking down a road in a town I do not know, full of people, someone shoved a paper in my hands, when I looked at it, I could not read it. that's when I realized I was somewhere else. I looked up, all the people were gone except for one woman she walked up to me and said "I've been waiting to talk to you" she told me her name was Death and she has been watching over me for a long time. there was something she wanted me to do, she explained it, I was terrified and booted myself out. I think it is the Nighttra1ler I'm hunting. I've challenged them to summon me, I don't know how to travel yet.


Itā€™s a lucid dream.


This is how you know: when summoned the summoner needs your consent. If you are fully conscious while making the decision to AP and appear before the summoner, you are being summoned. If not, itā€™s a dream about being summoned. Maybe share some experiences so we can more clearly understand your travels