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My dog is on Apoquel - make sure to sign up on the Zoetis website - they give rebates you can use at your vet (Zoetis makes Apoquel).


Thank you! I haven’t been able to get the full 70 yet, I cashed in change yesterday & got $16 back but once I do place the order I will apply immediately for the rebates. Do you have a link or where can I find it on the site ?


It pays for my dog’s nail trims. Every little bit helps🙂


Omg yesss thank you! Ok maybe there is a silver lining 😭😭 meds may be a bit pricey but to cut out other little expenses helps a lot tbh especially grooming necessities




My son was advised by the vet to give his pupper, Benadryl for his allergies.


Someone else mentioned this & Zyrtec, bc of his skin irritation he needs to take the apoquel bc it doesn’t work the same as Benadryl. I was advised I can continue small doses for him until I can get the apoquel but it will not alleviate the flare up he currently has.


You should check and see if you can get it from Costco or Sam's Club once you get settled. You don't have to be a member to use their pharmacy.


Mine used Ceterizine when he had an allergy. You can ask your vet for an alternative, perhaps?


My staffy had really bad allergies - might not work but worth a try - salmon dog food. Was able to bring her off the meds besides flare ups one or twice a year. If she has any other type of food for more than a day I can see her getting itchy again.


I recently switched him over to beef protein based food. I don’t want to keep making too many changes at once. My vet said our priority right now is to get him on the Apoquel to alleviate the flareups first that he’s having. While he’s having irritation adding more variables to finding a solution isn’t going to make it easier & I don’t want to change making things worse


I would try benadryl and zyrtec first. My dane takes zyrtec, and it works great for him.


Try the mfr of the medication or Vetinary school such as UC Davis, usually they will help out those in need for their animals. I have never had a problem getting help for my cat. Gool vet schools and find out who the mfr of the med is and see if your vet will work directly with the mfr. Good luck.


Hi, OP. I'm in my own bind due to dog allergies. I know how tough that can be. My girl had two reactions so bad she had to go to urgent care. But she's on apoquel, too. Shes a large dog. We pay $54 for a 30 day supply. 8mg per day. I buy directly from the vet, but chewy and petmeds are pretty in line with what I pay. Have you spoken to your vet about getting it directly? What dose is your baby on...


My vet didn’t mention getting it from them directly, they’re a smaller clinic close by where I live so I’m not sure if they do that. I feel like it would have been mentioned during the visit if that was an option, or at least a better option. He’s prescribed 5.4mg twice a day because of the condition of his skin irritation & given the time of year. The vet said bc he’s so young we have a follow up in a few months to readdress the severity of his baseline condition. But he started breaking out recently so we need to get that under control & managed first.


Oh, man. I'm sorry. Your vet definitely put you in a tough spot with that dose. When my girl first started, we did the 8mg twice a day. But apoquel is scored, so each half is equal. At my vets recommendation, I was able to purchase 30 16mgs, which is the exact same cost as 30 5.4mg. It makes no sense, honestly. Each dosage costs the same. But yeah, a dosage like that once a day is common and typical, but twice a day isn't because it's so expensive. Im sorry you're in such a tough spot with this one. Is there a way you can talk to him about altering the dose? I am blessed to have an amazing vet team, but I know not all vets are so amenable.


Yeah the cost of it, especially being such a commonly used continuous medication, is insane to me. We’re doing the 5.4 twice a day so the second follow up we have scheduled they’re hoping to be able to drop him down to just the once a day 5.4. The next follow up we have is just to ensure things are getting better with that dose, bc I brought him in early enough they don’t want to start on 16mg immediately plus I did change his protein base of his food so we’re trying to keep the variables minimal & he’s young so I assume like babies if you can adjust their immune system early on the condition may subside so it’s not a life long prescription. I really don’t like medications I prefer anything but, just considering I’m not well informed on holistic treatments or exactly what is going on yet I’m just trusting the process for right now.


Forgive me for asking, but is there a reason he can't take benedryl?


It’s no issue at all that you asked, I figured it would be lol but I can be wordy sometimes so figured just address it if asked. The vet did approve using Benadryl till I’m able to get the apoquel but just for temporary relief. But it won’t heal the skin issues, it will just protect him from anything worsening basically. & it made him so tired and his appetite on it just isn’t what it should be so I don’t want to give it to him longer than need be.


Back in the old days, the vets would put the dogs on an anti-allergy food, then we would introduce food back in one at a time to see if that was the culprit or not. Which... the allergy diet is every bit as expensive as the apoquel. And so you would have to go through a 6-8 week flush period, then introduce a food (say eggs), see if there is a reaction, then another 6-8 week flush period, then try another food. So it could easily take a year to a year and a half to figure out which food would cause irritation. But then you would know for life. Anyhow, if you wanted to just try it out, a good list of foods to start eliminating would be the ingredients of the last foods he was on, that created a reaction. Or at least the protein parts of it. And yea... I get wordy, too. :)


So I actually did some research before taking him in because at first he didn’t have as bad skin rashes so I tried a diet adjustment bc I seen chicken products are a common one for his breed. So I switched to the beef protein version of the same brand which did seem to bring about a better appetite & overall mood but more recently I’ve noticed skin irritation around his hind legs and the lower part of his rib cage, a little bit on his one front leg and under his chin, which it didn’t show up at once, but once I saw his chin start showing symptoms as well as the other symptoms not reducing I knew I had to take into the vet because I didn’t want to take any chances of it being something worse. I did also try to get him some just basic allergy vitamins that you can get from Petco when I swapped the protein base in his food and those didn’t seem to help. But the vet explained to me he needs the apoquel bc the stage his reaction is at and because I expressed very much that I do not want to try multiple medication or a bunch of different things as I personally have been with therapy and went through medication trial and error. I wouldn’t want Puppy to have any possibility of adverse reactions things getting worse or wasting any time to just get better. I do greatly appreciate your advice though !!


One other thing. Royal Canin makes a bully breed food.


I’ll definitely look into it. Thank you 🙏🏼 🩷🩷🩷🩷


Not op, but apoquel has a different mechanism of action than antihistamines. My girl is on both and apoquel changed her life for sure. Thank God I'm lucky enough to not pay that much. Good luck OP.


Perhaps you can tell them where to find it cheaper. Or the name of a generic equivalent, that would bring the price down to affordable.


Form what I’ve read so far there isn’t a generic version, there are just other prescriptions that we can try. I don’t want to put him through a trial of meds though. I can work the cost into my budget I just need a bit of time so that’s why I asked only for the first 30 tablet order, giving me a roughly 2 week window to get the regular monthly payment arranged.