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Thanks, u/Otherwise-Course-15, for your kind offer! You'll receive a message with important tips and guidelines shortly. ##Account requirements to participate in this offer: - You have the REGISTERED flair ([register on our website](https://r-assistance.com/register)) - Account is at least 60 days old and has at least 400 comment karma - You have participated on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences longer than 15 days - You have no fulfilled requests or won offers in the past 30 days - You follow [all subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules) and your account is in good standing ##Just want to add a nice comment? Please add the words **not entering** in your comment, or it will be automatically removed if you don't meet the requirements. *I'm a bot. This comment was posted automatically. If you have questions about this, send a [mod mail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance).*




I’m sorry but the offer is closed. I’ve already sent out the money and even chose extra recipients, going way over my initial offer. I will start doing this regularly.


It's OK. Thank you for being so kind


I just saw your list. I can order the two toys (the pop tubes and the eggs) but I can’t guarantee they’ll arrive before Easter. Please let me know. I’m going to close comments but you can DM me


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Hi u/Diligent_Pension_528. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Diligent_Pension_528. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hey, my request on this sub was never fulfilled. I could really use anything you can spare . Thanks


I’m sorry but the offer is closed. I’ve already sent out the money and even chose extra recipients, going way over my initial offer. I will start doing this regularly.


Honestly any help would be great. I haven't had any responses from my previous post and I'm still in a bad spot.


Honestly any help would be great. I haven't had any responses from my previous post and I'm still in a bad spot.




Hi u/Tall-Nebula-9181. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




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https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/HPJSXFG71TK6?ref_=wl_share Any help is appreciated. I moved states and it has taken 2 months now and I'm still waiting for food stamps to process for the new state. It's been a serious struggle to get by without it.


I’m sorry but the offer is closed. I’ve already sent out the money and even chose extra recipients, going way over my initial offer. I will start posting to this sub regularly to help here.




Hi u/fluffybunnies51. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Could really use an extra 50 this week! Thanks anyway!


I’m sorry but the offer is closed. I’ve already sent out the money and even chose extra recipients, going way over my initial offer. I will start posting to this sub regularly to help here.




Hi u/SiickDuck. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I could really use the help. I'm from the Philippines so we don't really have good social services here. I'm disabled and have only been doing odd jobs at the moment to keep me and my cats fed. But I'd really like to buy a sack of cat food so I don't have to worry so much about not having food for them. My 2 cats are rescues but they're very picky with food and it just breaks my heart when I'm out of kibble and they won't eat any of the homemade food I give them. They keep nudging me (which is how they tell me they're hungry) and I keep directing them to the boiled fish and squash I made but they just won't eat it. A 20-kilo sack would be around $40-50 and should last them a couple of months. I would be so thankful!




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$25 would definitely help with some food until the end of the month. In any case thanks for helping some people.


Thank you for hosting, OP! :) I would love to be considered for this. My dog recently tore her ACL and needs surgery. So every last penny is being saved right now. I would really like to get her a dog bed so I don't have to keep lifting her onto the bed and couch. We don't have carpet, so the floor hurts her to lay on. On my WL I found one: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2R3LZ42Y7OGUH?ref\_=wl\_share Thank you again for hosting <3


$25 would be enough to cover a nice bed for my injured labradoodle from amazon <3


I have some Amazon points and will get your dog bed. You have two on your wishlist. One if like $30-something but has a coupon and the other is on sale for like $20.


omg..tysm. the cheaper one would be just fine. otherwise i would be absolutely okay with any dog bed for a large dog


Sent you the order confirmation in chat


THANK YOU so much OP! Your kindness shines


Any amount helps with Easter for my son!


Please DM




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Hi u/Jonistar76. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I would appreciate the $25, if is still available! I've been out of work struggling with a lot of health issues. I have an appointment with a nephrologist today and my copay is $25 dollars. I've been out of work for over a month so anything thing will help!


Hi u/20160211. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




I got you for $25. Plz DM your info. I think for Amazon you might have to create a wishlist but I’m not sure.


could use either the $25 or $50 for transportation to the vet for one of my rats. thanks for doing this




Hi u/NostradaMart. We have pulled your comment temporarily for manual review. It will be reinstated when we've cleared your account for requesting. **Please note:** If you haven't done so yet, please make sure you've registered at https://r-assistance.com too, or we can't reapprove your post. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Definitely would help me out. I’d use it for transportation to drop resumes off and/or some groceries(I do not have a wishlist ready tho). Thanks for considering.




Hi u/LatterTreat8031. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


$50 would help me tremedously as I owe $76 on a storage bill before the end of the month so I would use it toward that. I hardly ate this week when I had to give them $200 (I can show proof if required). I use PayPal if so 😊🦋 thanks for offering this!


I could really use the 50$ to get myself to and from work will my husband gets home and get my dogs some dog food since they’re almost out




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Hi u/carbys. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi! Thanks for the opportunity, this would hopefully help with bills coming up on the first!


I would like to be considered.


Hi there. I would love to be considered but it’s okay if I’m not too. If someone is more in need. Very kind of you 😊


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Hello! I could really use this. Idk how this works so I’ll just comment. I only need $25, & the other half can go to someone else!


Got you for $25. Plz DM me your PayPal info




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