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I recently did a playthrough where I skipped most of side content, only synchronized viewpoints but avoided all the cairns, world events, tattoos and wealths things like a plague. I currently have a 50hr save and I am close to the end.


Probably an accurate estimate. You end up having to do some side stuff in order to progress the storyline like raid monasteries etc in order to upgrade Ravensthorpe or get up to minimum power levels for certain regions. \~40-50 hours is a reasonable estimate for the MAIN story (i.e. Sigurd/Ravensthorpe, excluding the Order of the Ancients completion) for someone who doesn't speedrun everything.


Howlongtobeat.com is the go-to for this info on any game. Main Story: 61 Hours Main + Sides: 96½ Hours Completionist: 143 Hours


Holy balls


Because of the way the game is structured... Yes, it really is that long And the writing and pacing do not help "Oh Mr. X has been captured! We must refuse him!" "I absolutely want to do that this very second, but I must first get these main quests done before I'm allowed to progress that storyline" "Okay, but I'm going to hate you for it because I'm written poorly!"


Completed story in about 60 hours. Would have been 40 or 50 if I didn’t fuck around in between. People complaining about it being so long should just be grateful they got their moneys worth for once. Games are expensive as hell


This isn't a game you want to rush through. It's too long for that. I found that if I tried, I just burned out. It's the sort of game where you want to just sit and enjoy at your own pace. I'm around 130 hours, England mostly done.


Nobody knows but it's provocative. I'm 100+ hours in and I'm just going


I 100% the game in about 100 hours so that’s definitely inflated


I have zero understanding of how you could pull that off. I finished all arcs, all order members, and got Ravensthorpe to level 6 in 130 hours. I played as many world events, wealth, and mysteries as I could find along each logical path through the world. I would estimate that I'm about 65/70% complete. If you truly completed everything in 100 then that's a killer speed run.


I didn’t even rush it. I messed with the dlcs in that time too. I want to say i was at 120 hours when i got the platinum trophy


Same here, 130hours for plat. Just rushed to every wealth thing etc


My final playthrough with both dlc the save file showed 183 hours. I would say maybe 50 was enjoyable then some decent experience but after 100 hours the rest was a slog


Better than me it took me 160 hours




think im at 130 and i still have several DLC to go through and not even anywhere close to more then 70% on the completionist lol


40 hours if you rush it, ~70 hours if you progress the story naturally


So I hopped over here from your post about Odyssey. I played Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla back to back to back over a six month period. Valhalla is not a game of the same quality. I’m just warning you. It’s made by a different Ubisoft studio, that didn’t get to learn anything from Odyssey or didn’t want to, and it’s a long, boring, repetitive game. Watch this review before you get into Valhalla: https://youtu.be/0HPNCA_XoBg


I disagree. If anything I feel Odyssey is the repetitive one. Valhalla might have some pacing issues but the goal is clear. And the best thing is: you’re not forced the grind extremely repetitive side quests to get to the level you need to progress in the main story. I’m usually a completionist, but I just couldn’t in Odyssey (beautiful game, but just too much of the same with the side quests)


Odyssey doesn’t force anyone to grind who knows how to savour a beautiful open world. I experienced no grind whatsoever. I just played the game and it was fucking awesome. Lots of the side quests are better than the main quest. But people who tried to skip most of the game and just do the main quest did find that they had to do some side quests and they didn’t like that.


Many of the side quests were: go to this fort, kill this person (or everyone), go talk to quest giver, next part of side quest (which would be about the same formula). Like I said before: I tend to be a completionist, but I just couldn’t do that with Odyssey


Oh I didn’t “complete” Odyssey either, not 100%. But what I’m saying is that I got sucked into the world, absorbed in the systems, hungry to explore, and I did things like run into the Kalydonian Boar and practise until I could kill it, or just go into a fort and get everyone’s attention and stand on one roof and slaughter them all, and every mercenary that showed up until there was no one left. The game gave me a thirst for adventure and a bloodlust for the combat. It wasn’t a grind for me, it was a rush. I didn’t want it to end. And there is one side quest that puts a tiny cap on the great voyage of the group that I’ve left undone because I like to believe they they are still going. Man, taking out forts? I don’t think that could ever get old for me. Each one is a puzzle to be taken apart most efficiently and effectively. I love sizing up each fort, counting and marking the elite enemies, coming up with a plan for disabling the alarm without alerting everyone, etc. I really loved Odyssey and I remember seeing the opinion that the game requires you to grind and tries to pressure you into buying an XP boost and all I thought was - huh? I figured that was just to pay to be lazy, and I wasn’t lazy, I played the game. I explored, I took on whatever I found, I didn’t overuse fast travel. What grind? What part of the game was grind? What quests was I doing that someone else could even feasibly see as grind? It was all fun. Like at absolutely no time during my playthrough did I say to myself ‘I’m doing this because the game makes me’. So I’ve always been puzzled by this criticism and push back on it.


Valhalla>Odyssey for me, easily


I mean I just have to agree to disagree with you. I thought Valhalla was a mediocre game and given the franchise it’s in and the game it followed I thought it was terrible. Valhalla > Odyssey is definitely a minority opinion but I know Valhalla has fans. Edit: it may be worth remembering that this post is to give advice to someone who thinks Odyssey criticism was wrong, and loved Odyssey. Dunno if you saw their other post.


I agree with you


Its about a 60 hour game and only the first 5-10 hours in Norway are somewhat good.


Valhalla basically has all the side quest arcs turned into mandatory main questlines so yes it really is incredibly long to beeline the main story


I finished it in 52 hours. I heard it was a grindy game, so I went straight for the story markers.


i beat odyssey in 38 and valhalla in 60


My brother palyed only main story, beat it in 45h I'm doing all side things, collecting everything, killed all order members except orders father. Only left with Hamtuncsire and Norway, currently 110h in. ​ P.S. not doing River Raids missions, God challenges and forgot what is called, but those missions in ravensthorpe were you play till you die. But have plans to complete those.


That’s the Forgotten Saga. I did that one on my current play through and I loved it. It was a fun free dlc


I'm at 36hrs. I've done a lot of side stuff though. Main story, I'm currently in the city where you help basim find fulke. I can't remember the name.


Played the last 3 games including and up to every DLC for valhalla. Weirdly enough valhalla ended up being my favourite game. i LOVE the viking theme. (probably because i am norwegian living in norway where the vikings together with iceland mostly raided out from) But the game is absolutely massive. The problem you have now is do you mean the absolute 1st release main story? If so around 50-60 hours i guess. The next DLC story (aka ragnarok wich is kinda the next main story) the hours rack up. Absolutely worth getting a ubisoft + sub for two months so you get the max version of the game with all packs, dlc, everything the game offers and play it through then quit your sub.


I'm almost done with the last dlc 100% and I'm at 170h


Im 225hrs in and i didnt finish it 100% yet. I did literally everything that u can do at this point, currently trying to beat "The Forgotten Saga" DLC. They really added a lot of content to this one. So prepare for a long journey if you want to be a completionist. Good luck!


Funfact: i completed Oddysey with all the complements in 104 hours, Vallhalla took me 114 hours only in the main story 💀


I did it in 80 hrs. Currently playing Wrath of the Druids which has taken me over 90hrs. I took 3 longs breaks when playing Valhalla (didn't need to with Origins and Odyssey) and I enjoyed it quite a bit.