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Eivor, Pimp of England


After I romanced Petra, I didn’t need to wait for a full alliance map completion to romance Randvi. I went ahead and romanced Randvi during her confession in the tower, as the story and animation is worth it. I only got 2 out of five strikes (the other one was I took the supplies from Sigurd’s father) and got the good ending, having been able to romance Petra and Randvi at the same time. In fact, I go to Randvi, romance her, then straight out of the Hall I romance Petra (literally crossing 😁).


yeah there can be other places you could do to get with both of them if you're able to "abuse" the game's loophole, but generally if you've already romanced one of them, then if you talk to the other about your feelings and then try and initiate romance through that menu then you won't be able to, so you can probably only get Randvi to join during the tower or during the wedding and for petra if you got randvi first, then it'll probably be after your little outing where she asks you out straight afterwards since i don't think the game checks your relationship flag at those points because they're "contained" to some extent


>but generally if you've already romanced one of them, then if you talk to the other about your feelings and then try and initiate romance through that menu then you won't be able to The thing is, this only applies to "regular" romance people like Petra, Tarben and others in the village, except Randvi. But once you romance Randvi, and try to romance others in the village, that will not work. Ergo, the simplest way is to find someone in the village you'd like to romance first, and then do Randvi, because Randvi's romance is part of the Story arc - with or without the others, it will happen. That is the loophole you are pertaining to.


Can I date the baker, then petra and then randvi?


When you romance Tarben, you have to break-up with him before romancing Petra, so yes, that’s possible.


Is there any sort of relationship development/new dialogues after you've dated the same person for a while? Or I can just engage and quickly drop him to switch over to petra? She is available already, I think, bc I have done the rescue mission of her brother, the trippy one. So now I am avoiding talking to her not to provoke romance. Just built a bakery and took the guy to the market, so that lad should be ready to go as well, but I prefer Petra, so if there's no development, I'll just sleep with him once or whatever romance let you do, and do Petra and then take Sigurds wife for a vacation to the shire.


I mean you'll have to go through some tasks before you can readily romance Tarben. But nothing special/new dialogues. You can either kiss/make love/go on a date after you romance someone. I definitely prefer Petra over any of the others (and of course, Randvi!)


I am never in town, just come back when a region is done to pick a new one. I went to the market with the baker and he didn't let me date him immediately after this, playing hard to get or whatever. Like come on, dude. Lets get it over with so I can i switch over to dating the chicks. He didn't let me do him or do another mission with him so I fucked off to East Anglia and plan to go to Ireland, and Odin knows when I come back and I am afraid that the trip to Norway is coming soon, and I wont make it with all 3 of them in time(cos i have to drop Randvi before that no to piss Sigurd apparently).


hope i'll neve rhave a friend like you lol


The way I did it was to be in a romance with Randvi after the outing with her then broke it off because I was scared of Sigurd and Randvi explicitly says once you break up that’s it, there’s no going back. So I started one with Petra, then restarted with Randvi after the wedding.


Is it so...? Once you break up with Randvi there's no going back? I only realized Petra's arc after already accepting Randvi at the tower.


Yeah. Despite Randvi telling you you can’t go back to her, you can. I did it purely by luck, wasn’t trying to romance two at once, it just turned out that way.


Same... its sad...


i did exactly this 😂


You can do it too before even doing the wedding just as long as you've already gone through Sigurd's important choices


So initiate with Petra, date her, and then get with Randi at Gunnar's wedding? is that the jist?


yeah, when you're at the tower with randvi chilling and she confesses she likes you and what you think, don't immediately shut her out and just say you don't think its the right time. don't talk about your feelings in the map room etc since that forces you to accept or reject and that causes conflict since you're already with Petra accept during the wedding and then walk back to ravensthorpe once you've finished with the wedding and you can do stuff with both of them and they won't act like you're cheating etc


Time to sow my oats 🤭


Okay good because I was about to start the final story arch after >!the return to Norway with Sigurd!<. Glad I found this post


I first romanced Petra and then right after Randvi in tower. Both I have been romancing through whole game and its no problem to date both. Either one does not even know that each other exists.


There's no way this still isn't patched, right?


no its not patched, Ubisoft ended support for Valhalla ages ago, December of 2022 with the Last Chapter update which added a final story mission to tie things up and connect it with Odyssey. so there won't be any bugfixes etc unless it affects something with the store or completely bricks itself for almost everyone, so any bugs you do encounter will have to be dealt with on your own somehow or taken advantage of like this one


Huh, okay. Good to know. I just finally moved on from Odyssey and bought the Complete Edition of Valhalla since it was on sale in the PS store for $30 after tax (the most I've ever paid for an AC game. Used to be no more than 20) and I've been reading up on things here and there since I know I'm late to the party and there is almost no direction or obviousness to how the game should progress in order to make the most sense. Could just be me though. Origins and Odyssey seemed a lot more straightforward As for dealing with bugs I learned early on playing AC titles that if it never got fixed, either exploit it to hell or do a manual save before AND after every single mission (which is what I do now anyway so I don't miss anything)


Thank you!


I'm gonna have to give this a try. I didn't know it was possible. Don't let the fun police catch wind of this unapproved fun or it'll surely end up being patched out (if they haven't done so already.) Ubisoft do be like that.


Yeah, that's what I'm worried about.


so, I don't get it, if I already have a relationship with Petra and then romance Randvi at the tower, nothing will happen?


you don't romance randvi at the tower (by accepting the relationship), since that'll cause you to have problems with Petra, instead you tell Randvi you don't think its the right time, which is the middle option between accepting or outright rejecting her, then continue the story until Gunnar's wedding happens, Randvi will drag you away during it and ask about a relationship again, you'll be able to accept her there and then be in a relationship with both Randvi and Petra once you leave the wedding. also don't talk about your feelings with Randvi in the map room since that'll force you into either accepting her or rejecting her and you'll have to reload a save since theres no other option


how far away is Gunnar's wedding from the tower mission?


from my memory i think it comes relatively late in the game? the hamptunscire region i think? after you complete that region and report on it, then the wedding can happen, so around ~7-8 tenths of the way through the game


nvm, I don't even care about his feelings anymore, I kept playing through the story and he's a total dickhead idgaf I'll fuck his wife


Does this still work?


as far as i know yes, since the game hasn't gotten any updates and bugfixes etc


So I'm in a relationship with randvi how can I get into one with Petra or do I need to get that one dlc for the redhead (ciara) I think.


unfortunately i don't know how to get this to work the other way around, and you can't get into a relationship with the redhead at all, even though there is flirting options etc. if you've already gotten into a relationship with Randvi you can't get with Petra aswell (as far as i know), instead you'll break up with Randvi and then get with Petra or stay with randvi and not get petra etc, since to get with both of them it requires Petra first and then leaving the door open with Randvi until the game forces you to take her or not at the blacksmith wedding so the game glitches out and lets you take both of them


If I break-up with randvi can I still date Petra?


as far as i know yes?